Chapter Six Hundred And Twenty Six – 626

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Six Hundred And Twenty Six – 626

Archie was trapped. He wasnt used to it, but then again, there was little he was used to in this screwed up world.

He had almost made it up the mountain when hed had to slow down because of the stupid Arcane Sentries. Hed even been forced to fight one, and it was tough. He beat it, sure, which got him that damn Quest to destroy them all. That had been too tempting to pass up. It wouldve meant he could race through this last area with impunity.

So he followed the things, tracking the slow movements of Sentries before catching a weird rhythm coming from this place. His Blindsense told him there was a big creature nearbybut all he found were the damn Vault Wardens.

Listen, Ive had about enough of the beard brigade, Im just passing through okay?

Your trespass stops here, child. We have locked down your curious gift, one of the Wardens said. Do not fight us.

Archie rubbed his nose. He had bruised it when they stopped his Stoneswim from functioning. Yeah, thanks for that.

The mountain shook, and the Wardens traded glances. They looked afraid, and it was definitely not because of him.

The Hierocracy threatens our sovereignty. You will come with us to fix it, another said.

Threatens you how? Fix it how?

The Titan ascends the peak.

For a second, Archies heart felt like it wanted to claw up his throat. What?

She and an army of sycophantic light-lickers have invaded our most sacred realm, another Warden spat. She will stop when she has you.

The mountain shook again.

She is coming regardless of what you decideand we are not enough to stop her. At least this way you help someone with your miserable, thieving life before you are taken.

So I just roll over? Archie barked a nasty laugh. He licked his lips, eyes still scanning for an opening in their guard. He needed to get out of there. Never done that before. Dont see a reason to start now.

Then you will die.

Archie bolted, flaring his measly Agility as hard as he could, but he wasnt fast enough to out-race a sudden wall of molded earth and slammed face first into it. Fuck! My nose!

Before he could do more than reel back, a flash of blue-white lightning surged across the sky. Archie flinched, fearing the storm had opened up againbut nothing came of it. Until he realized that none of the Vault Wardens were doing anything, and he glanced at the bearded bastards.

All six of them were staring up above the weird building behind Archie, with expressions that ranged between angry and terrified.

You fool! What have you done?

Archie looked up, just in time to see a massive, house-sized spider leap from atop the roof.

Holy shiHey! I know that guy!This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Felix quickly learned that there were two things massive, mithril spider constructs dont like. The first is when someone messes with their web. The second is when you punch them very hard in the eye. In order to get its attention, he had done both.

It worked.

Was this the best idea? Pit asked, still riding shotgun in his Spirit.


Felix straddled the enormous construct, arms clutching at a delicate seam between its thorax and abdomen. The thing bucked and slammed itself into the bronze pillars around its ethereal lair, trying to dislodge him with all of its might. It was only when he snapped a second Oath thread that the thing skittered out of its dark den and leaped into the light.

Directly onto the Vault Wardens.

Before Felix had soared over Archie and the Dwarves, hed spotted the spider construct hiding in its little nest. His Voracious Eye had told him many things about it, like that it was called an Oathweaver, that it would defend the Oaths under its care with a wild ferocity, and that it was a Tier VI construct.

Or, in mortal terms: a goddamn Grandmaster.

The Wardens raised shields and summoned fantastical metal and stone armor around themselves, bringing all of the power of their high Master Tier to bear. When the Oathweaver landed, its careless legs slammed into only oneand ran the man through, killing him instantly.

You Have Killed A Vault Warden!

XP Earned!

The Dwarves rallied, their screams less frightened and more pissed off. Spells and Skills surged, ricocheting off of the Oathweavers carapace as they tried and failed to hit Felix. Ducking his head so he didnt get it blown off, Felix reached back to his belt, fumbling with a buckle before realizing he could simply will the strap to dissolve. When it did, he grasped the horn of a large, monstrous skull and slammed it down onto the Oathweaver before funneling a stupid amount of Mana through it.

The Vault Wardens screamed, and the air positively vibrated with their fear as the giant mithril spider split into four identical copies. Each one was just as imposing as the real thing, carrying the weight of its presence that confused even Master Tier senses.

Skein of Fate!

Felix snipped another handful of threads, and the Oathweaverand all of its copieswent absolutely nuts.

Dwarven curses split the air just as readily as blazing Skills and conjured boulders. The Oathweaver started leaping about and rolling, trying with every ounce of its being to kill Felix. He held on grimly, claws digging into metal with a tortured screech, and healing the brutal damage each slam and roll did to him.

They are false copies! They have no substance! one of the Wardens shouted. The ruse was up, but then, it was never about fooling them. It was a distraction.

AAGH! another screamed as the sound of electricity and crackling ice pierced the general tumult of a raging spider. Felix got a look as the Oathweaver reared back again, and grinned through the blood on his face.

Array keystones are on! Harn shouted. Light em up!

Language, Pit sent.

Despite the suppression array, they had clearly not gone down without a fight, as the flagstones were torn up into spikes and grasping hands, while other parts were scorched black or even still glowing with heat. His friends were gathered close, almost all of them sipping on Health and Mana Potions in equal measure.

Archie was there, surrounded on all sides by weary and fairly angry people. Felix had to admit that it was cathartic to see him pale when Beef snorted and Yintarion growled.

The guy all but crapped himself when Felix and Pit landed nearby with a thud.

Oh hey, fancy, ugh, fancy meeting you here, he said weakly.


Listen. Thanks for the assist, Ill admit I wasnt gonna escape those guys alone

You wouldve died, Evie said.

Right. Right, exactly. So I owe ya. I do. Archie swallowed. But I cant leave. Not until Ive gotten what I came here for. Its too

I agree, Felix said. Thats why Im gonna help you rob the vault.

Ioh. Archie brightened, thick eyebrows lifting above his dark goggles. Really?

Yeah really. So put your game face on, dude, because weve gotta run fast. Felix rolled his shoulders. The path is clear of Arcane Sentries now, Ive completed the Quest. So the straight shot to the top should be a lot easier now.

Archie gaped. That was you? I saw it was completebut I didnt get anything.

Did you actually help? Vess asked, voice harsh. Or did you cower while we did the work?

Uh, I couldnt, um

Felix sighed. That doesnt matter. Were going. Now. Archie, how fast can you run?

On the ground? Im slow as hell. But my Stoneswim can keep up.

Good. Im not holding back anymore, Felix gave Pit a quick scratch by his ears before the tenku vanished in a flash of light.

Wait, wait. That guy, Archie said, pointing to one of the Dwarves. He said the Hierocracy was here. On the Undermount. Isis it her?

It is.

Archie deflated. Were dead.

Felix pulled the guy up onto his feet. I have a plan for that too.

The mountain shook, and Imara fell to one knee, forced to plant her bare hands onto the cold stone steps so she wasnt thrown free. Behind her, the Inquisition forces staggered, many falling to their deaths hundreds of feet below. Others fell to the Grave Trolls that hounded their steps in ever-growing packs, or the far deadlier Tomb Guardians that lunged out of the shadows.

Chosen! We must regroup! Bellar said, not for the first time. He eyed the low layer of clouds ahead with blatant fear. We do not know what lies within, and my people are too spread out along the mountain, we must!

Imara grabbed the Inquisitor by the neck, her hand more than large enough to wrap entirely around it. His wordshis breathcut off. The only thing we must do is find the Gnome. All else is inconsequential.

Bellar pulled and pried her hand, unable to budge it. Ifif we die, then the Gnome will escape! The Fiend will interfere!

CatchHim. Or Kill Him. The Fiend CannotHave Him.

Imara shook her head, more than a little troubled. The further up the mountain they climbed, the moreinterference she could feel between her and the Pathless. She gritted her teeth. No. The Fiend knows my power. He will

He hurled you across the sky!

Imara sneered and dropped the man. He clattered to the steps. A display of desperate strength. He cannot withstand the unveiled might of the Light.

Are youyour voice Bellar stood up slowly. Youre angry.

She stepped closer to the man and he flinched, but he didnt back away. I hold nothing within me but the Light. And we waste time here. She marched up the steps again, feet barely fitting into the ill-sized stairs. I should have kept Faer with me. At least he holds to his convictions.


To the right, one of the Inquisitors thrust out their hand and translucent golden panels manifested atop one of the mausoleums. Caught within that golden glow was a squat figure with dark goggles, a black beard, and a vicious, mocking smile.

Seemingly without effort, the Gnome vanished into the mausoleum beneath his feet.

THERE! Imara shouted, and braced her legsbefore another Inquisitor spotted the Gnome. And another. And another.

Illusions! Bellar snarled. Theyre false trails!

They do not feel like illusions. All of them feel true. Imara spun, her powerful vision piercing through the gloom and catching double after double. He must be among thembut which one?

Ahead, just below the bank of clouds, the Gnome stood. He grinned and waved, before scurrying up the stairs and into the fog.

Chase them all! she demanded, before following her own advice.

Chosen! No! Bellar screamed after her. Imara!

Yet she had already plunged into the storm.