Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Four – 274

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Four – 274

"Give me a moment," Felix said to the Farwalker. The man nodded and had Wyvora roll him backward and out of the way.

Felix strode forward, heading toward his friends. They looked tired and a little rumpled, but overall in good spirits.

"Felix! What took so long?" Evie asked as Pit shuffled toward her. He shoved his giant head into her hands and enjoyed a series of nice scratches.

"Did you meet the Endless Raven?" Atar asked, clearly excited. He looked at the foot-long feather in Felix's hand. "What was that like?"

Vess said nothing, only putting a hand on Felix's forearm. "I'm fine," he said.

"Good," she said. "What happened?"

Felix opened his mouth to tell them, but realized it would take longer than he wanted. "We talked. I gave it some stuff and I learned a few things." He waved his hand to dismiss the questions he saw in their faces. "Later. I've gotta handle these notifications."

"...Fine. But we'll hear it later," Atar said with a frown. He turned back to the Henaari guards that stood close by. "I need to get back to the healers. Take me." He started walking and the guards gave each other consternated looks before splitting up. Two went with Atar while the rest stuck around, clearly more at ease with Felix's group since he'd earned the Raven's favor, but not enough to leave them alone entirely.

"I should go check on Harn, too," Evie said, then gave Felix a sly smile. "Did you eat the bird?"

"What? No!"

"Evie," Vess admonished.

"I'm just saying, Felix has a track record," Evie said, but put her hands up in surrender. "Fine fine. You tall guys wanna take me to the healers too? There's a shellfish I gotta check on."

That left only a single guard to watch over the both of them. Felix didn't like that they were still being guarded. Why?

"Thanks," Felix said, meeting Vess' eyes. They seemed lighter in the morning sun. A golden brown. "For waiting like this."

"Of course," she said and plucked something off his shoulder. It was a wet leaf, colored a bright autumnal orange. "From the Raven as well?"

"Something like that. It wasn't nearly as bad as you feared," Felix said. He smiled at her raised eyebrow. "I promise, I'll tell you all about it as soon as I can. Probably once we've left this place behind."

Vess nodded, satisfied. "Something we should do soon. I feel...uneasy here. And not just because of the Urge. There are things under the surface here, and our presence is stirring them up. That Matriarch and her council, the Farwalker. I am unaware of the currents at work, and I detest that."

Felix eyed the guard and shifted slightly so that Vess' body was between them. He moved his hands quickly and as subtly as he could manage.

she signed back.

he signed. He'd literally combined 'distance' and 'walk' but it got the point across.

"Then I shall leave you to it, Felix," Vess said out loud. "I will go and see how our friends are faring."

Felix watched her go. Vess was a pro at intrigue, so it was likely she'd get to the bottom of things before lunch. And if things went sideways, well, she also kicked ass. The guards might be a problem, but they'd been reduced, and Felix sensed many among the encampment were either still asleep or just waking. He was still looking, thinking, when something hit the back of his knee, hard.

"Wha-hey! Pit!"

Notifications, Pit sent. Stop staring.

Felix looked between his Companion and Vess, who just then disappeared among the buildings and odd, free-standing arches. "I'm not staring."

Pit just looked at him.

"Shut up."

He called up his notifications.

+10 FEL

+10 EVA

Voracious Eye is level 55!The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Manasight is level 56!

Exploration is level 47!

Negotiation is level 21!

Unfettered Volition is level 57!

Armored Skin is level 72!

Dang bird hit me hard, Felix thought. He rubbed at his chest, but his tunic wasn't even ripped.

Etheric Concordance is level 67!


Etheric Concordance is level 69!

"Oh, nice," Felix said, and Pit chirruped in agreement. Each level made understanding each other just a touch easier, as if they grew more and more inseparable.

Pit's Skulk is level 49!

Pit's Bite is level 52!

Pit's Rake is level 53!

New Title!

Stigma of the Chosen (Legendary)!

You have borne the Marks of three beings above the bounds of mortality! Greatness awaits you! Whether you like it or not. You can now see Marks of all Tiers on yourself and, with some practice, others. +10% MIG, EVA, ALA, FEL

Huh. You'd think a half lizard would be fine with snakes.

"Our meeting is emblematic of my people," the Farwalker continued. "We wander, we search, and in the doing we find that which was Lost, hidden, or otherwise forgotten. My Companion Pact with A'zek was the first in our clan's history, and though we keep only oral records, they reach far. We know that, though our Urge guides us, whispers her Blessings, we have roamed long before we discovered her holy purpose. Why has long been forgotten, though I have...guesses."

Felix remained silent. This felt less like a conversation and more like a lecture.

"To see another Companion Pact established not only nearby, but both Chimeras? Though our pacts were established centuries apart, it is a curious parallel. The Endless Raven teaches us that coincidences are rarely without meaning, even if it is not a direct connection." They had come to a circular intersection, where the archways opened up into a wider area of tamped down dirt and half-submerged flagstones. Several Henaari in robes and armor walked around, all of them taking a moment to bow before the Farwalker before giving them all a wide berth. He ignored them. "I noticed that you were surprised at the sight of your Marks."

"I've never seen them before," Felix admitted. "Though I have a good idea of who gave them to me."

"Oh? That is unusual. Most Marked remain unaware of their status until it is revealed to them," the Farwalker said. "Do you mind if I bring them up again?"

Felix looked around at the crowded intersection. "Here?"

"Before was to show the Synod and dash the Matriarch's hopes for your failure. I can project them just for us, if you wish." At Felix's nod the Farwalker once again reached out and touched his chest. A wave of light was released, solidifying into a series of patterns above their heads. Felix saw the outspread wings of the Endless Raven, now highlighted in his vision. In fact, all of them were.

[Mark of the Endless Raven]

[Mark of the Maw]

[Mark of Vellus]

[Mark of the Archon]

[Mark of the Cantus Sodalus]

Both Vellus' and the Maw's Marks were faded, though in entirely different ways. The Maw's was sunken, like it was barely emerging from the darkness, and Felix instinctively understood it was because he had absorbed and incorporated so much of the Maw into himself that it was now inert. The Mark from Vellus was basically obliterated, the pattern of light scattered like far flung stars, all save for a single branching shoot of crimson at the very center. Just as the crimson growth in his core space; the only surviving remnant of his connection to the Goddess of Storm, Tide, and Blood.

The others were more concerning.

"Do you need me to explain these to you?" the Farwalker asked.

Felix's heart raced as he pointed at the fourth Mark, one of red-yellow energy infused with flashes of bronze-like rigidity. "This one. What can a Mark accomplish?"

"It is a tool of recognition, an accolade in most cases. That is how the Raven treats them. To the unscrupulous, it can be used to subvert one's Will and Mind."

"Can it track location?" Felix asked, careful to keep his voice level. He initiated his Mediation, breathing slowly and purposefully.

"Perhaps. But to do that it must first overcome the Will of its target," the Farwalker said. "Do you fear such a thing?"

"Fear is a bit of an understatement," Felix said. The Mark of the Archon pulsed regularly, like a heartbeat, or a tumor. "How do I get rid of a Mark?"

"Troublesome, especially in the case of one put in place by those of greater power. If it were someone of your level and advancement? Such a thing is easily broken. The difficulty only increases with each advancement Tier above your own, and in the case of Urges or...or gods," the Farwalker's eyes widened a bit as he stared at one Mark in particular. "In that case, it is all but impossible."

"Hrm," Felix said, focusing inward. Had his Will been compromised? His Bastion was secure, its walls as high as ever. His Mind, while strained by his spell, was sound. He was safe, right? The Archon couldn't find them. So absorbed was Felix in the search that the Farwalker had to clear his throat quite loudly.

"Ahem. That Mark...the shattered one." The Farwalker licked his lips, and Felix realized the man had dropped his face shadow. He looked nervous. "Can you tell me who bestowed it upon you?"

Felix's eyes flicked up to the array of Marks. An idea wormed into his head, and he bared his teeth. "Perhaps we can trade for it."

The Farwalker's eyes narrowed, but a small smile thinned his lips. "Oh, and what do you wish to trade?"

"Knowledge of this," he pointed to the Mark of Vellus. "In exchange for items of equal value."

The Henaari regarded him carefully. Based on what Felix knew of the Henaari, knowledge of Vellus' existence and location should be worth quite a lot, provided they didn't know about it. Felix was worried he'd turn down the deal, but the man's curiosity got the better of him in the end. "Very well. An equal exchange."

"In addition to the boon you already owe me," Felix clarified. The Farwalker flashed a smile of large white teeth. Amusement warred with excitement on his face.

"As you say, Felix Nevarre."

Felix immediately pointed at the shattered Mark. "That is the Mark of Vellus. Goddess of the Storm, Blood, and the Tides."

"What?" The Farwalker's hissed exclamation came at the exact same time as Wyvora's panicked yelp. The toughened warrior looked suddenly terrified. "How?"

"Ah ah, you first," Felix said. He pointed at the last Mark, the one called the [Mark of the Cantus Sodalus]. "What's this?"

The Farwalker visibly collected himself. It was like he was reining in a dozen lunging dogs on leashes, all of them straining to reach the treat of Felix's knowledge. "Ah, that. That is of less concern than the others, I imagine."


"Because, unlike the others, I can see the Tier of who placed that Mark. Master Tier, but that is quite the step below even the one you are concern with," the Farwalker said.

"What is the 'Cantus Sodalus'?" Felix asked. "That sounds like Latin."

"Latin? I have not heard of that language, but the words are an ancient dialect from the Interior," the Farwalker said. His brows drew down in remembrance. "Cantus means Chanter, unless I miss my guess."

Zara. Felix felt a knot in his gut. She's Marked me? Why? He tried not to assume the worst, but first the Urges, Primordials, Gods, and assholes. Now his friend? His teacher?


The Unbound looked up, away from his own spiralling thoughts. The square had filled with people at some point, and all of them were frozen with expressions of fear, while at their feet the ground writhed with blue-white electricity. Felix could feel the heaviness of things pulling into him, like a bowling ball on a mattress, and small stones collected at his feet. Gasping, he cut off the Skill and tried to apologize, yet every Henaari fled the moment the Skill deactivated.

"Felix, are you alright?" the Farwalker asked.

Pit warbled and pushed his head up under Felix's right arm. The Unbound licked his lips and absently scritched his Companion before looking guiltily at his hosts. "That was...I'm sorry about that. The Skill got away from me."

The Farwalker shook his head. "None were harmed. But you seem out of sorts, and I am realizing it has been quite some time since last you ate, yes?"

In answer, Pit's stomach gurgled loud enough to startle several nearby birds into flight.

"We could eat," Felix said in an attempt at dry humor. "But what of your questions?"

"We'll talk over a meal. I promise it will be delicious."

Felix grinned. "How can I say no to that?"