Chapter Five Hundred And Twenty Nine – 529

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Twenty Nine – 529

Nevarre, Sword said, as if weighing the name. They stood, separated by churning water as fire and light and stone rained upon them all. He adjusted his grip upon his overlarge blade. That is Wyvarren, is it not?

Felix felt sweat or blood trickle down his back. A hollow ache pulsed at his center, but he forced it from his thoughts. What?

Yes. The word was drawn out. Savored. Wyvarren. Perhaps after this, we can go find your family. I daresay our treaties with Wyvarr would make the matter simple.

We could find them, yes, Tome said in a distracted voice. His face was half melted and bloody, but he looked as detached from their conflict as if he were reading a research paper. Easily. A House that produced such a powerful combatant could not hide from us.

It was a distraction, clearly. Felix had no family on the Continentbut he was more than happy to play it up for time. Youll never touch them, he said and let the truth of that sentence ring through his Spirit.

Perhaps. Or perhaps we shall parade your corpse through Isindr, and take them when they cry for our mercy.

Forcing himself to disregard the disturbing imagery, Felix split his attention for the briefest of moments. His inner songs rang loud and bright and he clamped tight with Fiendforge before spinning his cores as fast as he couldeven as he ducked beneath the horizontal swipe of his enemys weapon.

He took Swords sudden strike against his blades, and despite the numbing shock that ran up his arms, he took a single, easy breath. The internal pressure easedbefore swiftly turning to a hot, searing pain. Dissonance and Harmony raged, unleashed from their enforced stasis and eager to swell up inside his core space.

Rancors Blade! Sword shouted, and fire erupted across their crossed weapons.


The Skill slipped from Felixs grasp, and fire washed over him, uncontested. He clenched his teeth against the agony, rolling into the water and pulling a shield of ice from below to blunt its hungry edge. In the split-second respite, he felt at his Skillonly to find it fully active and aimed inward instead of outward.

Sorry! Pit cried, his lilting voice filled with pain, pressure, and urgency. I need it! And this!

Fiendforge vanished from Felixs control as well. He could still hear their songs, still feel the vibrations through his Aspectsbut the physical and mental strain of them both vanished entirely. Unbidden, a bead of hope accumulated in his heart, and it grew larger and brighter with each muted strain of soundeven as he desperately danced away from a barrage of flaming darts.

Do you not have the courage to face me, Navarre? Sword scoffed at him, following up his volley of projectiles with a horizontal swing. A crescent of orange flame licked outwardonly to meet a curtain of half-formed ice. With an explosive hiss, it turned into a cloud of superheated steam. Hiding now? My Perception is far too sharp to deceive, Nevarre.

Within the sudden cloud bank, Felix floundered. Delight chased after the hope that fluttered within him, joy that his Companion could do such a thing. A half-dozen darts of stone shot toward him, but he slapped them out of the air with his Riposte. He sensed the onrush of Mace, weapon lifted high with her remaining armyet Felix couldnt help it.

He laughed.

Status Condition: Berserk

Status Condition Ended!

Youve broken him, Sword. Mace said, uncaring at the noise she made in the shallow water. She appeared from the fading steam with a fervent light burning in her eyes. My turn, yeah?

Her strike was fast, and the loss of his Berserk Status Condition was like dropping a heavy weight from Felixs neck.

He lifted his left arm, too slow before her heightened stats, and her attack was like a collapsing building in its descent. Undeniable and bone-crushing. The bladed flanges gouged a bloody furrow in his shoulder, and Felix felt something snap just above his elbow. Hah! Thats just the start for repayment on my arm, boy!

Her triumphant grin froze, however, when instead of crying out, Felix seized her weapon. Im not done, Felix hissed. Mine!

Chthonic Tribute!

The orichalcum mace fought backall things wished to remain as they were, whether they were a rock or a magic weapon. But neither stone nor orichalcum could match his unfettered Will. Felix wrenched it hard, yanking it free of the High Guards gripand it blasted apart, dissolved to liquid Mana and smoky Essence that poured into Felixs gullet.

Claiming what he needed with Sovereign of Flesh, his arm snapped back together in a rush of painand the rest he sent skittering into his depths. Pit! Take it!

Whamy Masterwork weapon! Mace cried out, falling back. Youhe!

Do not gawk! Kill him! Sword commanded. And these pests, as well!

He ate.

Chthonic Tribute!

Felix pitted every ounce of his restored Willpower against everything around him but Vess and Yintarion. The water, the mud, the stone and drowned grass, even the air itselfhe devoured them all.

Chthonic Tribute!

The world dissolved around him into a miasma of loose Mana and Essence smoke, spreading farther and farther until he reached the edge of his power. The air buckled, and the ground evaporated, until they were inundated within a writhing curtain of dark smoke. It alone wouldnt dobecause Felix was going to eat it all soon. So, he uncorked a bottle at his side, and let flow a deep, thick fog from within. The Bottle of Eversmoke from Temple Haestus spewed forth an impenetrable cloud around them all, and Felix and his friends were concealed.

Spells and Skills launched at the perimeter of his externalized hunger, attacks that nearly caught Felix head-on despite their concealment. Before he could address them, however, a vibrant light flowed from behind him. Felix turned in time to catch Yintarion lifting a shaking claw and breathing out deep flows of darkest purple tinged by blue.

You are notthe only one with tricks, Felix Nevarre. Sever The Eye!

The miasma of released Essence and Eversmoke were inundated by Yintarions Skill, and it seemed all of the golden Wyrmlings swirled around them. To Felixs eyes, it was a storm of Mana that crackled as it met the magic of the Eversmokeand let it expand into strange, whirling dimensions. Distance and space suddenly upended as a hurricane of chaos was born.

An illusion, and all I can spare, Yintarion said. His voice was thin, and the glow from his golden scales dimmed, as if he had truly pressed everything into that Skill. It will not confuse them for long.

Thank you. Felix turned back toward the roiling fog around them. Chewing on ideas as water rushed around them, filling in the sudden hole hed taken out of the earth. Rock, soil, air, and water had little in the way of Essence compared to a person, but it was enough that Pit had begun weaving again. What else can I do?

Skills fired off, but this time they spun away from where Felix, Vess, and Yintarion huddled atop their platform of stone. Boulders arced over, birds of geen-gold light swirled, and air spears stabbed down at erratic anglesall of them far from hitting. Distantly, he heard them curse.

You finally face us truly, and now you run? Mace said, the wrath in her voice as clear as the derisionand the buried pain. Pathetic! You are not fit to be a Territorial Lord!

He is not, Sword affirmed. Felixs skin crawled just to hear the mans voice. He was the one that Felix was worried most about, and there was a weight to the mans voice he could not place. And so I challenge you, Lord of Nagast, for your Title!


Territorial Lord Autarch Felix Nevarre Has Been Challenged For His Authority!

The Challenger Is Master Callum Dor Of The High Guard!

Shit. Apparently, Felix didnt get a choice to refuse the matter. Even the Grandmaster of the Deserts Flame got a choice. What sort of Authority does he have to force the issue?

Begin Challenge!

Judgments Squall! Swords words boomed through Felixs concealing cloud. His Perception caught the High Guard lifting his weapon above his headonly for it to ignite into a tower of flame, hundreds of feet into the air. Face me with honor, Usurper Nevarre! Or your people will be punished for your cowardice!

The firestorm coiled upward, an inferno in the guise of a cyclone, high enough that, were it to fall, the flames would reach Haarwatchs walls. Through the haze of illusion and fog, Felix could tell how powerful it was, and that it would savage the entire walland set the Sunrise Quarter beyond ablaze. Thousands would die, unless he acted, and if he actedFelix licked his lips. He looked behind him, where Vess lay unconscious on their narrow stone platform, and the wan light of Yintarion all but guttered out.

Very well! Sword cried out, and his voice boomed twice as loud as before as he addressed the entire battlefield. Your Autarch has abandoned you! He refuses to face a lawful Challenge! As such, he has condemned you and your city to death!

Run, fool king, Yintarion rumbled.

Felix took a single, steadying breath. Yeah, thatd be smart.

Pit, he sent. Prepare yourself.

A warble of strain was interposed with confusion andas Pit sensed Felixs Spiritfear. Swiftly followed by a fierce determination. I stand ready.

Felix stood up.

Its time for something stupid, though.