Chapter Six Hundred And Three – 603

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Six Hundred And Three – 603

The warding around the High Roads faded considerably by the time they had reached the gates of Birchstone, and the storm had reached its fullest measure. The whipping winds and blinding snow flurries had gotten so bad, that at one point Felix had been forced to shape it away. A difficult task, not only due to the amount of Mana it burned through but because he made an effort to be subtle about it. They still ended up pummeled by sleet and a bitter, northerly gale, but at least none of them were buried or swept into the nearby river.

Storm Shaping is level 37!

Storm Shaping is level 41!

None of the Ironclads had noticed his subtle manipulation. The low visibility coupled with the driving winds meant all of them had their faces buried in their thick, woolen cloaks. Captain Doric, meanwhile, was entirely preoccupied with the roads themselves.

What is happening to the wardings? he muttered, not for the first time. They shouldnt be so bad, especially not near the city.

What could cause it? Felix asked.

I dont know, Doric said. His jaw firmed. But I plan to find out.

The walls of Birchstone loomed ahead, dark against the endless white, and bright sodium-colored flames atop strange, box-like torches. Dwarves in heavy armor stood by a sixty foot gate that looked carved from the bedrock of the earth. All of it, walls, watch towers, and gate appeared to be made of a single piece of mighty stone, without join or break.

Shaped, Felix realized. Or cleverly disguised like it.

His Voracious Eye picked out several enchantments on the fortifications, mostly to repel would-be climbers or even sappers that tried to tunnel beneath. The stone itself was a Tier VI material called Deepstone, and was even more durable than the High Roads themselves. That put Felix at ease. An army of redcloaks wouldnt be able to breach it easily.

A circle of pyramids surrounded the area, and here at least the wardings functioned perfectly. Wind, snow, and cold were cut off as if they were encased in a glass dome, and it was wide enough that all of the Ironclads and Claw were able to fit in with space to spare.

Doric shook his cloak out, letting snow run from its folds. Let me do the talking, Mr. Veil. The Watch is best handled lightly.

One of the guards lifted a hand as the two companies drew level with the gatehouses. Name, rank, and purpose of your visit.

Good evening Lieutenant Ulrich. Captain Doric, Stoneheart Vanguard of the Ironclads. Returning from patrol.

I know ya, Doric. Go on through. Ulrich grunted and swung his gaze to Felix. Name, rank, and purpose of your visit.

Silas Veil. Merchant. Carrying goods for trade.

The guard nodded at two others that had emerged from the guardhouse. Inspect those sleds. He stared at Felix through his barred visor, and his eyes flashed with some sort of Skill. What sort of goods requires such a heavy escort? All Journeyman Tier, too.

Rare alchemical reagents. Some metals and woods, Felix said, trying not to worry about the Watch approaching their supplies with long spears. They started to prod bundles of cloth and move aside crates. Essence draughts.

The guard scoffed. Really. Carried essence draughts across the mountains, have you?

Lieutenant, I can vouch for Mr. Veils integrity. He and his guards saved us from a Troll attack not six glasses ago.

Open those crates, boys! the guard ordered. Felix heard wood splintering and forced his breathing to calm. Willpower was useful in many ways, hed found.

Lieutenant! This is unnecessary!Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

Any good inns with vacancies, captain? Tzfell asked.

Take the Mosslane there down a quarter league, to where the river slows. Youll see the statue of the Rockshaper, and two squares west is my nieces place. The Torrents Rest. Hard to miss it, accountin for the bloomin tree up the middle. Give her my name. Last I heard she had some vacancies, but if she doesnt, coin talks.

Doric gave Felixs sleds a significant look.

Plenty of stock, but no buyers yet, Felix admitted. The Watch Lieutenant was right. If I had the money, I would have taken a Manaship across the mountains. I hope I can change my fortunes here, though.

Deception is level 47!

Doric buys it, telling Felix of several spots in town where he can sell fine goods. The Golden Scale, alchemists guild, will be breathin down your neck, Doric warned, before sliding into a sharp grin. But if you handle them as cool as you did the Watch, youll be just fine.

Felix laughed. I appreciate the warning.

Glad of it. Hope youll appreciate this one just the same, he said, lowering his voice. Watch yourselves as much as your wares. The Watch and I both got our duty, and over fifty Journeyman Tiers aint gonna go unnoticed for long.

Youre saying the Watch considers us a threat? Harn asked.


Felix put his hands on his hips. Well, I can nip that in the bud. You said the mountain was closed off to everyone, right?

Just about everyone. The High Clans come and go as they please, and those thatre in good favor with the Hinterlord.

I have business with them all. What do I have to do to get an audience with him? The Hinterlord of Red Shield.

The captain ran a gauntlet through his beard, tugging on it. Cant guarantee anythin, Mr. Veil. Considerin the trouble you had with the Watch, Ill do what I can. Been around a while, Stoneheart Vanguard. Might see what pull I still got.

Felix let loose a relieved breath. Thank you, Captain. That would solve a lot of our problems.

Happy to helpbut I have a favor of my own, Mr. Veil.

Oh. Felix steeled himself. The Dwarf looked downright nervous. Whats the favor?

The Ironclads are many, but I dont much like our chances if the Titan comes back. If she does, if she attacks this city, can we count you among the defenders?

Is that a worry? Vess asked. Your walls are quite impressive.

She attacked the city once before, but then her focus was on getting into the Clan Hold. Against her unnatural powerI truly do not know if our wards will hold. Doric clenched his jaw, and a vein slowly pulsed across his forehead. All able hands would be appreciated.

Felix put out his hand, grasping the mans forearm in a tight squeeze. We will do what we can.

That is all I ask, Doric said, squeezing right back. He looked like a weight had been shifted from his chest, and a tight smile spread his beard. Be well, Mr. Veil. Til we meet again beneath star and stone.

Be well, captain.