When the camera switches, Jing Shaofan's tall posture disappears. When Junxi looks back at the smiling man beside her, the ambiguous and misunderstood words are still ringing in her ears, but she follows him without saying a word!

Flight w9854 to city a has started boarding. Please

The spacious and bright airport hall is full of beautiful voice of stewardess. When Junxi finally takes a look at this small country which has only lived for a few days, her eyes are full of unspeakable emotions. Starting from the pier of P City, they have changed several times before they arrived. In the small country, she can't get any news about jingshaofan, and she doesn't know the situation of a city, but she doesn't want to hear it in the airport!

Mo Qian doesn't like foreign countries. She has clearly felt it in these short days!

When you want to go back to a city, you still don't reject it.

Mo Qian's arm on his shoulder was slightly forced. The corners of his mouth were smiling, but the bottom of his eyes were cool. He said, "Mu Junxi, your reputation in a city is notorious. No one doesn't know you. Are you sure you want to go back? A woman with thousands of people riding on thousands of people's pillows, do you think that Jing Shaofan still needs a pillow? "

When you reach out and push Mo Qian's arm away, Junxi turns to face him and says, "Mo Qian, don't talk as if it really happened. You know what I am! The people around you are also very clear! "

From being tied up to today, in the past 20 days, except Mo Qian and a few men occasionally, there are only women around her, countless women of Mo Qian!

Blowing a loud whistle, Mo Qian seems to be a little ruffian, but also make the women around can't help but side eyes.

With his hands around his chest, Mo Qian looked at the woman in front of him and asked, "we know very well, but is Jing Shaofan clear?"

In a word, Shi Junxi's mind is full of words just from Tang Yue's mouth!

Let's not talk about what she said for a moment. Let's talk about the days when she was alone with Mo Qian in this small country. Coupled with Mo Qian's reputation in China, when she went back, she was doomed not to hear the pleasant words from others!

"Shijun, which man in the world doesn't mind being hooded?" He opened his mouth with a smile. More and more people were walking towards the gate. But Mo Qian suddenly put out his hand and pulled her to the side with a smile. It was going to P City flight, said, "if you want me to say, back to a city, OK, wait for Jing Shaofan to find you, or wait for you to find him!"

When you have no choice, you are dragged away. You can't help but watch a city go away!

She wants to escape from Mo Qian, but once she leaves now, she will enter the country illegally. Mo Qian doesn't know where she came from. Her great power can control her well, and any behavior will be monitored!

That gesture is a bit like Jing Shaofan before he was driven out by Jing family!

On the plane, shijunxi looks at the white clouds outside the window, and her mind wanders.

To tell you the truth, she doesn't blame Jing Shaofan for what happened today, only fate!

All this may be the ordeal and disaster between her and Jing Shaofan. If she gets through it, it may be a short story of "the hero and heroine meet and live a happy life after they know and love each other". There are thousands of such stories in the world, which are ordinary happiness and simple happiness. But there is a saying that "nine out of ten things in life are not satisfactory.", With such a large proportion of "disappointments", she only met them when she was young. She firmly believes that her life after suffering is also "happy and happy"!

The Mou son slowly closes, when the gentleman Xi didn't notice nearby originally early fall asleep but wake up to stare at her to see Mo Qian for a long time.

Get up and go to the bathroom, Mo Qian uses to get in touch with the people on the ground, after learning the situation of a city, the corners of his mouth are cool!

Xiaoya, did she really enter the Jing family?


P city is still the house blocked in the alley.

It has been a week since she came back from Xiaoguo. Under the supervision of Mo Qian, she has no contact with the outside world.

That night, another strange woman stepped into the room. Shijunxi was cooking food for herself by the open kitchen. Maybe she was running around with moqian recently. In addition to the great mental pressure, shijunxi's body was overdrawn. Her body became thinner and thinner, and her small face became more delicate!

A woman steps into Mo Qian's bedroom. When Mo Qian comes out of the bathroom, she suddenly remembers something. When she turns on the TV, she can turn it on by herself, but she hasn't touched it. After changing the TV, Mo Qian steps into the bedroom with a smile on her face!

Soon, there was a roar in the room.

When Junxi cooked a large bowl of dumplings, sitting on the carpet and looking up at the TV, there was no emotion in her smart eyes.

At first, she would feel angry or humiliated, but now, she doesn't!

In her eyes, Mo Qian is no different from a boar!

Delicious dumplings are in front of you. Shijunxi is eating slowly, but his eyes are printed with the appearance of men on TV.

Jing Shaoyuan!

It is reported that Jing's family has returned to city a from abroad this morning. After disappearing for some time, Jing's family is much thinner, but his spirit is especially good. It was said that Jing's family left because he could not accept his wife's fake pregnancy and kidnapping his younger sister-in-law. Now when he came back, did he really put it down?——It is reported that the Jing family still does not have the slightest support for the second young master of the Jing family, Jing Shaofan. Even today, more than a month after the second young lady of the Jing family and miss Mu's disappearance, the Jing family still does not have the slightest expression. Is it true that the second young master of the Jing family has been kicked out of the Jing family, and the Jing family no longer cares, or do they have any opinions on the young lady?

In three minutes, our station will broadcast an exclusive interview with Jing Jia Da Shao


When you blow a mouthful of hot dumplings with your eyes drooping, you move your eyes smartly. After waiting for three minutes, the TV station begins to broadcast.

Originally, it was a live broadcast. The camera followed the reporter's figure and went straight to Jing Shaoyuan. Just after arriving at the hotel in city a, it politely knocked on the door, but after waiting for a few seconds, no one came to open the door. The reporter awkwardly turned back to the topic and waited quietly, but the picture was inexplicable Cry

"Ah Ah Shao fan, take it easy Take it easy... "

As soon as the voice came out, the dumplings in Junxi's mouth were tasteless. He looked at the picture pale!

The reporter at the door suddenly found that it was not right. Before he recovered, reporters who didn't know where to get the news swarmed up. The unlocked door was pushed open in an instant, and the pictures inside were displayed in front of all the audience in an instant!

Tang Yue is lying naked on the bed. Jing Shaoyuan is holding love in his hand

"Ah Ah Shaofan Shaofan... " Crazy chanting, Tang Yue's eyes are full of joy!

Shijunxi frowned in front of the TV. After confirming that the people inside were Tang Yue and Jing Shaoyuan, she immediately turned to the garbage can and began to vomit. The midnight snack she had just eaten was instant, but when she looked up and saw the chaos in the picture, she couldn't help but raise her mouth!

Camera slightly swept to one side, live. Spring. Palace is no longer staged, but Tang Yue's charming voice is still passing!

Smart eyes look at the direction of Mo Qian bedroom, the fundus is disdain and ridicule!

It is estimated that even he did not expect that Tang Yue and Jing Shaoyuan would be caught in bed, right?