Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty Seven – 537

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty Seven – 537

As soon as the stone door closed behind him, Felix slumped in relief. Like a bubble bursting, his sense of others vanished into nothing. Wards against sight and sound were layered throughout the wide structure, packed tightly enough that even his potent Perception had difficulty penetrating them. Felix shuddered. The desperate greed, naked ambition, and thrumming fear on those people had clung to him like oily smokeand still, it had not felt as nearly as unsettling as the ragged awe and sour jealousy they had let sound from their Spirits.

Sometimes I really regret having Harmonic Stats.

He moved. With his Born Trait of perfect recall, Felix had found that the best method to push away a recent experience was to ground himself in the now. He was pretty sure people called it mindfulness back on Earth, but whatever it was, it had proven to be extremely useful when his vivid memories clung too tightly.

Before him, the tiled flooring of the Upper Hall fell away, broken through by the surging growth of the Atlantes Anima. Felix had shaped the gate around the area in order to keep folks out, though it wasnt entirely necessary. Those without the required permissions couldnt get very far anyway. Still, it helped clear up exactly where people were welcome.

Hello, Atlantes, he sent, sounding the cord that stretched between him and the Tree. Are you doing well? Need more water? Uhsoil?

What came back werent words, just feelings. Much like how Pit had once communicated with him. The rustling of leaves and creaking of branches filtered through his Affinity, noise without sound, felt more than heard. It was enough to get a bead on things.

Good. Glad youre doing well. He patted the ridged bark. The Fruit has been great.Keep up the good work.

To his right, a set of stairs extended down into the dark, winding around the trunk in a spiral pattern. They also wound upward, but he wasnt looking to harvest more Spirit Fruit. He went down, taking steps three at a time until the floor of the Upper Hall vanished above him. There were no magelights floating along the path, mostly because there was no need for them. Felixs vision in the dark was almost perfect, both because of his high Perception stat as well as his Manasight, which could pick out the ever present glow of Mana all around them. Moreover, the Tree itself glowed vibrantly in the dark, more than enough to assist even an Untempered persons descent all the way to the roots.

Felix had no intention of walking so far. The moment he rounded the first curve of the Tree and the rough stone tunnel it had bored opened up a bit, he hopped off.

He fell like a rock.

For a long, breathless moment, Felix reveled in the drop. His stomach, long used to his flights, did not flip-flop as it once had, but it was still exhilarating to free-fall. Riding lightning across the sky was delightful, but this was primal, tickling something at the back of his brain. If only for a moment, he forgot the weird looks from above, the Chanters plans, and even the near-conjuration of a deadly, magic fist.

Only when the bottom-most floor loomed close did he bother to flare Adamant Discord. Lightning surged upward, a dozen bolts that tethered him to the Temple itself, and slowed his momentum to nothing. Felix landed with a soft klank.

Your control has truly grown, Karys said.

Felix smiled. Thanks, man. You too. Normally youd have clunked around. Finally getting used to that Body?

A ten-foot tall suit of armor, fully mechanized and run by a confusing amount of sigaldry, stood before Felix in the luminescent dark. A helmet sat atop its gorget, shading an interior that glowed with twin pinpricks of green-gold light. It has been a process, but the additions Harn was able to fashion have proven a great boon.

I was wondering about that, Felix said, cocking his head to the side. The ancient Nymean man had once patched up the old armored Body with dark iron and scraps, but now the breastplate and right arm were made of smooth, segmented plates that looked familiar. What did he make those out of?The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

Leviathan bone, from Ahkestria.

Huh. I thought he couldnt work with that stuff yet. Its durable enough?

More than sufficient. It is leagues more effective than the iron scraps I had once used, if not as good as Crescian Bronze.

What is?


No, really. That was a question. Felix scratched his jaw and started forward. We cant seem to get any more Crescian Bronze, and we need more sources of metal ore that arent simple iron or steel. The Domains have been useful to salvage from, but those arent much better and will dry up eventually. Is the Leviathan bone better than orichalcum or mithril?

You would need to speak with Harn more on that. Karys retrieved a rudimentary clipboard from a satchel around his waist and flipped through a few pages. Paper was a new addition to their community, brought to them by a papermaker out of Haarwatch. He has conducted tests on the various materials hes collected, but hasnt given me a definitive list as of yet.

Hm. Something to talk to him about later. Felix passed by his Chancellor and friend, stepping into a tall archway just beyond. You have news on Kimaris, you said?

It is only to illustrate a point, my Lord. Karys didnt often give Felix guff, but now he sounded almost disappointed. You cannot abandon your Territory to chase after every threat personally.

Sometimes its necessary. Like with the other Unbound, Felix said.

This is not about the other Unbound. Karys hesitated. Correct?

Felix sighed. No. Its not.

No dreams pointing to the frozen north? Nor visions of ice and snow?

Felix rolled his eyes. No.

Then I would not consider it important enough that you abandon your duties to your people here. According to your own plans, weve not completed half the tasks you set for us.

Felix growled. It was true; a great many things crowded Felixs plate. He was tackling them as fast as he could, but there was only so much he could attend to himself. Felix had to rely on his friends and allies to get it all done. Still, this wasnt just because he was aching for a fight or even the need to test out his Skills. There were higher priorities.

I need more Essence, he said, quietly. For Pit.

Karys made a small sound and a complicated bouquet of emotions rippled across his Spirit. I see.

Felix didnt need to explain to his Chancellor further. There had been a great many discussions on the topic since the battle.

Has he shown any further ability to use your Sovereign of Flesh? Karys asked.

Felix and Pit gained the ability to utilize each others Skills, which was how Pit had been able to weave Felixs last few Pillars. It was harder than it seemed at first blush, of course. Reliably accessing each others Skills had turned out to be a crapshoot, at best.

Only a little. Felix took a long, steadying breath. But conducting more experiments has been hampered by the fact that I dont have enough Essence to spare. Everything I consume is only able to keep my tank topped off.

Your Hunger is still so greedy? Can it not sense Pits situation?

Felix snorted. I dont know how smart that thing is. It wants to eat, and it wants me to keep being around to ensure that it eats. Thats it, far as I can tell.

So your plan is to consume an entire Domain and use the excess to fuel Pits recovery?

Thats the main goal, yeah. But improving relations with our friends to the north is high on the list too.

Karys hands fell to his sides, defeated. Isuppose that is a valuable task that only you can accomplish. I shall arrange the Manaship to fly out in the morning.

Tonight, Felix corrected. No point in waiting.

Very well.

But first, we need to take care of a couple things Ive been putting off, Felix said, and started walking across the glimmering lines of his Seat and Seal.

Such as?
