Since Tongye couldn't say it, red tea wouldn't mind her own business.

"I added a firewall to your computer," Hongcha handed the recovered computer to Tongye. "This will probably not happen in the future."

Tongye took over the computer: "thank you."

Red tea waved her hand casually: "then keep busy. I won't disturb you. "

Tongye nodded and continued to work overtime.


The next day, red tea saw the news that Qingye city was occupied by big mushrooms.

Red tea: "Oh, what a big mushroom."

In the TV, a huge red mushroom covering almost half of the city is standing in the center of the city. Strands of white hyphae take the mushroom as the center and spread in all directions. Every building and every street is occupied by these hyphae. It seems that there is no room for human survival.

All of a sudden, the TV picture in front of me turned, the original live picture disappeared, the picture showed a kind of gray black, white words appeared one by one, soon occupied the whole TV screen.

This scene is very familiar, and like the computer of Tongye last night, the big mushroom occupied the network cable, and sent out a farewell book to mankind.

"Oh, I have a lot of guts." Red tea drank a drink, "however, now the human is really too dependent on technology, this time, the human crisis, probably will be human's own technology weapons."

But there's good news. At least today red tea don't have to go to work, by the way also called to go out of mana.

"Mana, I don't have to go to work today. Let's take a day off at home."

Mana took a look at the TV, nodded, went to the sofa and sat down. There was no movement.

Red tea Is the robot improving or not. In front of myself, not even a smile!

But when red tea slanders herself, mana suddenly asks, "can you go to the scene?"

"You want to help?" Red tea unexpectedly looking at mana, mana rarely take the initiative to ask him, generally only when he gives a choice will take the initiative to ask.

Mana didn't speak. She just looked at the TV without expression. Maybe she doesn't know why she went to the scene. In fact, every time when working, as long as the distance of monster is not very far, she will find a way to go to the scene. Even if she can't, she always pays attention to the news and doesn't want to miss every picture.

She didn't know why she insisted on it, but every time she just looked at it from a distance, she felt strange and strange.

She does not resist that feeling, but constantly seeking, perhaps like that feeling.

Seeing that mana couldn't say it, red tea didn't want to. Now he didn't understand it, and one day he would understand it, so he took out his coat and walked out the door: "well, let's go."

Mana stood up, followed him and walked out of the house.

After they left, Tongye yawned and walked out of the room. He took a look at the TV still on, turned it off, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and froze.

All the beer and canned coffee he had put in the refrigerator were replaced with drinks and milk

For a long time, Tongye face expressionless closed the refrigerator door, face expressionless back to the room, face expressionless installed the computer, carrying a computer bag, also out of the door. But two minutes later, Tongye opened the door again and entered the room. Then he threw his car key on the sofa.

Red tea, drive away! It's still the one without the key!


Mana watched red tea driving towards Qingye city. She didn't ask why red tea didn't blink directly or why she wanted to drive Tongye's car. She just sat in her seat and waited for red tea to take her to the scene.

Qingye city has been blocked at the moment, and the blockade is still expanding, because the scope of the mushroom is still growing.

Not surprisingly, red tea and mana were directly stopped on the way.

"Sorry, Qingye city has been occupied by monsters. It has been blocked. Please go back the same way." One of the ground guidance troops stopped the car. After the window rolled down, he politely said to Hongcha, "please cooperate."

Red tea showed a harmless smile, smilingly took out a certificate from the box of the car, spread out in front of this person: "Hello, I'm from TPC, please let me in."

The man looked at it carefully and found that it was really TPC's certificate. He immediately saluted: "it's impolite!"

A touch of dark red in his eyes flashed away, and he would not realize that the photo was not right, so he signaled other people to let it go.

Let go, red tea in a good mood will put the certificate back to the distance, humming a song with mana into the blockade.

Soon, he parked next to the white mycelium and got out with mana.

The black space-time hole unfolds under the vehicle and completely engulfs the black vehicle parked there. After all this, red tea just looked at the big mushroom in the center of the city.Mana's already scanning this thing. There was a slight blue light in her eyes. She swept the mycelium on the ground and analyzed what it was.

For a long time, the data flashed in Miss robot's eyes. It seemed that she knew something. She looked up at the huge mushroom.

"His noumenon is hidden there." Mana's eyes focused on where the mushroom was closest to the ground.

Red tea casual glance there, not very interested in turning away attention, but excitedly took out a card: "are you interested in fighting?"

Mana took a look at him. As soon as she was about to say something, she was interrupted by the roar of the fighters in the sky.

The people on the plane didn't find the two people sloshing on the ground. His main goal was the big mushroom.

Nakajima has taken samples, and now they are here to try to burn the mushroom.

Two fighters flew under the mushroom's umbrella, found the right position, and attacked the root of the mushroom.

The roots of giant mushrooms are attacked, and the extended hyphae are interrupted. However, this is not worth mentioning for those hyphae that are dense and spread all around like cobwebs. More hyphae grow out, and soon they will be wrapped in the position burned by the bullet fire, and soon recover as before.

This is not the end, more mycelium from above or below the ground, stretched out to the sky, swept toward the air fighter.

These long tentacle like hyphae form a network, and the two fighters are like prey trapped by cobwebs. They are wrapped by these hyphae and rolled to the ground without any movement.

Last night, the base computer of TPC was invaded. At the moment, it was unable to contact and support the trapped team members. The network of the fighter itself was also invaded so fast that even the cabin door could not be opened.

They were completely trapped. Only the team leader who stayed at the base, Ma Mei's "Ma Yi," and Nakajima ho of the laboratory had a chance to rescue them. But until Nakajima is analyzed, these people can't go out at will. , the fastest update of the webnovel!