The planet was soon swept away by red tea.

All the schumes were killed for no reason.

But what shocked Schum most was the last scene.

The monsters who solved the enemy raised their hair and roared. Under the roar of all the beasts, red tea, as the master, came out.

Darkness did not know where to gush out, from behind the red tea to the planet below.

At first it was just a black cloud, then the black cloud gradually expanded and spread across the sky, and then the whole planet.

In just half an hour, the whole planet was completely shrouded in darkness, turning the blue planet into black.

It's like It's like swallowing an entire planet.

Schum was shocked to see the scene below, and his mind was blank.

This What kind of monster is it?

Soon, the black fog slowly gathered and poured back into the body of red tea.

After breaking through the darkness, the monster arrives at a hidden card.

After the darkness was absorbed, looking at the dead planet below, red tea shook her head and flew back to the head of a big squid.

He's going to move on to the next battlefield.

After seeing the monster army of red tea, Schum immediately settled down a lot. It put away its own careful thinking, no longer engage in any careful thinking.

In this way, he completely settled down and honestly led the way for red tea.

After more than a month of raiding, the planet where Schum can be found is swept clean by the army of red tea.

After eating, red tea returned to the earth.

It's just the right day. Red tea, who has just returned to the earth, stretches and walks leisurely on the street.

Today is a peaceful day. On the day when Hongcha left, only a few monsters came out to make trouble, but because they were all in the wild, they did not cause much casualties.

People in the city have experienced a quiet life for a long time.

But some undercurrent is still surging in unknown places.

Like The game machines in the hands of the children on the street.

"Look at my new Saka!"

"My Biru is the best!"

"The name is so like a girl, how can it be powerful?"

"Nonsense, my monster is the most powerful."

"My new Saka is the best!"

"I'm the worst, Max!"

Three childish children quarrel, arguing whose monster is the most powerful.

The passers-by on the road looked at the three children curiously. After seeing the video game in their hands, they immediately understood the reason for their quarrel.

This is a very popular monster fighting game recently. It is very popular among children. Even some adults can't help playing this game.

Well, that's right. This is the game developed by Hongcha.

"Oh, is it on sale yet?" Red tea narrowed her eyes, turned her steps and walked towards the nearest game selling point, "go and have a look."

The game he developed himself is not fun. Isn't it too wasteful?


So, in the evening, when Tongye came back, he saw a dark robot sitting on the sofa, with a game console in his hand, fighting against the right one.


"Little shepherd, are you back?" Red tea took time to raise her head and said hello to Tongye, then she continued to play.

He and mana are not human beings, and the way they play games is naturally different from human beings.

Because They are directly connected to the game, and then directly control the game data.

This way is more flexible than the way to control the buttons, and also makes the monster fight a lot more real.

Listening to the fighting sound and the roar of the monster, Tongye forbeared, and finally went to see the game.

Mana's monster is similar to Barton's. she designed it by herself. She added some sharp barbs on the basis of Barton's appearance. She optimized and reduced the two poison sacs. Although she lost a little poison, she lost one weakness.

And the monster of red tea is a monster with too bright shape. This monster has a single horn, elegant body, looks like a bird, the color is bright silver, looks shiny, chest also has a silver gem, behind a long tail. Oh, by the way, there are colorful halos around

These features, a single out will be very good-looking, but combined together, the shape will become indescribable. How to describe it? It's like a big light bulb

Tong Ye pushed the glasses, and make complaints about his lips.

He tried to take his attention away from the shining monster in red tea, but he obviously failed, because the monster was not only attractive in appearance, but also dazzling in the way of playing skills.Yes, it's not cool. It's dazzling.

Can you think of a monster's chest jewel shining when it emits light? Is this trying to blind each other?

For the first time, Tongye had such serious doubts about Hongcha's aesthetics. When he did the monster drawing together, it seemed normal

Think of here, Tung wild no longer pay attention to fighting, but turned to the kitchen.

It's more important to eat first than to be blinded.

However, when eating, Tongye thought of one thing. In this monster fighting game, the final winner will be materialized, but what if red tea wins?

As soon as he thought that Dana was going to fight with such a monster, Tongye suddenly felt funny He has no doubt about the combat effectiveness of red tea, on this game and the monster itself, who can be better than red tea.

In this way, Dinah is likely to fight this monster

I hope Dinah's eyes can bear it.

He silently prayed for the birds, and then he indulged in the delicious food and forgot it.

And red tea and mana also don't care, two people addicted to the game, a few hours late, finally the game role of the monster full, can participate in the monster elimination.

The so-called monster elimination competition is all the monster fighting competitions in China. The final winner can get mysterious gifts.

What is the specific gift Er, I know about Hongcha and Tongye.

"This monster looks a little ugly." Make complaints about the red side and the children who do not know who is not sleeping at night.

Opposite him, mana is very quiet, sitting there playing games without saying a word, using her supercomputing to control her own monster, and beating the opposite Monster without fighting back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!