The accident happened suddenly. Above the sky, the yellow light wave chased the plane at high speed and hit the plane as it was about to fly out of the atmosphere.

"What?" Zhang Jie sat in the back seat of the plane behind him, holding on to the armrest tightly, barely holding his body. However, the wooden court in front of him was not so lucky. The plane suddenly vibrated at high speed, which soon knocked out the pilot in front of him.

Seeing that the plane began to lose control and gradually fell, Zhang Jie decisively took out the shapeshifter in his arms and changed without hesitation.

The silver giant appeared in the sky, with white light condensing between his hands, wrapped the falling plane and flew to the ground with it.

But in mid air, he suddenly stopped, dragging the light ball wrapped in the plane with one hand and blocking it with the other. The white light barrier unfolded and three yellow light waves were received.

Sylvia looked in the direction of the light wave and saw the shamans on the ground. When he was stunned, he suddenly turned his head and saw that on the ground behind him, there were two similar looking shamans fighting with Max and Jeno respectively.

There are three giant shamanists?!

Obviously, in order to deal with the three altmans on earth, the shamans are well prepared. They may even have more than three!

Sylvia gently lifted his hand. The white ball of light wrapped the plane and the people inside quickly drifted away, and finally landed far away from the battlefield.

Jeno and Max temporarily distance themselves from the two shamans in front of them and fall on both sides of selvia.

The three AOS looked at each other, and together they looked at the three shamanists, putting on a fighting style.

The three Sharma people also got together and made some provocative actions to the three Altman opposite.

The Shamanist in the middle is the guy with a small stomach. On both sides of him, one is a little tall, the other is a little short, and there are some differences in length. However, their personalities are very similar, and they are not in shape.

Red tea stands on the re invisible spaceship, and finally has an action.

Meister, they are fully ready to show their achievements in this battle in front of the red tea.

Red tea's body gradually turned into wisps of black fog, disappeared, only the black umbrella was blown farther and farther by the wind.

Inside the spaceship, seven or eight Sharma people are gathering together, looking at the high-tech screen in front of them, laughing and pointing like watching some funny movie. They have not found the dark fog gradually gathering behind them.

Red tea came out of the black fog, stepped on the pure white floor and looked inside the spaceship.

The interior decoration of this spaceship is very luxurious, and there is also a little earth style. It seems that these Sharma people have no little understanding of the earth culture.

The darkness began to spread from the place where he stood, infecting the full sunlight inside the spaceship into darkness. With the spread of darkness, the bright lights inside the spaceship flickered and finally went out completely.

This group of shamanists finally realized that it was wrong. They turned their heads and saw the darkness that was about to spread to their feet and the red tea walking slowly in the darkness.

"Da, Da, Da..." The footsteps are getting closer and louder.

Several Xiama people gathered together and looked at the approaching darkness in horror. They looked at dozens of pairs of scarlet light spots suddenly appeared behind the red tea in horror.

"Ah --" these shamanists screamed bitterly and were completely engulfed by the darkness. Their bodies were white and disappeared soon.

"Catch them all."

Red tea's emotionless voice rang out. Aliens with different looks came out of the darkness behind him and bowed to him obediently. Then they scattered. Some scattered to capture the escaping shamanists, and some began to take over the spaceship.

The mehistrians came to the back of the red tea and respectfully asked, "my Lord, the spaceship in the space is ready."

Red tea nodded, looked at the big screen, three timers began flashing red light, showing fatigue of the three Altman, said to it: "directly destroy that thing."

"Yes The mehistrians got the command, took out the communicator, and gave the command to the other side, "my Lord's command, destroy the reflector."

There is no reply on the other side of the communication, and there is no need to reply.

In less than ten seconds, the artificial sun above the sky burst out a huge firelight, and then gradually went out. The sky of the island instantly changed from incandescent day to bright moonlight night.

"My Lord, the shamanists have been arrested." An alien walked not far behind the red tea, stood still, raised his hand respectfully, holding a special cage in his hand, in which several Sharma people were only ten centimeters high.

This is the essence of Shamanism.

Red tea glanced at it, then looked away indifferently and looked at the screen of the spaceship.

Because of the restoration of the night, the three arrogant shamanists instantly uttered a panic call, and their huge bodies lit up white light and gradually disappeared.The three altmans looked at each other with some doubts. Sylvia suddenly raised his head and tried to find the Shamanist spaceship. He thought of the red tea standing on the spaceship he had just seen.

He had an inexplicable premonition that the artificial sun in the sky had been destroyed. It was red tea's hand. The spaceship should have been taken over by red tea, too

After confirming that there was no abnormality around, the incident was solved, and the three altmans took off into the sky.

"Take those guys down there, and remember to get them back."

Red tea gave the order, the whole person disappeared.

After the red tea left, the mehists gave the order in an orderly way again, and looked at several shivering shamanists who were locked in a cage.

Wang didn't tell me what to do with these guys So it's enough to make sure these guys don't die

Messister star people think of this, bad red eyes look at these guys who dare to threaten their own king before.

The shamanists, who are aware of their future destiny, are as follows: Ah - "

red tea reappeared on the top of a mountain. Instead of rushing back to the base, he walked slowly down from the top of the mountain. Although his movement seemed very slow, he went down very fast. In a flash, he appeared ten meters away.

With his pace, the dense white fog began to spread from the top of the mountain, and soon covered the whole mountain.

On the way, red tea threw down two monster cards. The sharp corners of the two cards were firmly inserted into the ground. The moonlight was shining. The virtual shadow of the monster was shown on the above monster pattern, and two roars of the beast were made, so it was quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!