Chapter Four Hundred And Ninety Nine – 499

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Four Hundred And Ninety Nine – 499

Authority Recognized!

Inheritor, Autarch Of Nagast, King Of Ahkestria, Lord Of The Leviathan Depths, Be Welcome!

Unsealing The Northeast Root Tunnel.


Northeast Root Tunnel Is Compromised.

Threats Detected.

Threat Designation: Moontouched Wickerjak

Threat Designation: Moontouched Thornvald

Threat Designation: Green Wild Distortion

Do You Wish To Unseal The Northeast Root Tunnel?

Thornvald? Green Wild Distortion? Felix squared his shoulders. "Yeah. Open up."

The massive golden doors split, releasing a rush of thick air that smelled of wet rot and slime. It blasted their hair back, rippling Felix's jacket and leaving the Nymean spirit at his side completely unaffected. As the gap between the golden doors expanded, he could make out a wide space lined by rugged roots, hanging vines, and muddy floors that were pocked by pools of dark water. A song like bubbling sludge percolated through the air, and lurching among it all were hundreds of Moontouched Wickerjaks.

Felix motioned to Pit. "I'm gonna need the Fang, bud."

Pit shifted to his tenku form, silver barding appearing from nothing to reveal the massive sword strapped just under a wing. Yet before Felix could grasp the hilt, Paxus held up a hand. "Please, Lord Unbound. Allow me."

Felix blinked. "Uh, sure. Go ahead."

With a snap of white cloth, the Nymean phantom stepped forward just as the golden doors boomed into the open position. Wickerjaks shrieked, a reedy scream that echoed through the tunnels like an amphitheater, before they bounded forward. A rolling sea of twig and violet light.

"Are we...ugh...are we just standing here?" Beef asked, leaning heavily against his chitin maul. Vess and the War Nagas were beside him, tridents and spears held at the ready. "I hate the pressure down here. I feel like my head is going to pop. Can we get moving?"

"I will only be a moment," the spirit said.

Pit! What's happening? Felix sent, a seed of panic germinating in his heart. Pit landed amid several Thornvalds. The Mantle of Tumult around his Body was more than enough to drive the creatures back, which was relieving for Felix, as Pit remained crouched. The tenku shook his head, as if dizzy, and Felix heard noise rolling from deep within his Companion. Pit, what am I hearing?

New...Skill, Pit sent, before he threw his head back and shrieked.

Thornvald (x9) Are Stunned!

Mana Digestion Complete!

Your Companion Pit Has Learned A New Skill!

Breath of the Wild (Legendary), Level 1!

With a mighty exhale you create a zone of air, life, and light Mana that infuses all within it with might and durability. It travels with you, lasting as long as you can continue to exhale, boosting the Health regeneration of those within its bounds and increasing their Strength and Vitality scores by a fix amount for so long as they remain within it. Zone increases slightly in size per Skill level. Bonuses to regeneration, Strength, and Vitality increase slightly per Skill level.

Adamant Discord!

Felix rushed forward, blasting outward like a semi shearing through Sunday traffic. Cords of connection turned to steel bars, slamming into Wickerjaks and Thornvalds, smearing them into paste as he ran to Pit's side. His Companion was on his belly, panting into the mud, as sparks of effervescent azure-gold energy spat out of his wings and paws. "Bud!"

I'm okay, Pit sent, his beak clamped shut against a spasm of pain. Does it hurt this much when you learn new Skills?

"Only sometimes," Felix said, pressing a hand against Pit's neck despite the flare of Essence and Mana that singed his sleeve.

"Michael!" Isla screamed.

Felix's head whipped back up at the same time a massive surge of malevolence rolled across his Affinity. Back at the line, right where Felix left, a thick, spike-riddled pseudopod of blue-purple ooze lifted from a crevice and slammed downward into Beef. It moved too fast, giving the kid zero time to react before he was launched from his seat atop the Multipede. The muddy stone floor cratered as he hit.

"Ten Tribulations!"

"Levin Bolt!"

Silver Spears hit and burst at the same time six separate lightning bolts cracked into the oozing appendage, obliterating it entirely.

It was too little too late.

Beef went into sudden convulsions, his mighty limbs smashing deeper divots into the stone as every single one of Hallow's formsHomunculus, Multipede, and various Risen Wickerjaksfell limp to the earth.