Chapter Four Hundred And Ninety Five – 495

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Four Hundred And Ninety Five – 495

Voracious Eye!

Name: Moontouched Wickerjak

Type: Plant (Manawarped)

Level: 84

HP: 6844/6844

SP: 26831/26899

MP: 4323/4323

Lore: Born of wood and earth, Wickerjaks are mercurial spirits of nature. Similar to Sprites, they often embody the unconscious Will and Intent of the natural world. Moontouched Wickerjaks have been perverted by an outside source, increasing their aggression and physical stats in equal measure.

Strength: More Data Required

Weakness: More Data Required

The glimpse Felix got of the monsters in the moments before their attack flooded through his Mind, absorbed even as he raised his hands and called upon the Grand Harmony.

Stone Shaping!

A nine-foot wall of smooth rock burst from the earth around them, just in time to be peppered by the explosive impacts of the Wickerjaks. Cracks immediately formed in the stone, and Felix devoted more Mana to shoring them up. Vess!

On it. The woman leaped up into the air, easily clearing his wall as five silver spears and five discs of burnished bronze unfurled around her like wings. The spears held their place, but the five discs blurred forward and down, out of Felixs direct sight. He felt the impacts though, pressure against his Perception, and it was far more than five as the discs duplicated themselves. Fourteen concussive, metal-on-wood collisions rang out. They are strong! I am doing damage, but not enough.

As the five discs returned to her side, Vess Spears shot outward, hitting and exploding with far greater force. Beef growled, chitin already covering his body and weapon. Open the wall, Felix. We can take em!

Mind whirling through options, Felix sounded Stone Shaping again. The wall before them melted away leaving their front exposed, while the stone flowed backward to reinforce the wall on their sides and rear. They were surrounded, but he could shape the battlefield.

The impacts behind them decreased yet did not stop, while the sounds of furious rustling rose to a fever pitch. Wickerjaks ripped through the brush before them, heedless of the Spears that rained down, blasting off pieces of their wooden forms. They looked like bundles of sticks, vines, and thorns bound and animated with a dark purple light. It shone from the gaps between their limbs, and from their thorn-lined mouths as they screeched in a primal rage.

Relentless Charge! Beef bellowed, zipping forward to intercept the first line. Seismic Shatter!

A cone of earth Mana ripped up from the ground, churning vine and frond and root into a malevolent morass. Wickerjaks fell shrieking, torn by their own thorns and bursting debris. They did not stop, however, as many returned to their feet or slipped through the churning strike.

Uh, Circle of Smash! Beef brought his hammer down as they advanced, and the area around him for twenty feet was suddenly pressed violently flat. Circle of Smash! Circle of Smash!

Tempest Fugit! Pit cried out, shedding his puppy form and flapping up into the air with the sound of thunder. Frozen bolts of lightning dropped from his outstretched wings, spearing down into the concentrated mass before bursting free. Although the lightning seemed to do little to harm them, the initial piercing strike was doing significant damage. The plant monsters already smashed by Beef were laid low, no longer possessing the limbs or power to move much at all.

Behind Pit came Hallow in both forms, the Homunculus riding atop the agile Multipede. Crystalline darts sprayed outward, pinning their foes to the ground in places, while the Multipede ran roughshod over them all. Its sword-sharp legs stabbed and sliced with every movement.

The War Nagas roared, rampaging to the fore with tridents and claws bared. Their powerful, sinuous Bodies wove among the scrabbling Wickerjaks, smashing and clawing at the monsters and stopping their advance cold.

Yet more were on their way.

Felix pumped a bit more Mana into the stone wall around them, sounding Green Shaping and Rime Shaping for good measure. The stone turned dark-blue and glassy, with glowing red veins throughout its surface before he cut it off. That should do the trick for now.

He focused forward, beyond the chaos of battle, to where the Spirit Tree rose above them all. That same purple glow suffuses its trunk, beneath the matted tangle of vines and clinging plants, and it pulses brighter and brighter every second. The light among the Wickerjaks pulses in time, and Felix sees the thin, fishing line threads of connection between them all.

Skein of Fate is level 49!

Is the light in the Tree itself, or in the vines that are choking it out? Felix cannot tell, but he also cannot delay any longer. His friends were fighting a dangerous battle, and while individually the Wickerjaks werent overpowering any of them, en masse was another story. He watched as the War Nagas were stopped dead by the onrush of twiggy aggressors, and Beef was having a hard time swinging his hammer as Wickerjaks piled atop his arms.

Rain of Cataclysm!

Streamers of liquid Mana poured from Felixs Gates, until his hands and elbows were all but consumed in violently green power that shunted upward into the air. He sounded Cardinal Flame at the same time as his AOE acid spell, shaping the torpid cloud that formed far above him into something that kept clear of his allies and focused on the Spirit Tree itself. Much as he didnt want to destroy it, he would if it meant his friends survived.

As the spell built, Felix kicked and stomped on any Wickerjaks that made it to him, but they were few in number. His team and the semi-circular wall behind them was holding the lot of the monsters at bay, though they all suffered for it. Knife-edged branches sliced bloody gashes in arms and legs and faces, an onslaught of wounds that wouldnt kill them, but were slowing them all down.

Yet as Felix watched, somewhat helplessly, Beef, Vess, Pit, Hallow, and even the War Nagas suddenly blurred. Their forms bled into one another, hard to pin down and harder to hit, as the Wickerjaks soon found out. More of them tumbled back, struck by weapons and Skills that they never saw coming. Manasight flaring, Felix could spot the augmentation Mana, a shade of purple that was distinct from the virulent light of the monsters. An illusion.

The Mana flowed in liquid streams from a single source: Isla. The Chanter stood back in the safety of the walls, hands outstretched and a song on her lips. Felix couldnt hear it over the din of battle, but he suspected it was more than that; he shivered as he felt a massive weight shifting in the air, intangible to the physical but immensely vast to the Spirit. She met Felixs gaze and gave him a small nodbefore her eyes widened in alarm.

I see it! His Companion dodged the spearing vines, twisting and spinning through them with an incredible grace born of Agility and Dexterity.

Pits Thunderwing is level 72!

Yet he could not avoid it all, and the vines were too restricting. He dropped back to the ground, reverting to his puppy form as he landed. His Mantle of Tumult crackled around him, a tiny, savage storm among the leaves, and he tore into the Wickerjaks with tooth and claw.

Pits Mantle of Tumult is level 76!

Pits Bloody Gnaw is level 76!

Pits Hurricane Rasp is level 76!

Pits Howl At The Dark is level 69!

Wickerjaks were frozen in place, stricken with a brief stun status as Pit protected their friends.

Kick their ass, bud! Felix cheered, wincing at the deeply upsetting sound of the Spirit Trees offensive. It kicked up a notch, increasing in volume and tempo as more Wickerjak Elders emerged from beneath the Trees great roots. Mud squelched and popped, birthing these goliath abominations, flooding them with a sticky liquid light. An ooze.

Goddamn it. The Fathoms been here too? Felix turned to face the approaching horde, staring down over a dozen of the Elders now as they slowly worked themselves into a charge. There were too many for him to handle alone, not if his friends couldnt evade or properly protect themselves. If he were too slow, they would die.

The tone of the Trees Spirit shifted, pitching higher than it ever had before. From behind Felix, Beef screamed out. Its the Tree! Its in my chest! Kill the Tree, Felix! II got this!

Blades of chitin sprang from the earth, shearing through Wickerjaks in great swathes as Beef demolished those that were nearest him. Hallow was just behind him, stampeding the creatures as they were being mowed down by crystalline darts the size of short swords. The teen Minotaur bellowed, his voice a pressure all its own that somehow pushed back the Spirit Trees presence. Pit ran to them, ears flopping within his lightning shroud, and the War Nagas were free, their foes scattered by the combined assault.

Felix turned back to the stomping Elders and took a measured breath. Thanks to Beef, the Tree had lost some of its grip, and that atonal buzzing resolved into something he recognized. It was the opposite to the strident melody of Harmony, and a sound he heard with every revolution of his cores. In that song, Dissonance sang strongly, accompanied by additional elements he hadnt been able to parse out. However, now that he found it, Felix could track the sound through all of the plants around him, back to the Spirit Tree itselfand a spot upon its bole that resonated in distorting whorls of energy.

Adamant Discord is level 84!

Skein of Fate is level 50!

Adept Tier!

You Gain:

+20 RES

+20 REI

+20 FEL


Felix blasted forward, dirt and plants ripping up in his wake. He slammed into and through the lumbering Elders, who were just now getting up to speed. They tried and failed to stop him, but when Felix passed through their grips like oiled smoke, they gave up and continued their charge. Toward his friends.

Felix put it out of his mind, focusing wholly upon his task. More Elders were crawling from the root-muck, and more would keep coming if he failed.

Dissonance was a piercing pain through his ears now, both physical and metaphysical, but Felix did not stop. He kicked off a bulging root, launching himself into mid-air as flowers the color of gold and dark purple split and bloomed, shooting darts the size of javelins at him.

Adamant Discord!

He grabbed at them, their trajectory forming brief connections to his self that Felix could repurpose. Claimed, he swung his arms, still in flight, and hurled the darts into the bark of the Spirit Tree. Lightning snapped, discharging in their wake as they sunk into the bark and Felix landed atop them.

Cant stop me so easily, Tree! Felix grasped the craggy bark and hauled himself upward with a mighty thrust and a blast of Adamant Discord to the ground below. Felix landed among the tangled vines at the curving apex of the trunk, where the first several branches spread outward. He screwed up his nose at the sudden, foul scent. Eugh. Thats nasty.

Before him, nestled among the bole, was a reservoir of the Fathoms bubbling ooze. It felt perhaps a touch weaker than the ooze in the chasms, but his Skein of Fate and Adamant Discord could see thick cables racing into the distanceconnecting it to something far greater.

If I absorb it, the Fathom will see us again. It could find us before were ready. Felix hesitated, worrying at the possibilities. And, he could admit, a little fearful of the vast presence he had felt the last time hed attempting consuming the ooze. But if I eat it and then immediately burn the power I takewill that be enough?

It didnt matter. It had to be.

Sorry, Abundant Anima. This isnt going to feel good. He shoved his arm into the ooze, immediately feeling its vile bite. Chthonic Tribute!

Ooze turned to wretched smoke, flooded with purple, and it raced toward Felix so fast that it threw him bodily from the Spirit Tree itself.

He couldnt speak or scream, because the world flashed and twisted. Shattered.

Unbidden, without even a warning, a Memory consumed him.