Chapter Three Hundred And Eighteen – 318

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Three Hundred And Eighteen – 318

The crushing stomp of Felix's landing sent a peal of sound through the massive chamber. The crystals above them flared with light and rang like giant bells, and Adamant Discord stormed outward, throwing the Archon from his feet.

Manifestation of the Coronach is level 53!


Manifestation of the Coronach is level 63!

The Archon Affected By A Crisis of Faith for 3 Seconds!

Willpower Is Reduced By 60%!

"How are you alive!?" the golden giant wailed, trying to stand again. He was annoyingly unharmed. The Archon's chest, where he'd before been torn by Felix's claws, had repaired. Instead there was a dark object half buried in it that Felix thought looked like a vicious dagger. The Archon's eye flames flickered toward the side, where Felix had carelessly hurled the Henaari. "How are they alive!? That was pure, liquid Mana! It should have melted the flesh from your bones!"

"Didn't even burn," Felix growled.

Sovereign of Flesh!

His skin rippled and flexed, changing faster than ever before. His muscles swelled, Strength and Endurance growing beyond their already ridiculous limits, and brutal spurs and spikes of bone erupted from his elbows and knees. Scales, small and large, colored the blue-black of midnight covered him instantly. Cyan and red-gold light limned him, edging the scales across his arms and chest.

Sovereign of Flesh is level 64!


Sovereign of Flesh is level 67!

Unfettered Volition!

Corrosive Strike!

Wild Threnody!

Felix's fists ignited with virulently green Mana as he rocketed forward, crushing hexagonal stone beneath every step. The Archon was already on his feet, but Felix's movements were lightning. His clawed fist smashed into the golden giant's torso, throwing the constructed man's body back another five feet.

Wild Threnody is level 55!


Wild Threnody is level 59!

Corrosive Strike is level 52!


Corrosive Strike is level 58!

"You've grown stronger, Unbound. How? What lies beneath us?" the Archon demanded.

"Nothing," Felix said and closed the distance. "Not anymore."

The wind roared, displaced, as Felix surged forward. The Archon met him, his own limbs now glowing with yellow-red sigils, the golden giant's speed suddenly increasing to meet Felix's own. Felix bared his teeth, now fangs, and struck. Blow after blow, Felix and the Archon traded them, pummeling at each other with strikes strong enough to tear through steel and stone.

Fire bloomed, lightning crackled. Their bodies moved too fast, and more than once the Archon overshot his mark. Yet Felix, with all the benefits of his Third Threshold, never did. His hits were precise and brutal. The golden armor was dented and split in several places, revealing an interior of shimmering yellow-red lights and wounds the gouted flame like blood.

"You dare too much, Felix! You will die here, along with all of your team," the Archon snarled.

"Touch them and I'll do more than kill you, Merodach!"

The Archon flinched. "That name? Wherehow do you know it?"

Felix only grinned and closed once again.

Adamant Discord!

A net of lines caught up the Archon, hurling him up and into the ceiling atop a bolt of brilliant lightning. Yellow-red sparks attempted to oppose Felix's power, but failed. The Archon may have been a genius, but Felix wasn't the same as before. The weight of his significance had multiplied, and his Transcendent Skill finally lived up to its rarity. It was was like gravity, but more. It was everything, all connections, from the smallest to the largest and Felix could access them. Seize them.

The Archon collided with the roof, shearing off giant, dull crystals.

Adamant Discord!

Another flare, another bolt of incandescent lightning, and the Archon hurtled to earth. Smashing straight through the falling crystals, bursting them all into a glittering rain, and right into the hexagonal flooring with the sound of a mountain exploding.

"Haah haaah," Felix panted. "You...stay down."

Felix! Pit warned.

A beam of white-hot light cut up from the crater he'd made, straight for Felix's face. Felix flinched back and pulled. He chomped his teeth over the beam just as it reached him.

Ravenous Tithe!

The heat was incredible, the pain worse. Ravenous Tithe shook, still held in his Bastion, but the Mana streamed into Felix's core without issue.

The Song of Absolution is level 75!


The Song of Absolution is level 82!

Adept Tier!


Desperately, Felix shoved that into his Bastion as well, relaxing his Will enough to see his Skills all but combusting with bated revelation. He clamped down, unable to handle it. Not now. Hold on.

The Archon bellowed in rage.

Just hold on.

The golden giant emerged from the ground a fraction of a second later, accelerating toward Felix like a bullet train. A massive clawed hand manifested above him, spun entirely from flame, and slashed down at his position. Felix dodged, leaping aside and then forward, his own Skills burning across his channels.

Dodge is level 55!


Dodge is level 63!

Unfettered Volition is level 60!


Unfettered Volition is level 64!

Corrosive Strike!

Wild Threnody!

Acid drenched scale met flame bright metal like two tractor trailers crashing. A wave of concussive force swept outward, scattering bits of stone and crystal that surrounded them.

"You're done!" the Archon howled. His golden body flashed with new yellow-red sigils that appeared in sweeping lines. The pressure of his Spirit and Strength nearly doubled. Felix grit his teeth, shifted his fist, and gripped the Archon's hands with his long, ebon claws. He tore into them.

"I haven't even started!" Felix shouted, and forced his arms up and back.

Mantle of the Infinite Revolution!

Cardinal Flame!

Sovereign of Flesh is level 68!


Sovereign of Flesh is level 72!

His muscle and scales pulsed, expanding, growing with every step he took. Felix felt the power within him as the significance he'd stolen from the Urge of Mayhem blossomed within his Skill; a revelation of turmoil and struggle. To be Sovereign, one must know turmoil, must be tested by it. Conquer it.

Sovereign of Flesh is level 73!

Sovereign of Flesh is level 74!

Blue lightning and red-gold fire scintillated across his shoulders and chest, down his limbs and across his neck and face. Felix grew, until his Body was the equal of the golden giant himself. His eyes, he knew, were bonfires of sapphire flame.

Unfettered Volition!

"RUUAAAAGH!" The Archon roared as he burst alight with his own strange abilities, flames and sour fumes coiled within his already-repaired armor. He charged at Felix, meeting him halfway with claws of flame.

They met, tooth and claw against profane sigaldry. Golden armor against midnight scale.

The Archon was blasted back, chest torn apart by Felix's upward swinging talons. A conjured Shadow Whip snagged him, however, yanked him back to be met by Felix's thunderous blow. The Archon's right arm was torn completely off, golden metal and strange forged pieces shearing and pinging off the walls. The golden giant screamed, engulfing his entire body in a sheath of white hot flame. Felix jerked back, scorched by it.

The Archon...ran.

He was so surprised by it that the Archon was able to make it all the way to the stairs before Felix acted. Felix blurred after him, his speed so much greater than it used to be, reaching the stairs only a half-second after his foe. Still, that meant the Archon had already disappeared up the curve of the stairwell, forcing Felix to reach ahead with his senses as he ran, lest the bastard ambush him or

Felix almost stumbled before he grinned. He reached out, sending his bountiful Mana ahead of him in a dozen tendrils of Intent. The Archon was just up ahead, running like mad, right before a series of rocks on the steps.


Felix detonated them and the stairwell filled with light and thunder, followed by a crash of metal on stone. Felix rounded the corner and wasted no time. He leaped atop the staggered construct, leading with and overhand blow. It hit him, driving the Archon to his knees.

You vile boy! He twisted to face Felix, his single remaining arm blazing with Profane Sigaldry in an array more complex than anything hed ever seen. The force of it sent Felix back down a couple steps. You are facing someone who has spent Ages plotting his revenge! My Mind may have been broken, but Im remembering! You! You have helped me remember!

The fire intensified, until the heat was too much to bear. Felix snarled and backed up more steps.

I was a living god to the Nym! A being capable of wonders they could not believe nor understand! They trembled before my might, my unrivaled intellect!"

Felix! He draws on unstable power! His core quivers with it! Karys buzzed at his waist. He cannot hold that much Mana!

Now that the Paragon mentioned it, Felix could feel it too. A wobbly buzzing within his Affinity, scratching frantically around the connection Felix could still feel between the two of them. Flashes of what he'd seen in the Memory of the Archon came back to him, of the strange rod Merodach had displayed, and of the awful pulses of power he'd used. He could feel something at the Archon's center shudder with every uptempo of dissonant magic, the Mana he gathered opposing directly against the Harmony of the world.

Felix tried Stone Shaping but the stairwell refused to bend to his Skill, and Shadow Whips melted in the intense heat. He cast about with his senses, looking for something, anything that he could use.

Then he saw it, sitting between the Archon's feet.

On it!

"Pit! No!"


A blinding flash of light filled the air, so bright even the Archon shouted in alarm. But nearly as much as he did when all three tons of Chimera manifested right on top of him.


Emerald fire covered Pit's huge expanse as he bit down onto the Archon's helmet-face. The Archon screamed in hideous pain, born backward by Pit's enormous bulk.

Pit's Poisonfire is level 51!


Pit's Poisonfire is level 68!

Pit's Poison Resistance is level 2!


Pit's Poison Resistance is level 22!

They both slammed into the stairs, both aflame, struggling against each others' weight and magic. Pit's Health descended rapidly as his Vitality was eaten away by the Archon's terrible, yellow-red power. Felix shied back, the atonal burr of that power too much for his senses.


The plan, Felix! The plan!

Breath hissing between his teeth, Felix lunged forward, grabbing the object from the steps at the same time he unsheathed his Inheritor's Will.

Wild Threnody!

Arrow of Perdition!

Unfettered Volition!

His Crescian Blade ignited with a golden-azure glow as he channeled the Mana of his Arrow into its edge.

"Pit! Convergence!"

The tenku's weight vanished from the surprised construct, and Felix dove forward, bringing his blade down. Straight onto the dark dagger in his chest. The both of them slammed home, and the Archon howled as the physical core at his center splintered.

You do not deserve this Body! Karys shouted while Felix gathered all of the significance he could, and slammed it into his Skill.


A huge, massive amount of power from the Urges siphoned into the Skill, fueling it. Chords of majestic Harmony clashed against descending Dissonance, both of them bursting against the other, separate but matched in might. Felix gritted his teeth, forcing the Skill and Wild Threnody and Arrow of Perdition all at once, his Mana dropping too fast for his regeneration to match.

"No! You!" The Archon's choked howl met Felix's Will and shattered apart, unable to withstand even a second of it. Not when it was backed by the weight of six immortal Urges.


The golden body rent, split beneath his Blade. Flesh and blood was spun, whole cloth from sheer power, spooling upon the steps just above them. Feet and legs, torso, chest, and arms. A man, full grown. A familiar face that gasped with his first true breath in Ages. He fell to the stone steps, screaming all the while.

The Unbound that became the Archon was whole once more. Beneath Felix's Blade, the Archon construct fell, finally limp.

"Merodach, Son of Anatu Son of Tamzi," Felix panted, blood running from a wound on his scalp and cheek. He left his Blade in the construct's chest. "Eat shit."

Merodach's newborn eyes widened in surprise and fear as Felix slammed into him. In his free hand was the object he'd snatched from the stairs, the Seed of Remembered Light. He grabbed the man's face with a brutal, ebon claw and shoved it straight down his throat while slamming a chunk of potency from the Urges into it. Power enough to see it grow.

And grow it did.

Roots exploded from Merodach's gut, branches and bark spiraling upward to smash against the delicately carved ceiling and walls. Felix leaped back, but it wasn't enough, he was caught up in the titanic growth that speared upward into and through the rocky ceiling. Through the entire cliff.

Aria of the Green Wilds is level 63!

Aria of the Green Wilds is level 64!


Aria of the Green Wilds is level 79!

Adept Tier!

You Gain

Felix could only clamp onto his Bastion as he tumbled back, while the Nymean Templeand the cliff that housed itwere torn asunder.