Chapter Four Hundred And Nine – 409

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Four Hundred And Nine – 409

The battle had been joined.

Atar watched Harn hew his way through the Knights, taking down their Captains with brutal speed. The Claw was behind him, roaring defiance as they flooded into the inner sanctum. Blade met Blades, and Bones, and Fists, with the crackling charge of Arclight to back them up. Knights died by the score against the improved coordination of Claw's Talons.

The same story repeated itself from another entrance, where Darius led the second half of their forces. His air attuned Skills shielded most from the fiery retaliation of the Knights while his Windblades cut down five or six at a time. Atar was amazed at how easily their forces cut a wedge into the Temple Knights, but soon realized it was due to the fact that many of them had been focused inward, toward the Altar. That momentary advantage had translated into nearly a hundred deaths in the span of the battle, which could have been either an hour or a handful of minutes; Atar could not tell.

Frost Giants convened against a Master, flames beating back their ice, while Vess defended a lone Zara. The spearmaiden knocked aside Knights and ran them through with the nonchalance of a butcher at work, her Spears active in multiple directions at once. Zara, meanwhile, was throwing up walls of swirling green-blue water up and around the Grandmaster, hemming him in and forcing Kel'lyv to expend himself on dismantling them one by one. A stalling tactic, but it gave Atar time to breathe. To fight.

Sovereign of Stars!

White-hot stars shot into the line of armored Disciples, felling one and wounding six others. His Stars burned far hotter than their lesser rarity Skills, but fire against fire was less effective than other options. Beside him, Fiammetta wove Mana into shield after shield, blocking the other Disciples' strikes. Alister called down pillars of force, smashing aside the physical shields many of the Knights held up and battering others aside entirely. The Disciples fought back with blade and magic, all the while they dragged behind them bound figures drenched in mud and blood.

Atar's team was putting up a fight, but they couldn't stop the Disciples' advance.

Two Matrons, blazing with auras of orange, blasted aside Alister and Fiammetta's magic. The two recoiled, bashing into Atar, and the Disciples pounced.

"No!" Atar shouted, just as the first Disciples made it to the lip of the Altar. Straining, the men and women hurled their captives outward...into the Highest Flame.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

The bound miners screamed as they hit the mounds of smoldering ash and jagged bone below, and while their rags and hair caught fire, their flesh only cooked slowly under the weakened influence of the outer flames. A wretched, unlucky few rolled into the brighter, hotter center of the altar...and they were immediately turned to ash and smoke.

A building scream flung out of the pillar of the Highest Flame, its shape surging and flaring. Atar watched as its superheated core widened by the smallest of margins, fueled by its consumption. The scream stabbed at every single person, throwing Atar and his friends to their knees just the same as any of the Disciples or Matrons.


A distant, alarming creaking and crashing sounded from far off...until it halted with a choking finality. Above, the Grandmaster staggered, dropping a dozen strides from the sky while Masters and Matrons alike fell, some crashing through the pews to land, suddenly weakened. Driven to their knees, none of them continued the battle as Knights and Disciples and Claw alike all looked around in confused wonder. A burgeoning silence seized the world, a silence that none currently living in Ahkestria had ever heard before.

The silence of a still sky.

"The storm..." a Matron whispered in horror.

"The Highest lost control of the storm," said a dark-bearded Master.

"The undead will come," another Matron said. "Blessed Flame, but the undead will come for us now."

As if welling from deep below their feet, a preternatural howling filled the city. A Spirit the size of the city itself clawed upward, slamming Disciples, Knights, and Claw members to the splintering ground. Blood arced all around him, and Atar only avoided an invisible slash that split a portion of the golden Altar at his back. His head was screaming with a droning buzz, too loud and pervasive to even think. What is this? What's happening?

"The beast is awakening," Kel'lyv said, his eyes searching out the Altar. He rose, stuttering on burning streamers of flame. "Push those cretins in! The Flame must be strengthened or all is lost! Where are the Paladins!?"

There was a sound at Atar's side, audible in the silence the Grandmaster tried to fill. Even the buzzing that rose from the ground and swarmed his Affinity was driven from his awareness when he caught sight of the woman standing in the flames. Her hair and face were a smoldering ruin, her body succumbing to the Altar, but she held a bundled object up to him no bigger than a Gnome. Her bonds had burned away but she couldn't climb the smooth, sloping sides of the Atar basin. Unthinking, Atar reached into the flames, grasping the bundlethe childthrough the burning and yanking them from the offering arms of their mother. The mother fell into the ashes, her body too damaged, but the child was swaddled and as Atar absorbed the flames with Strength Ignition...he found it alive.

"Your Fire Resistance is nicely leveled," said a voice above his shoulder.

Atar jerked in alarm, but he and the bundled child bloomed with a flush of green-gold Mana that settled his alarm. Forcibly so, but he couldn't muster the will to be concerned. The flush of life Mana spread into the Urge's flames as well, soaking into those men and women that writhed outside the savage core. Atar looked languidly up at the bright, angry eyes of Isla. She raised a finger to her lips and vanished.

Below them, the golden sigils had slowly overtaken the multi-hued glyphwork around the bony mass and sword. It spread outward like a shining rash, infecting the working as it rotated and the Paladins etched out sigil after sigil. Some of them had fallen, a few even had scratched their eyes out and were still howling in terror, but there were more ready to take up the inscription process.

"At least you weren't down there, Beef. Seems the Paladins got hit with a lot more of that fear aura," he said. The Minotaur had stopped trying to scream, and was just lying on the ground, breathing hard as a bellows. He didn't answer except to sit up shakily. "I still don't know what the Paladins are trying to do though. They're changing the array, redirecting the power from above...but if their goal was just to stop the stormwall they've already achieved it."

They are not done, Pit agreed.

Beef made it to his feet, though his muscles kept twitching spasmodically. His head jerked as he leaned slightly to see below. "Sorry. The Status Condition hit me like a sack of bricks."

"Don't worry about it. Willpower helps shake off that kind of thing, but mental attacks are always a pain." Felix waved off his apologies. "Hopefully that's the last blast of fear, but I doubt it. Did you get a mental resistance Skill?"

"I, uh, how'd you know? Mental Resistance. That thing brought it up to level 10 already."

"Lucky guess," Felix said, smiling without much feeling. "You'll see it jump a few more times more, I imagine. I"

Almost about to tell Beef of his own experiences, there was a flash of light below as a series of strange, ephemeral objects appeared. High Justiciar Rahven Haim stood below, helm off and dark hair streaming in a gathering breeze. He was holding a series of golden panels, each one forged of light Mana and connected to the growing array by shimmering lines of sigaldry. The panels morphed and folded, origami-like, until they formed a bowl-like receptacle that hovered just before the man's face.

"That's Haim!" Beef hissed. "But what's that?"

A familiar crystalline case was pulled from the man's cloak, and even at such a distance Felix could feel it pulse with potency. He gasped. "That's a piece of god-cloth," he said. "Regalia."

Beef clearly didn't understand, but Felix couldn't spare the moment to explain. The array had started making sense to his Skill, and he realized it wasn't just a redirection of energies, but a purification. They're trying to steal the Primordial's Essence for themselves. To do what, though?

With the cage array weakened and redirected, the suppression he'd been feeling had faded. Felix could feel his connections better than ever, could even sense a faint echo of emotion that rattled down their lengths. The ghost of a thousand screams shook their way to him, coming clearly from the city. They were out of time.

"This is it," Felix said. "Last chance to run, Beef."

The Minotaur snorted and stamped a hoof. He threw his head, like a true bull tossing aside an obstacle. "I...hear them. Above us. Those people need help, don't they?" Felix nodded. Mike hefted his chitin hammer and firmed up his bovine jaw. "I'm done running."

Felix felt his gut sink, but he couldn't help but respect the kid's choice. He'd learned not too long ago that choice has a power that even the System wouldn't gainsay. "Alright. Pit and I will take on Haim and distract the others. You and Hallow need to disrupt those inscription circles. A good blow or blast of Mana outta do it for them, they're only temporary. I think."

"Got it." Beef squeezed the haft of his hammer and turned to return down the spiral staircase.

Before he reached the door, Felix raised his voice. "Kick their asses...Beefhammer."

Beef grinned, a surprisingly vicious looking thing, and Felix could feel his Spirit scream in joy and excitement as he took the stairs at a jog. Felix gave Pit a glance. "You ready?"

Pit drew himself up and rustled his wing feathers. Always.

Felix cracked his knuckles and stepped up to the edge of the balcony. He stared down the length of the huge sword and the vile behemoth of bones beneath them. "I'll go first, and you follow behind. Use Frost Spears to"

Actually, Pit interrupted with a sending of fearful anticipation. I have an idea.

His Companion explained, and Felix slowly bared his teeth.