Chapter Two Hundred And Eighty Seven - 287

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Two Hundred And Eighty Seven - 287

Felix paused, unsure. He used his Mantle often enough, and it was closing in on Journeyman Tier. But Incendiary Shell was the Skill that had inundated the entire area in deadly flame. And aside from his wispfire, he had little in the way burning attacks, though they worked against the Reforged really well. If they could get stronger....


He'd roll the dice.

Evolution In Progress.

His insides hollowed out as nearly all of the Essence he'd gathered drained from him rapidly to fuel the creation of this new Skill. The pain spiked, stabbing through his core space like a lens flare. With a brilliant, whirling flourish, a new pattern appeared in his celestial array.

New Skill!

Mantle of the Infinite Revolution (Epic), Level 47!

You have discovered the balance between extremes, and all the violent potential therein. Shroud yourself in bitterest cold and boiling heat as the world itself turns about your person. Damage increases moderately per Skill level, range increases minorly per Skill level.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

It glowed, fresh and vibrant upon the velvet black, an interplay of shimmering lines and jeweled tones. A sound drifted to Felix, one that was both a crackling inferno and a riotous, crescendo of horns. And beneath that, hanging in the gaps, was the blissful silence of a glacial plain, and the slow steady turning of a cold, bitter winter.

It was as if the Skill encapsulated the turning of seasons in the most violent of ways.

Mantle of the Infinite Revolution is level 48!

Got it in one, apparently.

Felix lifted himself from his core space, a sensation that was like rising back into his body though he never moved. Exhaustion teased at the edges of his senses, though his Stamina was full, and flashes of a migraine joined in. Reminders of how hard he'd pushed himself today. Multiple castings of Adamant Discord, Stone Shapings galore, and getting very nearly burned alive.

"Been a busy day," Felix muttered to himself.

Indeed. I am impressed by your resilience, Felix. Though my memory is choppy, I do not recall many who would remain awake after joining and evolving two Skills together.

Felix leaned back on his arms and stared up into the night sky. Thousands of stars covered the expanse, filling the blue-black sky with rivers of light. He felt empty, achingly so, and he knew that he'd have to hunt down some monsters in the morning to keep his core in balance. Between Essence and System energy it was a narrow ledge he had to walk. "I've had some experience with it," he said at last.

Karys let out a wordless hum of thought. The Eidolon-turned-sword seemed pensive, and Felix let him be. The combination prompt had set his mind turning. His Mantle was now an amalgamation of a fire and ice element Skill. It was clearly not a common Skill as it was literally ranked Epic. Why did some people focus only on a few elements? Atar and Alister were fire and force focused, respectively. Evie had her core devoted to ice and, to a lesser extent, water. Vess was wind or air. Felix, on the other hand, had a core based in flame and lightning but he felt no greater affinity toward those elements. He'd gotten the impression that his Unbound nature meant a wider array of abilities and Skills...but was it more than that?

If he had one Skill that was a dual element, could he make more? His Shadow Whip, for instance, was very similar in form and concept as the enchantment array on his vambrace. Smoldering Lash was a fire Skill, meant to burn and cut, while Shadow Whip was a bludgeoning and clinging tool. Could he make a shadow that burned? That clung and cut?

It was something to think about.

He wanted to test out the Mantle, but with so many people around, Felix instead accessed his notifications once again.

You Have Absorbed A Portion Of Eidolon Exult Karys Taiv!

You Have Gained The Following:

+5 Levels To Any Mind Skill

+5 Levels To Any Spirit Skill

+5 Levels To Any Body Skill

"Any advice on what I should advance, Kerys?" It was his power anyway.

I am happy to offer advice. Will you show me your Status?

Felix willed his Status to show to the sword, which was, frankly, a weird sensation. Weirder still that it could see it. His sword made several humming noises as it looked things over.

This is...You are an Unbound, of that there is no doubt. Your primary stats, resource pools, and sheer amount of Titles and Skills are monstrous.

"I try my best," Felix said dryly. "Any advice?"

You have ten unused stat points. I would suggest you place them into Endurance, then focus upon your Perception, Dexterity, and Agility in that order. You are remarkably close to crossing the Third Threshold.

Shaking his head to clear it, Felix collected himself and his sword. He had forgotten the rush of change that overcame a Beginner Tier Skill once it hit level 10. This, though, was way more intense. Maybe because of its high rarity, he mused.

Felix Nevarre. That it carefully.

"Why?" Felix asked, staring down at his sword. "What do you know?"

Only that the strains of its song are...exotic. I do not know what it will become, should it reach Apprentice Tier or higher. I simply...urge caution.

Frowning to himself, Felix breathed softly through his nose. "I'll keep it in mind." He looked up and around as the Henaari changed their sentries for the morning. They were the only ones still up and moving, but that was slowly changing. "About time we woke everyone up. Sun's barely up and daylight's already burning away."

His friends had alternated between sleeping and meditating themselves, though most of them grumbled quietly when Felix shook them awake. The sun was already inching above the horizon by that point, so he figured he had given them at least a few extra hours of rest. Evie, among others, didn't appreciate it.

"I was havin' a dream I found a giant sandwich," she said, before going onto describe it in such detail that several among them began drooling. "And just as I was about to take a bite? Some blue-eyed brute comes and shakes my dream apart!"

"A travesty if I've ever heard one," said the Farwalker. The man was wheeled into their section of camp by Wyvora. A'zek followed closely behind in the shadows of the statues. "While I have no sandwiches here, I hope this, at least, will do you in good stead."

The shrouded man snapped his fingers and several Henaari carted in packs of salted meat, bread, and a bevy of berries and nuts. "For you, as a weak thanks for all you've done. Please, eat your fill and take the rest with you on your journey."

After getting a nod from Harn, his team fell on the offering with gusto.

"Thanks for this," Felix said. He shook the Farwalker's hand and let out a relieved laugh. "I'm sure you know how hard it is to feed this many Tempered fighters."

"I'm familiar, yes," he said, and his voice dripped with amusement. "I wish only that we could do more."

"You've helped a lot, and your information on the Archon and his forces is more than I expected," Felix said. "We're not looking to fight the thing head on, not yet. Stealth is the priority. If we don't, then a couple extra bodies aren't going to slow down the Archon when he comes for us."

"He is mighty, that I can sense. A'zek has tasted the aura of his Spirit, and it has the weight of Ages to it." The Farwalker shook his head slowly. Sadly. "I do not envy your Path, for all that you have yet to choose it. But I can hopefully make it a touch easier." He gestured, and Wyvora and A'zek stepped forward. "My apprentice and my Companion will go with you, see that you make it to your destination. Whatever that may be."

Felix looked at the Farhunter and harnoq, fighting to keep suspicion from his gaze. The Farwalker had only helped them so far, and though Felix couldn't read the man, he felt he could trust him. He lowered his voice, so softly that he barely made a sound. Yet he knew the Farwalker could hear him easily from so close.

"We seek a Nymean Temple. It will be dangerous. I," Felix licked his lips. "I will be opening a dangerous door."

The shroud dropped from the Farwalker's face, revealing the old man's shocked expression. Then his eyes crinkled in excitement. "Truly?" he whispered back.

"Cross my heart," Felix said.

The grin that burst across the old man's features was almost worth the anxiety of telling him their goal. He clapped his hands, twice. "I give my Oath, upon dark unknown, that me and mine will not endanger you. I swear on my advancement and levels, upon the Raven Herself, that they will do all they can to assist your task, Felix Nevarre. I swear."

The Farwalker clasped Felix's hand. Not missing the cue, Felix engaged his Oathbinding Skill, locking the old man into his words. Taut cables of silver tightened between them, with lesser threads extending outward into the Henaari camp.

Oathbinding is level 35!

"Farwalker, you gave your Oath?" Wyvora asked in shock.

"Indeed I did, apprentice." He flashed a smile at her and his Companion. "Be sure to follow the letter and spirit of its Intent, aye?"

She bowed her head. "Yes, sir."

"You too, you old sourpuss," he said to the regal-looking harnoq.

A'zek threw his head back. "Worry for yourself. Who will watch over you when I am gone?"

The Farwalker's grin turned harder, sharper. "I'm sure the Matriarch will take care of me," he said. A'zek snorted.

Unwilling to get involved in more of their internal politics, Felix thanked the man and got his team moving. Without avum to saddle or many supplies to secure, they were ready within minutes. The Henaari themselves were also packing, though they were far quicker about it. By the time Felix started off, they had mostly cleared out of the monolithic circle.

"Well, we ready for more adventure?" Felix asked.

"I could use a nap," Atar said with a supportive nod from Evie. "Maybe we could sleep in a bit more?"

"Onward!" Felix declared.