Chapter 71 Awakened Humans Who Were Keith's Supporters

Name:Ultimate System Creator Author:

Keith flapped his cloth wings and descended from the roof of a building towards the ground near the dimensional gate. He arrived near most of the awakened and in front of the SSS-rank awakened humans.

Noticing Keith's arrival, the awakened humans whether they were S-rank or SSS-rank, immediately became orderly and they no longer cared about the red dragon's corpse and instead, they focused on formally presenting themselves in front of Keith.

As the Ultimate Philanthropist, Keith's reputation was very high and almost everyone knew him. Although only his subordinates and a few trusted allies of his knew about his identity as the hidden boss and emperor of humanity, Keith's identity as the Ultimate Philanthropist was more than enough to make himself known to the entire world.

Not to mention, Keith was registered as an SSS-rank awakened human and his girlfriend was the only X-rank awakened human on planet Earth. That additional identity made the rest of the awakened humans docile and submissive toward Keith.

They can't even call him a gigolo for depending on his girlfriend since Keith's power was at SSS-rank yet even the SSS-rank awakened humans didn't have confidence in defeating Keith. For comparison, Keith was at the peak of the SSS-rank while most SSS-rank awakened humans were still at the early or mid-stage of SSS-rank.Continue reading on N0 VêLbIn

As for Sherry, she was currently at the peak of X-rank and it won't be long until she became an XX-rank awakened human.

When Keith arrived in front of the awakened humans, the awakened humans saluted towards Keith while the SSS-rank awakened humans walked towards him and halted their advancement when they arrived a few meters in front of him.

Seeing the SSS-rank awakened humans in front of him, Keith asked. "Have you all seen and discovered the identity of the creature that entered the dimensional gate?"

Even if Keith became stronger than them and even the strongest in the world, they wouldn't feel jealous and unfair since they knew that Keith deserved it! Not to mention, some of the S-rank and above awakened humans who participated in the defense of the second monster invasion were Keith's fans and supporters.

They were the ones who had suffered in life due to poverty or their family succumbing to cancer and other severe illness but the McDowell Foundation that was founded by Keith had provided financial support to them. Even those who suffered from illnesses were sent to the hospital under the McDowell Foundation and those victims didn't need to pay for the hospital bills.

Because of Keith's selfless acts, the McDowell Foundation was very prominent in the entire world and it received the support of the public. Of course, Keith never cared about the money he had wasted to help those in need since even if he wasn't good, he also wasn't evil.

Rather than wasting his money on golden or even diamond toilets as well as designer trash bags, Keith preferred to spend his money for the greater good. After all, it's not like he could spend all of the money he had in his lifetime since at least 40% of the world's money was his funds.

And if he included the money that was obtained by the countries under him... Let's just say that he could literally create a sea of gold coins and swim on it like that certain cartoon duck.

Most of the people in the world were grateful to Keith's charities and those who weren't, were likely criminals. Because of that, it was inevitable for Keith's supporters to become awakened humans.

Some of his supporters were already at S-rank and a few were even in SSS-rank. Keith with his Eyes of Heaven knew that the loyalty of his supporters wasn't fake so he was very pleased when seeing the awakened humans were his supporters.

'This is why I don't regret helping these tool men. As long as you pay a million, you can obtain the loyalty and even the life of a person.'

'This is why I love doing charity!'