Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety Two - 292

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety Two - 292

"This guy wants us to save him?" Harn said. Night had well and truly fallen, but Felix had returned to the camp and quickly awakened everyone, describing the Memory at least twice as they grumbled.

Technically the Geist are without gender. It is a feature of their Race, Karys offered.

"Yeah, they said the Archon was besieging their Tower," Felix continued. "The same place we holed up months ago."

"The Archon himself, or his forces?" Vess asked.

"They didn't specify." Felix scratched the back of his head. "I didn't ask. Vvim said we have one day before the Archon breaches their Tower. If we leave now, we can get in and out without them seeing us. We can make the tower from our current approach, but it'd be easier to come from the north. I remember the terrain being filled with broken ruins, and the Towers are a little closer to the northern side of the city. Plus, if the Archon is looking for me, then that might throw his forces off."

"If the Archon is looking for you, then we shouldn't go to Shelim at all," Atar pointed out. "What exactly can this creature tell you that'd be so important?"

"He has information on the Temple. He says he knows what's inside the door, the one the Archon is after."

"...Burn me. Well that's worth it to know," Atar said with a frown.

"Should we all go? Or should this be kept to a minimum? There's...a lot of us," Evie pointed out.

"I'd feel more comfortable not going, honestly," Alister said. "But this Geist fellow sounds old and knowledgeable. I'm hesitant to skip such a meeting."

"Does the same hold for everyone?" Vess asked. She swept her gaze across their team. No one flinched, not even the Apprentice Tier Haarguard.

"We all go," Felix said, and Harn grunted in agreement. "I'll keep most of you safe with my group stealth Skill, and Evie, Harn, and Kikri can scout ahead."

"And what of us?" A'zek asked.

"I want you and Wyvora with me. The chances of running into problems isn't small, so we need to be able to end any conflicts quickly and quietly."

"I can do that," the harnoq said, flexing the claws from his cat-like paws. Pit let out a growl-chirrup that made the panther-like chimera grin. "You'll have to race me for the kills, tenku."

Pit's triangular ears flattened and his golden eyes narrowed in challenge, but Felix felt a nervousness in the chimera. Felix patted him on the neck.

"We're about an hour outside Shelim, right? A shade longer if we come around from the north. We should move soon," he said.

"What if the Archon is there?" Vess asked.

"We don't stand a chance against him," Harn said, looking at all of them in turn. "If any of you come in sight of that golden bastard, you run. Understand?"

Everyone nodded. Felix had described the Archon's appearance enough that they would know what to look for, and what to avoid.

"Get yourselves ready. We leave in ten."


He stopped just as he was reaching for his satchel. The rain had soaked him to the bone, and Felix wanted to change clothes before leaving, but he held off. "Vess? What's up?"

"I recognize that this Vvim has important information, but we could do this without you," she said.

"Without me?" Felix furrowed his brow. "Why would you do that?"

"If you are not with us, the Archon cannot capture you," she said. "You said before that he has a hatred for the Nym, and you in particular. You saw what he did to the Frost Giants, andand I would rather you not suffer their fate."

The last was said from behind a curtain of dark brown locks, fallen forward in an uncharacteristic show of indecision. Vess was always sure, or at least poised, that it struck Felix harder than any warning from Harn. He stepped forward and hesitated before putting a hand on her shoulder. Dark brown eyes flicked up at him from beneath her hair.

"I can't sit this one out. Vvim is waiting for me, and I don't know if he'll let anyone else come for him." He mustered up a smile. "Besides. I've survived worse than this. I don't see any goddesses or Primordials mixing in, so we should be golden."

"Please do not jest. The things we have should not have been able to fight them back. Not as an Apprentice or a Journeyman Tier." She sighed and leaned her partisan against her shoulder, busy adjusting her plate-backed gauntlets. "But fine. If the patterns hold true, you will face the Archon, whether we stick you in the back or not. Just remember," she said, jabbing a finger lightly into his chest. "We fight together. All of us."

Felix's smile turned gentle. "We're a team."

"We are." She narrowed her eyes at him in mock anger. "And if you die, I will kill you."

At least, he was pretty sure it was fake.

The camp was packed quickly and quietly after that. By the time Felix and Vess has finished their conversation, most everyone had their packs hoisted, and Davum was gently smothering the fire.

Felix was still soaking wet.

"Meanwhile we're stuck with a handful of decades," Kylar groused.

"Just Temper yourself and live forever," Alister interjected. "You're not destined to a long life if you stay weak."

"Enough chatter," Vess said. "I would rather not have another Reforged patrol on top of us."

They settled in to wait a bit. Felix let his Perception float out from him, taking in his teammates' furtive conversations and the rustling of three hundred industrious insects and a dozen roosting birds. The winds tousled the ferns and leaves all around them, a constant low murmur. In the distance, at the edge of his senses, a Hoarhound prowled through the ruins of Shelim. It was moving away from them, but it made Felix's gut tense regardless.

He knew there was about ten minutes before their agreed upon rendezvous with the scouts, so he distracted himself. Kerys. You said you were curious about the Archon?

Indeed. You say he looks like an Eidolon?

Felix nodded. I thought you were him, when we first met. He is made of golden plates though, not stone like you were.

Perhaps a version developed after I'd begun my duty. Aside from the...holes in my memory, there was a time between my first life and this one that has always remained murky. The adaptation period, I believe the Magi called it. Had Kerys not been a sword, Felix would have sworn he was pacing. The question remains, however. Was he given this position as an honor, or was it a punishment?

I'm leaning toward punishment, Felix thought. Just hazarding a guess.

Perhaps. Those of us who took this honor were lauded with Titles that carried over to our Eidolon Bodies. They made us formidable, and if the Archon has any of them in addition to his clear advancement, then this will be a hard fought battle indeed.

Felix repressed the roiling of his gut. That's what I'm worried about. I don't think we're ready to face him.

Likely not.

Felix patted the sheath at his side. Thanks. That's helpful.

I strive to remain honest, Felix. It is very likely the Archon is too powerful for you or any of your team. The Mark on your Spirit suggests he is at least Master Tier. Kerys paused, and the sword rattled a bit. But your Transcendent Skills offer you a way to affect him.

Really? How?

Kerys hummed to himself. Transcendent rarity typically indicates an ability to affect things and creatures far beyond your own advancement. Not for much or for long. But technically possible. Your Adamant Discord is one such Skill.

I still don't even know what I'm doing with that one, Felix admitted.

What you are doing is grasping at something larger than any simple Skill. Kerys sounded exasperated and a bit annoyed. You are doing things all out of order. Only when someone reaches the Master Tier do they begin to approach the fundamental truths hidden within their Skills and Temperings. It has worked for you thus far, but you lack the significance to grapple with them fully. That you have brute forced these connections by virtue of blood and Skill and your Unbound is both impressive and alarming, Felix.

You must feel at those connections to everything. Ponder why they exist. What truth is hidden there?

Perhaps you can grasp this, or perhaps not. I suspect you must wait until you've at least garnered more significance in your core before it will truly be your own.

In either case, it is an honor to see you grow, Felix Nevarre.

What can I say, Felix sent with a clenched jaw. I haven't had much choice. It's been either get strong or die.

The way of the Continent, since Age immemorial. The Empire tried to change that, but it seems we were only a bandage on a wound too far gone to rot. I ache that I was not able to defend my people in their final days.

Felix sent comfort along their connection, almost by habit, the way he would with Pit. Yet Kerys calmed a bit.

My thanks. It is...difficult to modulate my emotions in this state. I do not believe a Mind and Spirit were intended for the matrix of this weapon.

Yeah. Sorry about that, Felix sent.

I was prepared to die, Felix. That...filthy Urge had intended for me to be consumed entire. That you refused and I was shunted here? To the ancient relic of myourpeople's hero? Kerys hummed. There are worse fates.

Evie and Kikri arrived back first, ghosting at the edge of Felix's senses before dipping in and out like a dolphin leaping above the waves. Their Common ranked Stealth kept attempting to hide from him, but his high Perception continued to drag them from obscurity andFelix frowned.

Something was wrong.

They arrived in their dark copse in seconds, startling Vyne and Alister both. Evie was panting and Kikri had tears in her eyes.

"Evie. Kikri. Where is Harn?" Vess asked. "What happened?"

That was when Felix felt it. A huge surge of ice Mana, deeper in the city. His eyes even picked out the jagged peaks of glaciers stabbing above the far distant rooftops.

"Evie?" Vess asked again.

"Harn's been taken."