Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty Five – 535

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty Five – 535

The first thing he saw were the branches of an opalescent crystal tree, adorned with enough multi-colored leaves to put all of Nagast to shame. The Divine Tree, hed been calling it, grown from a Vein of Divinity that hed stolen from a goddess. He careened toward its bulk, the prismatic shine of its Essence leaves filling the darkness with a near-blinding radiance.

Kinda hard not to imagine Im falling from my Cloudstep right now.About to hit snow and dirt, face first. Felix grinned as he flew, despite his thoughts. Eh. Id survive it.

Gathering speed, Felix shot down through the bevy of branches, each one faceted and shimmering with a different color. Leaves scattered around him, turning from perfectly shaped oak, ash, and elm leaves into luminescent vaporonly to reform behind him to the sound of chiming bells.

Between his work on the Stronghold and his Skills, the thing he truly prided himself on that winter was the sheer volume of visualization hed produced. As he burst from the upper boughs of his Divine Tree, Felix gazed upon the bounty of what hed wroughtand it was beautiful.

Its a funnel.

Quiet, you. I thought you were sleeping?Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Mhmph, Pit mumbled sleepily.

Pit was accurate though, even if he had stolen the term from Felix originally. His entire core space had elevated, forming like a cyclone around his cores and Divine Tree, resembling an inverted pyramid. His Skills shone, each one an orb of swirling colors and dancing patterns that resembled nothing so much as planetary bodies floating in space. They moved, rotating imperceptibly around the circumference of the funnel, each one spinning in a unique dance of its own.

Its a conduit, he reminded himself. Funnel sounds like Im baking or assembling a beer bong.

The Skills themselves were grouped into larger patterns, like planets that had become tidally locked with one another. They were called Skill Arrays, and the strength they provided was not to be ignored. Felix had progressed a great deal with those as wellhe had formed his Bastion Array and Shaping Array back before his confrontation with the Creature of Khasma, and he boasted even more now. They floated like glittering jewels around the circumference of his conduit, each one a song that Felix could sing if he wished.

Forsaken Array, Vigilant Array. Felix spotted each of them as he named them, checking their positions around his center. Concordance Array. Three formed in as many months.

Due to the sheer power the Skill Arrays required to establish their connections, not to mention the need for balance among the Array itself, Felix had taken his time crafting each of them. Karys and Zara had aided him in the beginning, helping him sort combinations in the most efficient ways. Karys advice had amounted to get the rarest Skill you have and attach others that compliment it, which would apparently effect the strongest boost to his abilities. Zara, on the other hand, had pointed out potential matches but warned him off the endeavor entirely. She had claimed it was too dangerous to tie his growth down, even for the boost the Skill Arrays might provide, as they were too inflexible were he to experience another spontaneous Skill evolution. Such a change would threaten the integrity of his other Skill patterns, perhaps leading to breaking or sundering completely. And that was discounting the possibility of regretwere he not happy with an Array, removing Skills from it was just as dangerous.

She certainly had a point, and Karys had agreed, but Felix had flabbergasted them both with a revelation shortly after the conflict in Haarwatch. Hed ignored their warnings and had adjusted his oldest Skill Array.

Bastion Array

Primary: Bastion of Will

Secondaries: Deep Mind, Skein of Fate, Chthonic Tribute

Tertiaries: Deception, Negotiation, Meditation

Felix had added Deception and Negotiation to it, and removed Voracious Eye, Aria of the Green Wilds, and Relentless Resolution. It had beenincredibly painful and Felix had danced upon the razors edge of consciousness the entire time. A combination of his powerful Willpower, stalwart Intent, and soaring Affinity saw him through, if a little worse for wear. The chamber hed performed the separation in still bore the scars of Felixs insensate spasms. He made sure not to show either of his advisors that particular bit of evidence.

Still, the results spoke for themselves, and after tweaking that first Skill Array, the System had retroactively recognized what he was doing and incorporated it into his display. Now all of them were viewable behind a tiny circular icon that faded from view unless he focused on it. It looked like a stylized solar system, white on blue. His other Skill Array was viewable as well, to which hed added his newest shaping Skill, Hand of Calamity.

Shaping Array

Primary: Sovereign of Flesh

Secondaries: Cardinal Flame, Stone Shaping, Green Shaping, Auroral Forge, Rime Shaping, Hand of Calamity.

Tertiaries: Manasight, Theurgist of the Rise, Invocation, Dual Casting, Manaship Pilot

It was odd, but according to Kara, not the first time the System has made adjustments on the fly. While the Chant operated largely outside of the Systems control, their facility with it was still represented by their Harmonic Stats. It hadnt always been so. Regardless, after proving his methods to Karys and Zara, they had abandoned trying to stop him. Felix had proceeded to assemble his three new arrangements.

Forsaken Array

Compared to the others he had seen, Felixs core space was titanically large. Perhaps he could have corrected this during his long visualization exercises, but there was little reason to do so. Others would struggle to utilize such vast amounts of space, but for Felix, it was almost the bare minimum to contain the forces he had incorporated within himself. A side effect of that, however, was a near constant need to replenish his Essence stores. That meant devouring monsters, cores, and magic often, so that his Hunger didnt deplete him of his strength when he needed it most.

A work in progress.

Below the warped space around his Hunger, the roots of his Divine Tree extended further still. They were among the only things that could approach that abyss, and yet the roots were not unchanged. Still crystalline, still opalescent, the colors nevertheless muted. Dulled, as if a piece of vitality had been leached away.

His Hunger stripped even the Divine, which was fortunate. The Creature couldnt face it and live, and if Felix played his cards right, nothing else would be able to either. He might be gearing up to face the might of the Hierocracy and their grandmasters, but he had experienced enough rare encounters to rightfully fear the true monsters out there.

The roots continued down, combining with cords of light that split through the bottom of his conduit before all of them wove together into nine Pillars, each as thick as his Divine Tree. This was the mark of Felixs advancement. Ones foundational Pillars were to be woven before one could attempt Grandmaster Tier, and Felix had them ready well before he reached Master. Their completion had boosted his stats to a large degree, but more importantly, they had increased his capacity for significance by a wide margin.

Significance was a strange thing. Like Essence, there was no meter to gauge how much he contained at any one time, though he could sense the edges of it to an extent. Also like Essence, Felix was equipped with methods that allowed him to drain others of a portion of their significance. It was a measurement of a persons solidity within the universe, a sort of gravity that grounded people. The greater their power and advancement, the greater the significance they would accumulate. Eventually, he was told, it all crystallized. Who you were would become immutable. Immortal, perhaps.

For his part, Felix was certain he would require far more significance than others to truly reach that point. Whether that was because of his expanded Skill set, his high stats, or even just his Unbound nature didnt really matter. At that point, the only part of him that felt fixed were his nine Pillars and the star lattice that sealed their base.

The foundation was surrounded and engulfed in a crystalline lattice that anchored the Pillars to whatever amounted to a floor in his core space. It wasnt as refined as the air inside his conduit, where Felix had spent months visualizing exactly what he wanted. The unfocused, almost dirty dark served as a boundary of sorts, where lattices of silver crystal further secured the bases of all nine of his Pillars.

That had been another gift of Felixs Hunger, a deluge of pure power that had pushed the final Pillars over the edge. Each Pillar had been woven from his Tempered Skills, his dual cores, and the thinnest of threads from the consumed slivers of two separate goddesses. They were braided with a complexity that boggled Felixs vision whenever he tried to trace them out, for all that he wove most of them. The last few, however, had been formed by Pit.

You did a good job, bud, Felix sent, but received no reply. He focused for a moment, tapping into the Link that connected them, and heard the tenku snoring away.

Felix left him alone.

All in all, his core space was looking good and operating just as he had visualized it to do so. The only real question was what that damned fist was all about.

Its powerful, I know that. The first emergence of that conjured fist had resulted in the Creatures final defeat. Except now it had tried to emerge from his core space entirely. I dont even see it here. Is it hiding?

Felix hesitated to attempt another summoning of ithe had no clue what it would do to the environment around him, or how to contain its clear power. There were hunters and foragers in the forest below him. Felix would need a large, empty space to truly test it out.

Or I could suck it up and ask Zara about it, he chided himself.

The Naiad Sorcerer had proven herself trustworthy a dozen times over, but her ties to the Chanters made Felix uncomfortable. Hed grown used to Zara after months, but then the revelation that he was expected to fight the Ruina civilization killing abomination that erased history itselfhad set him back on his heels. Then, of course, Isla had entered the mix and set everything back further. If the diminutive healer represented how the Cantus Sodalus operated, Felix was not keen on involving them in his business. The womans continued efforts to meddle around his Stronghold only solidified his distrustand Zaras refusal to step in made him newly wary of her intentions as well.

So talking to the Chanters about his innermost workings was off the table for now. Karys had plenty of insight, but it was full of holes. He knew the Pillars were good, the Skill Arrays were strong, and the mere presence of crystallized Mana in his core space at all was a sign of great things to comebut the larger significance was lost.

I suppose I can ask him about the fist, at least. Not like hes going to tell anyone.

Felix? My Lord, are you there?

Felix blinked back to reality, his core space fading as the world restored itself around him. Green-gold Mana vapor oozed from his Inheritors Will, buzzing with the voice of his Chancellor. Speak of the devil. What is it, Karys?

Its Kimaris. She has made contact with the Witches of Cold Rock.

Ooh. That was fast. Felix weighed his options. He had a meeting with Zara, one hed put off more than a few times alreadybut Kimaris mission was important. He nodded. Be there in a second.

Within his chest, a series of chords rang out as he sounded a Skill. Harmony and Dissonance wound around each other in equal measure, guided by his Affinity and shaped by his Intent as it spooled through his pathways and out of the Mana Gates in his palms. All of it took less than a faction of a second.

Adamant Discord!

Connections between here and there, between Felix and Karys, went from ephemeral to hardened steel beams. Felix grasped them, letting lightning course across his fingers, and pulled.

He shot off into the sky, a wake of blistering sound trailing behind him.