Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Six – 546

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Six – 546

My Lord!

Kimaris and her Risi Warriors gave the Witches a wide berth as they approached Felix, refusing to even look at them. They appeared to be in good health. His Voracious Eye picked out a mere handful of wounds on the warriors while Kimaris was looking pristine in her dark fur cloak and stole.

Kimaris. Battlelord Vidar. Felix gave them all a smile. Hope your mission hasnt been too rough, here.

The leader of his Frost Giant faction answered his smile with a dazzling one of her own. Rough suits the Risi. We are a people of hardshipswe do not look away from a difficult task. Even when our efforts arestymied.

So I heard. Felix nodded at the torn up ground and, beyond, the other Risi. Theyre giving you trouble?

They are, how do you say, stone-walling us, Battlelord Vidar said.

The Witches of Cold Rock have issued an ultimatum. We are not allowed to cross the Boreal Pass, and no alliance will be had, Kimaris added.

Is that so, Felix murmured. He walked forward, snow crunching beneath his boots. The Cold Rock Risi watched him with sharp eyes and almost eager Spirits. The Witch from before, Naberius according to his Eye, stepped out to meet him.

Who are you, Human? she demanded.

Felix Nevarre. Autarch of Nagast and Ahkestria. And youre Naberius, Witch of Cold Rock, Heir of the Seidr.

Naberius drew her shoulders back, making the lady giant seem all the taller. What do you know of Cold Rock. Of the Seidr. Her eyes twitched, just for a moment, toward Kimaris. What has she revealed to you, Human?

Lotta complicated emotions going on here. Diving into it all with his Affinity was the equivalent of grabbing a hot pan off the stove with his bare hands. Ill-advised, at best. Nothing. Kimaris keeps your peoples secrets, and I dont make a habit of prying. She is here under my orders. To reach an understanding between our peoples.

Mana swirled behind the giants eyes, a blur of purple, white, and crimson. You are not strong enough to command even a single Witch, Human. I do not know what trickery you used to kill those Brumalbats, but I can see your mortal Temper. It is lacking.

Felix suppressed the urge to fiddle with the Amulet of Veiling around his neck. It was a Chanter artifact that kept his personal details from being spied oneven gave false details, such as nowand half the time he forgot he was wearing it. He was tempted to take it off, show the Witches exactly who they were dealing with, but that wasnt necessary. Not yet. Despite that, Kimaris and all of her remaining people are sworn to me. Perhaps there is a reason, beyond simple strength?

Another WitchBerithjabbed a thick stave in his direction, a scowl twisting her wrinkled skin. Strength is all, false king! Rule cannot be had without might, otherwise it will collapse beneath the weight of its meanest challenge.

Naberius placed a restraining hand on the older Witch. Our peoples. Those were your words. You would call monsters kin, Human?

I would.

No words were exchanged among the Witches, but a ripple traveled between them all. Felix could see the Mana of it, some Skill clearly, as it spread from Naberius to the others. It matched the wave of surprise and outrage that puckered their Spirits. More interesting to him, however, was the dim purl of curiosity. Finally, their silent communion ended.

You claimed to be here to save our lives, Naberius said. I would ask that you explain.

Thats almost polite, he mused. Ive been informed that one of your Domains is breaking. I have experience with handling such things, and I would offer my services.

Berith scoffed, as did several others. Just as Kimaris said. A fool king for a fool girl.

How? Naberius asked. This Domain is powerful and ancient, and its breaking has been coming for a long while. There is no stopping it, not for an outside like yourself. At best you would stem the tide, as you have done here.

A chunk of bloody snow skid across the ground and into the giants feet. Pit followed after, paws crunching the icy snow. He did a pretty good job at that, and I wasnt even helping.

Chimera, another Witch hissed, one so old she looked like a scarecrow in all of her furs.

Different Domains manifest in different ways. Has to do with the monsters that began its formation, Felix said. Hed read that from one of the many books hed snagged from Ahkestria. Im gonna go ahead and assume the monsters here love ice.

The entrance looked like it was composed of solid light. Dazzling motes of ice swirled atop its surface, causing a layer of frost to crackle and pop.

Ironskin Domain. Attuned to stone, metal, and ice, Naberius intoned. Her voice had the cadence of a ritual, and it was clear she wasnt just speaking to Felix, but to all of her warriors as well. This is our birthright. Our crucible, given to us by the Frostfather when the Mother abandoned us. It is here that our warriors are forged. And it is here that we test the mettle of Felix Nevarre.

Felix frowned. Test him?

As all chieftains before him, he faces a challenge of great difficulty. He will face the threats of the Domain with naught but himself and his own abilities. Wethe Witches of Cold Rock, Heirs of Seidr and the gifts of the Frostfatherwe shall test him in the old ways. Felix Nevarre shall emerge worthyor not at all.

Pits ears laid back and a great rumble shook his chest and barding. They want you to die.

Maybe. Felix laid a hand onto his friends neck where his armor had a thin gap and scratched. If I had a level for every time someone has wanted me dead, Id be a god.

Pit snorted. Youd be a terrible god.

What? Id be great. Felix pressed his forehead against Pits own, not caring that the metal armor around wanted to freeze onto his bare skin. Theres not enough giants in this pass to take me on.

Pit let loose a trill that was neither acceptance nor relief, but it was the closest Felix would expect. He straightened. Kimaris. Whatre they talking about?

They will accompany you, my Lord. That much is clear. The other She hesitated, staring at the other Witches as all of them shuffled toward the Domain entrance. To treat you as a warrior looking to claim his right as chieftain isunprecedented.

What does that mean in practical terms?

I cannot speak on the details of a chieftains test, but it is a challenge that pits the Domain against the limits of your strength. There are layers within, nine in total, and the further one walks the closer one comes to the Domain Core itself and certain death. Yet the closer to the center one treads, the greater their position when they emerge. Kimaris wetted her lips with the tip of her tongue. Grimmar was the first to conquer six of the nine layers. It is part of why he was able to unite so many of us and lead the expedition south to Kimaris snapped her mouth shut, jaw muscles clenching. She did not look at him.

To Shelim, and his friends. Felix fought back a rough, unhealed anger. He had to remind himself that the giants werent entirely responsible for their own actions, that the Maw had manipulated thembut it took him a moment to calm down. A lot of people had died back then, including Grimmar and almost four hundred Risi.

Felix Nevarre, Naberius called out, loud enough to hear perfectly over the storm. Do you wish to walk the path of rule?

The Witches stood in a semi-circle around the Domain entrance, but three were beside it, watching him. Waiting for him.

Piece of cake, he told himself and started walking over. Yeah, sure. So long as you promise my people will all remain safe until I get back.

It is as you say. No harm shall come to them, not from us. But, Naberius held up a large hand about the size of Felixs head. You alone will enter. Your Chimera will remain.


To walk the path of rule, you must walk without the support of anyone but yourself. The only thing you can truly rely upon. It is

This time, Felix held up a hand, stopping them mid-speech. Screw that. Hes with me, and Im with him. Always.

Pit trilled, matching his aggression. Yeah. What he said.

Then you cannot Berith started to say, but Felix wasnt listening.

Cmon, Pit. They converged in a flash of light, dazzling the Witches around them. The Witches screams of alarm and warning were ignored. Felix dashed straight ahead into the Domain.

Ice shattered and silence descended.