Chapter Five Hundred And Fifty Seven – 557

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Fifty Seven – 557

In a quiet, snow-coated glade, a portal split the air.

Birds scattered and small creatures skipped across footprints that had barely filled in, while the rent sucked up the air around it like a gasping man. It widened, loosing a fluting note that soon trembled with vibratountil it stopped. There was only silence and the night-dark hole, and both of them breathed in the stillness of the forest.

From star-drenched darkness, two booted feet crunched into the same footprints they had once left. Veddi and Devvi stepped out, branding their weapons, while Errol was close behind. Errol made a sharp gesture. Fan out, secure the glade.

The giants did so, as did Kress and Geddin, moving through the deep snow with sure steps and serious Spirits. The Fiends Shadows were fast and thorough, returning a bare half minute later. Sir, the glade is clear, Veddi reported.

Lord Autarch. The way is safe, Errol said softly into the breach. It rippled, and Felix emerged, Pit at his side.

Thank you, Errol, he said.

Our pleasure, Lord Autarch, Errol said, saluting.

Whyd you let them do all that? Pit asked. I could feel the glade was empty through the portal.

Why do you think? Felix asked.

Pit tilted his head as the Shadows rearranged themselves around the two of them. To make them feel useful?

Sorta. And because we cant do everything, even if we want to. Felix glanced at the portal as it closed with a soft exhaling pop. We dont have to fight every fight.

His Companion let out a contemplative trill. Felix ruffled the feathers of his cheek, where his barding didnt cover, before grasping the hilt of his hooked blade. Karys. Weve returned.

Green-gold lights spun up, hovering around it like fog. I am pleased to hear of your return. It has been less than nine glasses since your departure. I assume the issue with the Risi has been resolved?

More or less. His return from the Domain had been met with wide-eyed stares and thunderous applause. The Witches had sided with Felix before he could display his Title for beating the Frostfatherthey still hadnt seen it, but apparently the Witches had been watching up until the point he challenged the Greater Elemental, after which their connection had broken. Beating the Summit of the Ironskin Domain was unprecedented, and seeing how Felix had returned unharmed, Naberius was quick to champion him as a contender for rule. He still wasnt entirely sure how that would resolve itself, but Felix had plans to make and none of them were in the north. Not yet, anyway. Kimaris is headed back to Cold Rock now to secure our foothold.

Foothold? I thought we only sought an alliance with the Risi?

I was more effective than I anticipated, Felix said, his voice as dry as he could manage in the wet snowdrifts. He quickly outlined the possibility of a healing artifact for Pit, something hed already shared with the Shadows. Ill be back to the Temple shortly, and well need to gather our people together to discuss a new trip.

The location of this miraculous artifact was revealed to you?

It was. Ill tell you more in person.

Very well, my Lord. Is there anything else we can do to prepare?

Felix took a short inhale before letting it all go. Please inform Zara that Ill be heading to speak with her shortly, if you would.

Of course.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

The connection faded, and his blade dimmed. Felix stood in the empty glade, thinking. The Mote of Frenzy hadnt left his Mind since hed learned of itnot the entire trip across two Dark Passages and certainly not now. The Frostfathers only other words before they had parted concerned the Mote, words that Felix could not forget.

The Mote of Frenzy is chaos unchained. To grasp it is to wrestle with the dark underpinnings of what is, and what could be. It must be mastered, or else it will consume all that attempt to use its power. Be wary, Scion.

It was hope. Felix clung to it, and even Pit was cheered by the pronouncement.

I got this. Pit nudged his shoulder with his head. You just get us into the vault.

Felix cracked a grin. Yeah. Lets get to planning. Shadows. Go back to Elderthrone. Tell Battlelord Ari the good news.

Aye, my Lord, Veddi said with his own wide smile. All of the Bitterward will hear of your victory! Blessed by the Frostfather Himself!

The lot of them sped outward, mages and warriors racing through the ancient woods and into a gathering gloom. It was partly due to his Spirit Tree, and partly due to the waning winter sunlight. Sunset soon.

Convergence? he asked Pit. His friend looked tired, but not nearly as tired as before their trip.


His Companion vanished in a flash of light, landing in his Spirit before Felix ascended into the still, gray sky.

Have you considered your last Pillar, Felix?

No no, Lavix. Thats fine. Felix waved the War Naga down, stopping her from diving right back into the river. Ive already eaten. I think.

You have not. And neither have I. Gimme.

Youll get your fill in the Temple. I have a lot of food in there.

Butbig fish.

Patience, lil pig. Ahem. Why are you fishing for Yintarion?

Because he requests it of us. And though we were once enemies by circumstance, that was the Fathom. The Dragons carry our respect, and Yintarion of the Cerulean Skies, he that brought us to battle against your enemies my LordWe will gather fish for him.

And it is appreciated, Lavix. I need the energy, said the Wyrmling between bites. The huge fish, easily the size of a dinghy and covered in thick scales and deadly looking spines, had been slapped onto the icy riverbank like a wet sack of cement. For my evolution.

His meals need to contain a certain amount of nutrients, as well as meet some other strange requirements that I do not fully understand. Vess watched her Companion take huge bites, devouring the fish with fascination. Where does he put it all?

Ive wondered the same thing about Pit many, many times.

Yintarion swallowed a chunk of fish the size of Felixs head and growled at them. We Dragons consume our prey and press their power into our own cores, building up a thick base for our evolutions. It is part of how all monsters advance, though all are a touch different.

I put it in my belly.

You, Autarch, must operate in a similar way, no? Yintarion took another bite and slurped it down. With your Primordial Hunger?

Something like that. Felix didnt actually know what his Hunger did with all the stuff he ate, just that he was able to use a lot of it for his own growth until it was fully digested by the big abyss inside him. Lavix, how are your people doing? Have they encountered any further troubles in the river?

No, my Lord. With the aid of your consort, we have been thriving.

My consort? Felix felt a horrified flush wrack his skin from toes to hairline. Oh. No. Sorry, Vess isntuh, not like that. I dont have a consort.

We are not wedded, Lavix, Vess said. That smile was gone but humor danced in her eyes.

Wed? Ah, lifemates. I apologize for my assumption. The heavy-featured War Naga bowed, muscular, humanoid arms crossed over her barrel torso and long serpentine tail. Your customs are strange to us. That is why many of my kind wished to remain in Haestus. Such close proximity to so many of the land Races is quite overwhelming.

After the lot of them had been overtaken by the Creature in Khasma Felix had gone out of his way to reestablish their Oath to him. The Deepking had been more than ready to accept a far more deadly punishment, but Felix had zero interest in that. He couldnt blame the guy for falling prey to the insidious influence of a piece of Divinity grafted onto a damn Dragon. If I can forgive Yintarion, I can forgive the Nagafolk. Hed said as much to them all, but a rare few were willing to stay in Nagast.

Dont worry about it, Lavix. How are your hatchlings? he asked, quickly changing the subject.

They are developing well, my Lord. The hunting is good in these waters, and the prey is rich in Mana. It will allow my people to grow strong.

Im glad. Remember to reach out to us if you need toall of my people know to treat the Nagafolk with respect.

Of course. Lavix bowed again. For now we shall leave you. Our own hunts await.

Farewell, Lavix, Vess said.

With barely a whisper of a splash, all of them vanished beneath the surface of the wide river. Soon after, they vanished even to Felixs senses. There was only the soft lapping of the waves, and the sloppy chomps from a hungry, golden Wyrmling.

Vess stepped away from the bank and released her spear. It floated behind her on a cushion of air Mana. Felix. Would you walk with me awhile?

Yintarion gulped down something pale and wet. Yes, take that Chimera of yours away from my meal. I can practically hear him salivating.

Am not.

Hmph, the Wyrmling shot back, before diving into his meal again.

Be kind, Yin, Vess admonished her Companion. He ignored her, and she rolled her eyes. He will take a while with that fish, and Im late for another meeting of my own back in town. But she hesitated and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. I have been meaning to speak with you.


Shut up, Pit. He fought off the urge to wipe his palms (when had they gotten sweaty?), and gestured back into the forest. Sure. Lets uh, sure. After you.

Vess smiled at him and walked away. Felix followed.