Chapter One Hundred and Six - 106

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter One Hundred and Six - 106

Training, Cal had said moments before, is about pushing your limits.

Felix stood in the sandy arena, breathing heavily and wincing at the two cuts to his left shoulder and right pectoral. He had wisely chosen to strip down to his trousers and boots alone. Harn stood across the way, wearing his simple tunic and pants, but also breathing heavily. The two silver axes he held in his grip shimmered, the faint crimson sheen of Felix's blood adding to their aura of menace.

How much can you handle?

Felix charged forward in an attempt to catch the man off guard, and threw a Corrosive Strike. Harn blocked it with his axe, diverting the blow to the side and swinging his other weapon low.

Felix simply jumped, breaking contact and launching himself up by fifteen feet. Relentless Charge sent him hurtling back toward the ground, where he landed with an explosive blast. Sand burst upward and the stone floor beneath shattered, sending shrapnel flying everywhere.

Before the cloud cleared, Harn burst through the sand swinging. Felix dodged his blows, barely, his Agility just enough to avoid Harn's obvious Axe Mastery. But only if he focused his entire attention on it and fought defensively.

Dodge is level 27!

He grunted and used his fists to punch the hafts of Harn's weapons, sending them backward for a half-second. He lashed out with a kick.

Harn took the kick straight to the chest, and for a brief moment the warrior's eyes widened in surprise. Then he tumbled backward, smashing into and through the crude wooden barrier of the arena.

"You see that?" Yan crowed, slapping the barrier. "Kid just knocked down Onslaught!"

"Just wait," smiled Cal, in a way that annoyed Felix. The others had all crowded around them when they found out Harn was sparring with him. Felix even spotted Kelgan eating some sort of kabob.

Harn got back up to his feet and laughed ruefully, rubbing his chest. "Damn fine kick. Nearly broke a rib."

"Wouldn't want that," Felix smiled and beckoned Harn back into the ring. "Hate for this to be over so soon."

"Gettin' cocky, eh?" Harn grinned. "I like it."

Without warning, Harn whipped his left arm forward. Felix leaped to the side, kicking up another fountain of sand as the spinning silver disc hurtled toward him. Felix met Harn who was already there somehow, his other axe mid-swing.


Reign of Vellus!

A blast of lightning arced between the two of them, coiling around Harn's arm and axe. For an instant, both of their movements slowed to a crawl, before a concussive force launched them away from each other. Sand exploded upward in a geyser of granules, while Felix dropped his left arm and spread his legs to control his backwards slide. A faint tingle of pain raced up his nerves, but it wasn't entirely crippling. Apparently that was bordering on Acrobatics territory. Good to know.

The sand drifted slowly the ground, and Felix pushed his Perception to the limit. He could hear the pitter-patter of falling particles, the excited breathing of the people crowding the barricade nearest him, and smell the raging humidity of the storm outside. But as the dust cleared, he saw no sign of Harn.

Pit shrieked.


With a surge of Mana, Felix thrust his hands upward, dislodging a burst of sand all around him as four arcing pillars of stone crashed into place. Just in time. Harn's falling axe blasted into and through one of the pillars, shearing to the side and away from Felix's body. The man himself landed atop the rushed construction, easily destroying it with another strike, but Felix already darted out.

"Tch," Harn said, spinning his axes atop the wreckage. "Almost had you, kid."

Felix didn't answer, and instead sounded the pattern of another Stone Shaping. With a grunt, the destroyed pillars reformed and burst from underneath Harn. The man shouted in alarm as a blunt block of stone blasted him in the leg, falling backward before getting struck by two more. The impact cracked through the air, almost explosive, and Harn was thrown once more.

He landed heavily in the dirt, ten feet away.

"Avet's own," murmured Yan.

Felix was panting heavily as he regarded Harn. Doubt wriggled in his guts as the man laid there for a few seconds longer, but eased once he rolled to his feet. Harn..his arm and shoulder were covered in deep fissures, as if he were made of stone himself. As Felix watched, the cracks sealed back up into unmarked flesh.

Harn grunted in clear annoyance, and brandished his axes. Felix felt a surge of Mana flare, an orange vapor gathering around the warrior's fists. The sand erupted behind Harn as he accelerated forward, axes swinging. Felix activated Relentless Charge and went to meet him.

Harn shouted something, but Felix couldn't make it out. The orange vapor around his fists spiraled outward, wrapping around his twin axes in a peculiar pattern before snapping around them like a blazing net. Felix's charge had him close with the warrior in an instant, his already preposterous speed enhanced by the Skill, and close enough to feel scorching heat as Harn's axes burst into white hot flame. Harn became obscured behind a curtain of scorching air, his axes boiling the air around them.

Felix cried out, his skin tightening and cracking from the heat, but more than that; his core shuddered in tearing agony as a melody was aborted. A chord sheared, screaming out of tune like snapped strings as the axes swung closer to his neck. The swell of torment crested over him, followed closely after by a black wave of oblivion.

When Felix's consciousness swam back to the surface, the first thing he felt was frustration.

It happened again.

His broken Skills included Fire and Heat Resistance, something he hadn't run into yet. Felix kept his eyes closed and groaned. Beneath him it was soft but gritty. The arena sand. How long had be been out? Felix cracked open his eyes.The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

Harn and Cal stood over him, along with a stocky Dwarf he'd never met before. Felix flared his Voracious Eye.

Name: Roridan Yarspike

Dual Casting is level 23!

Physical Conditioning is level 24!

Relentless Charge is level 14!

Unarmed Mastery is level 27!

Corrosive Strike is level 28!

Stone Shaping is level 26!

That all made sense after his tough fight against Harn. The last line made sense too, in a darkly comedic sort of way.

He4t Re813#%ce is level 22!

Even glancing at the notification sent a shock of pain coursing through him. He'd gained a level in his broken Skill. What the hell did that mean?

"First off, I gotta say ya did well in our fight," said Harn, admiring his torn jerkin. "That Corrosive Strike of yers is strong."

"Not strong enough to take you down, though."

"Hah! You'll need more than some fancy Skills and high Stats ta beat me, kid. I'm a whole 'nother Formation ahead of you, and I've got a few Skills nearing Adept Tier. It's impressive ya could even fight me at all." Harn leaned against the wall and regarded him with serious eyes. "If I hadn't accidentally tripped yer broken resistance--sorry bout that by the by--you mighta lasted a bit longer."

Harn bared his teeth in a sharp smile. "A bit."

Felix laughed and sat down, carefully this time, not wanting the chair to break beneath him. Cal sat across from him, tipping her feet up onto the table. "Since you're my best bet on getting into that Domain, I need to get you up to speed. That means we gotta get you ready. I ain't bringing an untrained fighter into a Domain, battle talented or not. So ask your questions quick."

Felix sobered and sat forward. "Right. It's about my Primary Stats. I've hit what the System called the 'First Threshold' but I don't actually know what that means. I feel faster and stronger, but I've no gauge on how strong, how fast, how tough. I need to know if I have to move forward."

Harn whistled. "First Threshold, of course. Stats over 100 well before level 50. That puts yer fightin in a new light."

Felix hesitated. "What?"

"Yer Primary Stats're working together now. It's like," Harn grasped his hands as he looked around the room. "Like these wardstones. Impressive works by themselves, but together they make a complete whole. Together they do something greater."

"Ok so that should making everything easier, right?" Felix asked. "Is there an accurate measure of Strength or Agility? Does one point in Strength equal, say, ten pounds of punching force or something?"

Cal shared a look with Harn. "Why?"

"Well, it'd be nice to know what I can do instead of hoping I'm strong enough or fast enough." Felix leaned back in his chair. "In the Foglands, too much time was spent not knowing, just guessing and hoping. I'd rather be done with that, if I can be."

"That's what we have ta do. Test yerself. Fight to the edge." Harn clenched his fist. "You hopin' fer validation? That you're stronger than others? Well congrats, kid. You did it, yer probably stronger than any dozen Tin Ranks combined."

"Thats-that's not what I'm after," Felix explained, feeling like he was grasping at straws. "The System quantifies this sort stuff, right? I figured people who grew up here would have a better, uh, system for keeping track or comparison."

Cal laughed. "No one in power wants that. Give the peasants the ability to rise up easily and more'll do so, meaning the strong might lose their positions."

Felix opened his mouth before his brain caught up. Of course. That makes entirely too much sense.

"For physical and mental efforts, you'll have to train to your limits to find em. Same as everyone else. Once you've defined those limits, you can move from there." Cal thought a moment before she tapped the table. "Perhaps you should learn Aura Sensing. Your Perception and Intelligence are high enough for it, certainly. Useful for assessing threats, animate or otherwise. You have Mana Manipulation and...what is Fire Within?"

"You memorized my Skills?" Felix asked.

"More or less," Cal shrugged.

"Huh. Fire Within is for internal Mana control, basically. Let's me visualize my core and uh, pathways around my body." At their blank looks he tried another term. "Mana channels? What do you call them?"

"Channels, but 'pathways' works too I guess," Cal looked at Harn who shrugged. "That's a tough Skill type to earn. You should be in a good place to learn Aura Sensing. I'll see what Rory can do."

Harn looked at Felix and grinned. "You've got more questions, don't you?"

Felix smiled, almost apologetically and spread his hands. "So many."

Harn settled into another chair and groaned. "Ok. Two more. That's my limit, kid."

Felix took a breath.

"What is the Broken Path, and what the hell are Harmonic Stats for?"