Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Two – 582

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Two – 582

Ah. Felix wasnt quite prepared for that one. Well, home iswas Fort Lauderdale. Thats in Florida. Which is in the United StatesIm not sure how much context I should give.

Vess waved a hand. Was it nice? Florida?

It was too hot, too humid, and too sunny. Nice is a bit of a stretchbut it could be beautiful.

Hot and sunny sounds quite pleasant at the moment.

Felix chuckled. You know, its weird. My resistances are so high that I can ignore the temperature, but I still feel it. I might actually like the heat back home, now.

Vess leaned in. And your family? What were they like?

Around. My moms always been the stable center of our little family. Took care of all of us before and after my dad passed. Got me through school, my sister too. She fought for us, tooth and nail. My sister was still living with her when I last saw them. Felix dragged his finger across the smooth stone table, a sourness bubbling up from within his chest. He clenched his fist and shoved it back down. I miss them.

Vess reached out and placed her hand on Felixs. I would love to meet them, one day. If they are anything like you, they are worth knowing.

Felix grinned. Well, Gabby isnt all that great.

The black iron door swung open and Sata returned, this time with a young boy helper, the both of them belaboring under trays piled with steaming food. It wasnt fancy, but it smelled delicious, and it was a lot. Felix had to quickly shape an extension onto the table to fit it all.

Oh youbrought your own table? Sata said after placing her trays down. Well good thing. This suits your folk more.

The boy, even taller and more gangly than her, set a carafe hewn of literal ice between them all. Whered it come from? I didnt see it lugged down here.

Felix waggled his fingers, and a set of plates and cutlery manifested before himself and Vess. Magic.

Ferric Shaping is level 16!

Ferric Shaping is level 22!

The boys eyes widened. Sata patted him on the chest. Lets not bother the nice Humans, Nall. Have a nice meal, Frostkillers friends.

The two young giants left, Nall staring at them the whole while. They shut the black door with an echoing crash.

I like that about you, Felix.

Hmm? He had lifted his plate and was inspecting the uneven surface with a critical eye. The knives and forks were even worse. The plate thing? I was showing off a little. I shouldve made them outta stone. Im better with it.

Vess laughed. No. Not the plate thing. You really do not mind, do you?

Dont mind what?

That the giants seem to have given Beef the credit for todays battle.

Oh. That. He set his plate down. No, this is the best case scenario. It was the point, after all.

Vess lifted an eyebrow. The point? You planned for Beef to take responsibility?

Yeah. Im not always gonna be around, especially if I keep expanding my Authority. Eventually, Ill need others to step up and help me out, and itd be easier if the Territories respect them. I gave him the remains of the Greater Savage Therium and told him to make it a spectacle. He did good. He grows a little reputation with the giants, and I get a little anonymity for a bit longer. Its win/win. Plus, the boost is good for his ego. I think hes been stewing about not being more of a help last time we fought the Hierocracy.

Youthat is wise. Vess picked up her slightly warped fork and stabbed it into the steaming roast next to them. Before long, you will no longer need my lessons on diplomacy.

Dont worry. I promise Ive got plenty of dumbass left in the tank.

She snort-laughed, then put her hand over her mouth in embarrassment. You certainly have a way with words.

Usually they just get me hit in the face, Felix admitted. He cut into the roasted haunch next to him, and a burst of spicy aromas filled the room. Oh this does look good.

Talk faded as they dug into their meal. There were six separate dishes on display, each portioned for far bigger stomachs, but the pair of them were hungry. It had been a while since hed eaten anything, and there was only so long someone could go before that caught up to them. The food was tasty as well as plentiful, cut from some beast Felix hadnt encountered before, and it was heavily seasoned. The giants may not have liked the heat, but that didnt apply to their food. The roast haunch wasnt even the worst of it; that title was reserved for a pair of punch bowls filled to the brim with sauce, grain, vegetables, and more meat. It was sort of like a curry, if someone decided to make it with hellfire.

It was delicious.

The last few bites of it went down, just as hot as the rest, but they vanished before Felix could swallow. Hey!

Too Weak, his Hunger rumbled.

Fingers crossed, he said. Remind me to tell you about the time I survived getting lost in the Everglades. And that was before I had all these cool powers.

A harrowing experience, I assume.

Embarrassing mostly, if I ignore the part with all the crocodiles.

Vess tilted her head. You do miss it.

Felix smiled, but it was a soft thing. The edges of that experience in the Everglades were softened by time and his hardships on the Continent. Compared to what hed been through recently, it was almost a fond memory. Yeah, I guess I do.

Do you believe Zara? That you could be sent home?

I do believe her, but I doubt its so simple. The fact that the Chanters dont know enough about the Summoning Ritual makes me doubt itbut I cant lie: the idea is enticing.

If you were given the choice, right now, would you leave? Go home to your people, your family, and leave the struggle behind?

II dont know. If he could run back to Earth, would the trouble just follow him? Crazy as it seemed, he was pretty sure his planet existed in the same universeand who knew what the Ruin might do. Hed had visions of the consequences of running away from it before, back during his Omen Path. It had come to Earth. I miss a lot of things back home, but weve made something here. Leaving Nagast behind, all of younah. The fights here. Im not running from it.

In recent months Felix had mostly run toward his problems, and frankly that was far better suited to him. He couldnt leave the Continent to face Ruin without trying to help.

Vess reached out and gripped his hand. I am happy you are here, Felix. She smiled, cheek dimpling.

I believe you.

Can you not feel it? she asked. Your Affinity is far stronger than my own.

Oh, uh. I dontuse that around you, he said. It feels like cheating? Like Im reading your mind without permission. Not really fair, considering I dont stop myself with others.

That is sweet Felix, but unnecessary. If you need my permission, then you have it. She tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear with her free hand, and her other one never left his palm. Read away.

Felix tentatively relaxed the stranglehold he had on his Affinity around Vessand found a startling deep well of a great many things. Sparks of amusement and curiosity sang around her, while a halo of lingering melancholy slowly faded from her thoughts. A deep thrum of joy was there, filling the gaps of her Spirit. Happiness.

To be near him.

The next thing he knew, Felix was kissing her. She tasted of spices and strong berry wine, and her hand tightened on his own.


Felix blinked and pulled back, confused.

Another voice sounded off, a gleeful sort of chirrup.What happened? Did he kiss her?


Oh, finally! I gotta tell Evie. She owes me three monster cores.

Whadid youShut up. Felix shut out the sound of his Hunger and Pit. Not so much muting them as closing a door in their faces. He could still hear them, but muffled.

Did I do something wrong? Vess asked, searching his expression. You seem angry.

Not at you, Felix said. Ive just got too many passengers on this road trip.

Ah. Yin is a bit intrusive at times, too. Vess grinned at him, the dimple in her cheek pressing deep. He promised to ward our bond this evening, however. For privacy.

Felix tried but couldnt keep the smile off his face. Thatahemthats nice of him.


Maybe he can teach me that trick sometime. Actually, as a Dragon, he probably knows a lot of magic. I never got a proper chance to talk to him about shaping

Perhaps we can talk about Dragons another time.

What? Oh. Oh

She kissed him, and for a while, Felix didnt care much about magic.