"Thunder magic, heaven comes to justice!"

"Light magic, light of death!"

"Gold magic, blade flying!"


If there is a beautiful woman's voice to explain the magic, but the magic encapsulated in the alchemy missile is just silently cast and harvesting the enemy Fortunately, there is no life, making such a battle, always stay in the competition stage To be honest, that's what ivy is most satisfied with. In many cases, he is not a killer.

The magic is encapsulated in missiles The missile is stable through alchemy Rune and array, propelled by burning alchemy combustible materials, flickering through magic magnetic field, and pursuing through the way of spirit

It embodies the beauty of magic technology.

At this time, Ivy can relax and enjoy the double beauty of being a magician and an alchemist.

It's so cool, relaxed and bright!

In addition to enjoying the high-level "fireworks" brought by his own efforts, Ivey also carefully records the killing efficiency of various kinds of magic, so as to improve the attack means, especially the magic fighting mode of puppets.

These are all feeling the stone to cross the river. Not only he, the whole alchemy Association, thousands of alchemists, no one understands the significance of this large magic puppet battle. If it wasn't for evey's participation, they might not have understood it for the rest of their lives.

Only in the operation of the national large army, or some accumulated puppets have been formed into a system, but they will soon be submerged in such a battle because of a large amount of consumption and high cost.

From now on, I will rewrite the alchemist's combat mode. Liberate them from the position of a helper, or a vanguard, and return them to the glory of Lord C!

Well, this white silk like magic, like spider silk, belongs to a kind of animal and plant mimicry magic It can instantly fix the alchemy puppets and make them lose their combat effectiveness For example, the magic of "spider web love" can protect itself and imprison the enemy These are still so decisive in general battles. After all, magic is dead, and magicians are alive. The opponent even needs a few simple water magic to dissolve it. But for the present alchemy puppets, it's simply killing Well, two more have fallen down with this kind of magic, ness!

Well, take out the little book. I'm going to keep a good record of it all. Why, it sounds like


A black line is not conspicuous in the dark low sky, but it splits the puppet in front of him in two The puppet did not explode, there was no oil, no medicine, no circuit, only a small amount of magic power. They were not directly hit. Therefore, the puppet fell into two pieces on the ground without a sound The incision is smooth and neat.

Ivy's eyes froze for a moment. What a powerful "dimensional string saw" simulates space cracks to some extent. However, compared with low energy and low destructive power, it is controllable and moves fast. Moreover, for puppets and even many mages with high-grade armor, the damage power is enough, reaching the level of killing with one stroke and one second That's enough. It's amazing. It's cool.

This is Ivy's improved However, it has not been used in the mage's battle. After all, there are too many ways for the battle mage. This kind of one-dimensional magic may not be able to change the war situation. Two mages face each other in a decisive battle. Every time they take a hand, every magic must be carefully selected. A mistake may lead to the failure of the whole battle. The failure of the battle, more than 80%, means his own death. Therefore, no one dares to ignore it, even ivy is no exception.

But now, when facing the enemy's soldiers, their own soldiers can test all kinds of alchemy attack means, including the flammable and explosive alchemy magic potion inside, using the "physical" means of explosive attack, or sealing all kinds of magic methods, magic array, runes and so on In short, the alchemist's characteristics will be brought into full play.

This is not what Ivy expected, because although the alchemist's attack means are ever-changing, for a certain fixed form, in fact, high-efficiency means, together with some emergency and insurance preparation means, should only be reasonable With the deepening of the battle and the understanding of both sides, various kinds of creative ideas emerge in endlessly But now, we are still feeling the stone across the river, no one has any experience, it is just a war iteration.

So Ivy needs to record every method that works in his opinion, and constantly improve these methods before he comes up with the most efficient way to concentrate War must learn from the war, and continue to grow and iterate. This is what the God of war should do in the usual sense

Binding is effective and cutting is effective. Although the former retains the enemy, the enemy has little combat effectiveness. The latter concentrates its energy on a short period of time and can also instantly disintegrate the enemy's combat effectiveness Wait a minute. A guy put up his shield in time. At the same time, the alloy shell on his chest is very hard Visually, this guy didn't reach the legendary level But it belongs to a special type of defense puppet, such as stab defense, cutting and other offensive methods It's interesting.The most interesting thing about real combat is that there will be all kinds of accidents. Even if you have planned everything, it can jump out of the plan However, at present, this is only a small jump Because there are too many enemies, to be exact, the number of puppets is just like that, which can't surprise ivy. But there are many alchemists standing behind them, forming various styles. In addition, everyone has different needs, so the whole enemy camp becomes almost a puppet exhibition of all kinds

It's a pity that Ivy doesn't want to destroy such interesting things So, it's really necessary to walk around and see more. Even in this way, Ivy will be happy It seems that I am a born alchemist.

Well, this kind of explosive attack is also very good, especially the "bat shock wave" of the spirit In front of this puppet, a line of puppets of the enemy held their heads at the same time. It seemed that there was endless pain beyond words Suddenly, I sympathized with them. If it was a puppet who suffered a large-scale energy shock and was unable to defend, it would probably short circuit and fall to the ground silently. And these puppets, they are the ghost

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