Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four – 324

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four – 324

Felix took the steps six at a time, and thankfully the reinforced stone held. He'd found the stairs shortly before finding the chambers he'd spent the night in, deep in the sundered cliff. Access to them was warded, much as the stairs leading down into the Mana well had been, but that meant little to him. The sword at his side saw to that.

"The array is quiet," Karys was saying, his voice buzzing through that very same sword. "But that is where I believe you must go."

"That makes sense," Felix said, speeding up the long flights with only some of his massive Agility with his prize tucked beneath an arm. He could have move faster, but feared that pressing his Agility to its limit would break something or someone. As it was, the intricate lacework stone flashed past him in a blur, and a gust fairly howled behind him. "That array is...weird."

"It is just as I remember them, Felix," Karys said. "Perhaps it is not the array that is odd."

He couldn't agree. The array, which was at the center of his Temple, was entirely too helpful to be normal. When he'd accepted System Authority over the Territory of Nagast, it hadn't obfuscated or denied him information. Instead, it had been relatively transparent. Felix swept through empty room after empty room, chambers that were bare of any decoration or furniture that might have hinted at their prior use. He suspected the cliff, itself quite huge, was honeycombed with similar spaces that had once been part of the Temple. Now it was his. It was all very strange.

Twenty minutes prior, Felix had made use of his Champion of the Halcyon Title, reaping the rewards he had forgotten to claim in all the hubbub after the Archon's death.

Champion of the Halcyon (Epic)!

By fist and fury, you have defeated multiple enemies of the ancient Halcyon Empire, so thoroughly that not even their Essence remains to taint the Continent. For this, you are to be commended and rewarded.

+5 Levels To One Body Skill Of Your Choice (Below Adept)

+Evolution Of One Body Skill Of Your Choice (Below Adept)

As much as he had wished to see if there was a rarity above Transcendent, the Title wouldn't let him use the bonus on Sovereign of Flesh, as that would put it up and into Adept Tier. Which meant his choices were limited, but not necessarily worse. His Body, which was remarkable sturdy as it was, lagged behind the power of his Spirit and even Mind. Felix was planning to correct that, and focused on his next best choice.

Unfettered Volition is level 65!


Unfettered Volition is level 69!This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

The Title bonus had sunk into his core space, a strange feeling that Felix hadn't had the dubious pleasure of experiencing before. It slipped through the dark and right into his Unfettered Volition, setting it spinning wildly with a direct influx of colorless System energy.

Based On Your Experiences And Achievements, Unfettered Volition is Evolving!


The Skill swelled, its pattern of etched light rotating more and more rapidly. The song of it that Felix had grown quite used to, changed pitch and timbre, deepening and filling out in a way that sent tingles across his scalp. Power from his own core responded, sparking from his grinding rings and shooting straight at the Skill, soaking it in sound and light.

Unfettered Volition (Epic) Has Become Relentless Resolution (Legendary)!

Skill Has Retained Its Level!

Relentless Resolution (L), Level 69!

You have learned to harness the power of Dissonance and Harmony both. Now, above thought, you move those chords in a dance of your own reckoning. Consumed Mana and Stamina when activated. Speed is increased by a moderate amount per level. Consumption of mental strength is reduced a small amount per level.

The Skill roared, an unstoppable train barreling toward anything that opposed it. Felix felt snatches of its song, its pattern, take root in his Body and it made him want to run and dance. To move.

Instead he focused on his completed Quest, the rewards for which he'd put off during the chaos of the last day.

Quest Completed!

Home Sweet Home!

You have secured your ancestors' Temple from all threats, internal and external!

5 of 5 Threats Eliminated

"What am I looking at here?" he asked as Pit nosed the items. Felix set them down on the floor, and lifted the shiny jumpsuit.

Voracious Eye!

Name: Garment of Many

Type: Clothing (Enchanted)

Lore: An article of clothing in the ancient style, a Garment of Many is an all-purpose covering that will suit your every need. Inscribed with complicated arrays, it is able to change its shape, color, and texture into anything the wearer may imagine. Must be bound to a single wearer.

Self-Repair X - Uses ambient Mana to repair rips and tears in the garment.

Self-Clean X - Uses ambient Mana to clean the garment.

Harmonic Shift XI - Utilizing properties of the Grand Harmony, this garment will change to suit the wearer, but must be provided a steady stream of Mana to do so.

"I take it back, this is really cool." More than that, it would solve a problem Felix had encountered more and more. The enchanted clothing he'd received back in Haarwatch couldn't keep up with the punishment he put it through, often remaining torn or stained for long periods of time. This Garment of Many was leagues better and it could shift into anything he wanted? He had quickly put the clothing on, shedding his old tunic and pants without regret. It took a moment but flaring his Cardinal Flame quickly revealed the way of things; he was to manipulate his Mana into the cloth, which would then take the form of clothing he desired. He had to keep a continuous trickle of power feeding into the Garment, but it was negligible compared to his total and regeneration.

Seconds later, Felix stood in his room wearing a pair of dark jeans, a comfortable t-shirt, and a light blue hoodie. The changes felt liquid and easy, translating his thoughts into completed clothing with barely any delay. Felix smiled down at Pit, but the tenku clearly didn't appreciate the magnitude of the item. He instead was nosing the smaller of the two jewels.

"Trust me, it's super cool," Felix muttered, before crouching once more. He held up the thumbnail-sized jewel.

Voracious Eye!

Name: Stone of Forte

Type: Gem (Enchanted)

Lore: This polished piece of cobalt spinel has been shaped to catch the refrain of the Grand Harmony so that it might funnel it into the armor upon which it is placed. Said armor will advance by a single Tier, providing increased protection. It is consumable and upon use will be rendered the same as any other gemstone. It must be bonded by blood after being placed upon the desired armor.

Felix transmitted it all to Pit and the tenku's eyes shone. His barding had begun to look a bit ragged around the edges, but perhaps this Stone would prove to be a better addition to it. Felix didn't once think of using it himself; his armor was his skin, much as that annoyed him. Felix would have loved to own a cool suit of armor. Pit pressed at it in excitement, clearly assuming such a treasure would be hishe wasn't wrong, but Felix wasn't gonna worry about that yet.

There was still one last treasure to go.

Voracious Eye!

Name: Dwelling Stone

Type: Upgrade (Tier IV)

Lore: A piece of Belais Crystal imbued with the ancient magic of the System's Residential sequence. Place within your Home for further details.

"Belais Crystal," Felix murmured. He thought it had looked familiar. "But what's all this about a Dwelling Stone?"

"A Dwelling Stone?!" The sword at Felix's waist had buzzed in surprise and a distinct amount of delight. "You have received a Dwelling Stone?"

"Yeah, I" Felix began, before a ringing sound interrupted him.

A Stronghold Is Available To You!

Please Visit The Control Node To Access Your Options.

"Right. The last reward for Home Sweet Home. But where's the Control Node?" Felix asked the air.

Karys' voice had shook from the sword, shaky in excitement. "I believe I know, Felix. Hurry, and bring the Dwelling Stone."