Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Four – 584

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Four – 584

The moment they pierced the boundary ward, it was like a mountain falling on his ears. Glaciers hurled into the sky, thrown vertical as well as horizontal by some insane force, only to collide with one another in cataclysmic impacts. Those savage detonations tore at his ears and shoved at his chest like a mattress filled with pure lead.

Laur! Shields! he cried out.Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

Already done! the Elf shouted. Immediately, the terrible decibels were mufflednot extinguished entirely, but Felix no longer saw anyone clutching their skulls.

Good enough.

The hounds straightened and sped down the trail, a bare plane of white amid the glaciers, thin but serviceable. Felixs Perception and Affinity spread out, uninhibited now, pinged off of the unmitigated mayhem all around them. He flared them as his Mind tried to catalog everything going on, but it was a lot. He couldnt

Felixs head snapped up. Rime Shaping!

A handful of jagged, house-sized boulders fell from above, debris from a distant collision, and Felixs Will met it mid-flight. They resisted for only a moment before he took them apart entirely.

Rime Shaping is level 87!

All that fell atop them was a torrent of loose snowflakes.

Keep going! Full speed! he commanded.

Uta na! one of the Warriors called, and the Hoarhounds pelts crackled with purple vapor. They put on another burst of speed.

You cannot waste yourself on the entire team! Naberius shouted at him. She clutched at the rim of the sled and there was fear in her eyes. The Step responds to power, and if you display too much it will respond in kind! Focus on us! Ensure that we make it through, and we Witches can claim the Kingsrock for you!

No! Felix speared his Will through another falling slab of ice, boring a tunnel through its depths just in time for their sleds to race through. Everyone makes it through!

Thankfully, the glaciers didnt only explode toward them, and the path opened up as things split apart before them. The trail widened to hundreds of feet, with deep snow drifts to either side like the world's freshest ski slope. Craggy cliffs of dark stone were revealed just beyond the snow, hemming them in. Felix took the moment to gaze beyond their group.

Pandemonium reigned in the Starfield Steps. The molden sky was filled with flashing lights, while colored threads gathered like strange lightning, striking downward at various places in every direction. The other tribes were moving, and quickly.

What happens if the other tribes get to the Kingsrock first? Felix asked Kimaris.

She opened her mouth, but Naberius cut in. Then the claiming grows far more deadly.

What does that mean?

There is no time. It will be hard enough if we get there first. Do not tempt fate!

Felix flicked his gaze to Kimaris, but the woman only nodded mutely. Faster, then. Warriors! Can we get more speed out of the hounds?

Ta, for a bit, one said beneath his horned helm.

How long? Felix asked.

The other Warrior driver gritted his teeth as the hounds shouldered through a six foot drift of powder. A handful of heartbeats. Its for bursts of speed only.

The path was open now, with most shifting glaciers further away from their progress. The snow was dragging at the heavy sleds, but they seemed to be moving at the same pace as the other tribes. Hold it in reserve. Be ready when I shout, alright?

Ta falla!

Felix looked back over the twenty nine other sleds, all of them racing in a neat row. His soldiers had their hands on weapons and their eyes fixed on the environment, and that included Kimaris giants. The other giants and Witches, Cold Rock and Feldspear Covens, were sat back. The Warriors and Berserkers all had eager expressions, but the Witches were pale. It was hard to get a bead on their Spirits among the tumult, but it was clear they werent nearly as happy to be there as their subordinates.


He spun around, guided by Pits sudden warning, but was only just in time to see his sled rip across a glowing line of sigaldry. Nymean work, he noted, even as the details of it were lost to terrain and distance. He caught enough to guess at itand that guess was confirmed as the cliffs to either side burst asunder.

Monsters! All sides and comin in fast! Harn called out.

Living boulders chased with streaks of shimmering metal clattered out of the rubble, their angular insect legs blurring as they sped up. Felix knew themor a version of them, at least.

Voracious Eye!

Name: Greater Gold Obelons

Type: Greater Elemental (Stone/Metal)

Like their lesser versions, these were shaped like immense, horned beetles crossed with rhinoceroses. The difference now were the veins of bright gold across their bodiesand their incredible size. Each one was twice the size of their sleds, and they were fast. They moved to match their speed with all the gusto of a rampaging herd of tanks.

Greater Elementals! Stone and metal types! Felix called out. Tier IV!

Aye! Tough bastards, then! Harns axes ignited with silver flame. Bring em down!

From both sides of the convoy, a barrage of Skills was unleashed. Fire and lightning snapped outward, blasting against rocky hides, while ice and shadow impacted heads and legs. Despite the sheer amount of Skills, few Obelons fell.

What was worse, projectiles manifested around the Greater Elementals, rotating atop their backs like tiny asteroid belts before hurtling toward the sleds. The wards rippled but held under the first volley, but the creatures did not relent. As their group raced across the snow, the Obelons pummeled them with tire-sized boulders at utterly ridiculous speeds. The shields began to flash, ripples becoming a rainbow of hues.

You need to end them! Laur said, a shrill note in his voice. They will overload the wards if this continues!

Brace! someone else yelled, just before an elemental careened into their sleds. The things horns dipped low as if to skewer them but a blazing silver axe met it, and they were the first to fall. Insectoid legs snapped and the elemental tumbled off into its own herd.

Hides too tough to penetrate! Harn commanded. Aim for the joints and eyes!

A good observation, Tzfell said, stepping up to the armored commander. But tell your men to aim their Skills at my target.

Felix wasnt sure who said it, but he flagged the problem immediately: another shift in the tundra sent a rift across the groundand sent the far end of the chasm toppling into the abyss. His bridge cracked and broke apart, with more than half of his people still atop of it.

No! Cloudstep! Crackling platforms of pure Mana formed beneath his convoy, catching those that tumbled off and angling them toward safety. The platforms shuddered, but held. Felix screamed at the weight and as the distance continued to open up between him and the slowed portion of his team. Stop the sled!

We cannot! More ravines ahead!

Felix cursed. Pass the word! Nows a good time for that speed boost!

Ra falla dag!

The Hoarhounds ahead of Felix shimmered with purple vapor before it sank into their haunches. The entire vehicle lurched forward as their pace doubled, and the same call went down the line.




The ground was falling apart and too unstable to shape anything from the earth, so all he could do was rely upon his old Skill. Felix poured all he had into it, thousands of Mana, and still the sheer tonnage of hound, giant, soldier and sled was like daggers into his chest and brain. Pain lanced up his arms and shoulders, as if he were holding the Cloudstep platforms on his very back as the tundra disintegrated beneath their skis.

Cmon! Hold it!

Platforms crackled and splintered, but they held. Their convoy dropped and bashed across the unconnected Cloudsteps, jostled by each lunging leapuntil the last of them reached solid ground, more than a hundred yards behind Felixs position.

Jesus Christ, he gasped. His knees felt like water. They made it.

Cloudstep is level 75!

Cloudstep is level 81!

Adept Tier!

You Gain:

+10 DEX

+10 AGL+10 INT

The path wound through another series of hard-banked turns, and Felix had to grip the sled to keep from toppling out. His insides surged with a bolt of System energy, which then expanded into a frenetic burst of something more.


The Skill Cloudstep (Rare) Has Synergy With Sunken Ward (R)!

Do You Wish To Evolve Them?

Warning! Evolution May Result In Death And Cannot Be Stopped Once Begun. All Choices Have Consequences.



Now?! Felix groaned, but he mentally jabbed the affirmative. He wouldnt pass up the opportunity. Whyd this have to happen now?

Evolution In Process

Music cascaded across his core space, followed closely by the ache of newly stretched limbs and spasming muscles. He braced against the Warrior beside him, and dimly heard the man grunt in pain, but it was a distant thing. The evolution didnt take as much out of him as some others, but it was fearsome. A gruesome burn compared to having his arms melted off.

He barely noticed when they passed over another brilliant seal of sigaldry.

Thats a Dwarven trap! Tzfell warned. Metal and sharplook out!

A few rogue Obelons that had followed them across the wide crevasses were suddenly shattered by a hundred blades that slid out from nowhere. Sigaldry flashed all around them, blinding the whimpering hounds as more stout blades cut upward into the sky itself. The Cinderwings swooped out of the way just as Evie and Vess landed among their craft again.

That trap isnt done! Vess warned. Look!

Felixs couldnt; his vision was covered by a notification.

New Skill!

Storm Shaping (Epic), Level 1!

The flow of air, water, and lightning have been baked into your very bones, and you have delved deep within them to find the kernel of their truth. Breathe deep, Ascendent, and know that you shape the tempest itself.

He swiped it away.

Down! Beef shouted.

A huge, silver-green blade, fifty feet long and hewn out of pure, gleaming metal dropped atop of them at an angle. Everyone threw themselves to the side, but Felix stood tall and bared his teeth.

He took it straight to the chest.