Chapter Six Hundred And Twenty Nine – 629

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Six Hundred And Twenty Nine – 629

Name: Scaldara

Type: Superior Elemental (Earth/Fire)Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

As with the Frostfather, the rest of its information was a collection of question marksbut its power was undeniable. It was a Tier VIII creature. High Grandmaster.

The Dwarves did this? Archie asked.

Looks like it.

Thats brutal. Archie stepped closer and the elemental shifted. Its still alive?!

Strung up on chains the size of Manaships, the Superior Elemental was made up of stone and living lava. Unmoving half-molten limbs, dozens of them, were clapped in enchanted chains while vast hooks were jammed into the center of its burning body, and pieces of it were split and spread by twenty-foot-thick spikes. Like a bug pinned to a board. Magma poured from wide fissures in steady streams, but its non-humanoid form was hard to parse. Was that its blood?

I think so, he said. Felix couldnt tell how hurt the thing might have been, but it was clear that pieces of the elemental had been torn away.

Scattered across the chamber, a variety of workstations and meticulously organized tool racks were set up around those pieces. Heat-resistant trays displayed slabs of half-molten stone, with several of them bearing unfinished sigaldry on their tops. Large, sturdy containers were nearby, built to Dwarven preferences and clearly used to store and sort thematerials extracted from the elemental.

A wide forge dominated one corner of the room, big enough to make restraints for a Superior Elemental. It was dark, as were a number of inscribed lights around the cavern. Whoever worked here hadnt been in a while.

Blighted Night, what happened here? Evie asked, just before Beef and Hallow entered.

Lava waterfalls? Cool. The young Minotaurs eyes brightened. Is this an enchanting thing? Atar never lets me into his Glyphworks. Says Im too clumsy.

Son, theyre butchering this thing alive for parts, Archie pointed out.

Beefs face fell. O-oh. Oh no. Thats bad. Wait, what's that?

Pit chirruped. It looks like a monster core. A big one.

Big was an understatement. Felix had devoured creatures with cores bigger than him, but this rivaled the Oathweaver in size and was utterly bathed in flows of molten lava. He approached, carefully.

Watch your step. And someone get Yintarion. Hell want to see this.

Evie darted back out, dodging past the Chanters as they entered with Harn. Felix, Pit, Beef, and Archie all crept forward, spreading out among the workstations.

Lots ofchunks over here, Pit reported.

Here, too.

Inscription tools also. Theyre all blackened and twisted, though, Beef said.

Felix glanced at them, Eye active. Heat-resistant tools instead of heatproof. Theyve been trying to manipulate materials carved from the elemental.

Looks like theyve been at it a long time. Archie looked around the tables and benches, his small size offering him little in the way of line of sight. Whered they all go?

Theres no sign of anyone, Pit said.

That proved true, even as they made their way to the other side of the large forge. Beyond it was the core, situated on a pedestal of dark stone that was riddled with molten cracks. The flows of lava from above fell atop the core and split, coursing down to create a waterfall of molten stone that splashed into deep recesses around the pedestals base.

Despite that, the core was far easier to see now that they were closer. It was an extremely smooth orb, appearing to be made entirely of lava but with a shininess that suggested a glass-like coating. Tendrils of near-solid lava hung from its sides, clearly attached to the core and stretched back upward into the body far above.

Its like it was removed and pulled down here, Felix said. He grimaced. But its still swirling, still feeding power through the elementals Body.

Thats messed up.

We finally agree, Beef, Archie said. Hey. Theres stuff over here.

Arrayed below the pedestal and just beyond the veil of lava was a platform fitted with dozens of stout, red-gold racks. On them were a number of things, most of which were glowing intensely with heat, fire, and earth Mana. However, the lavafall all around it effectively cut it off from casual approach.

Looks expensive, Pit said. Powerful.

Felix nodded. Might be what were looking for.

How do we get across, though? Beef stuck his hammer into the lava flow and pulled it back with a yelp when steam erupted violently around him. He quickly inspected the head and found metal and bits of stone hardened around the edge of Bedlams ice. I uh, dont think thatll work.

I cant pass through lava, Archie said with a shudder. Tried once. Didnt go well.

Let me try something, Felix said and lifted his hands.

Stone Shaping!

Cardinal Flame!Ferric Shaping!

Felix! Pit shouted, and glee radiated across their bond. Felix! I found it!

Felix hesitated, glancing to Archie as he slowly pulled the door open. Go. Handle your business. Ill handle mine.

Quick as a flash, Felix was at Pits side. Set back on the farthest shelf was a box made entirely of orichalcum, but the plaque in front of it clearly stated Mote of Frenzy. It said nothing else, no type or lore details. Instead, a glowing wheel flashed on the front of the box, individual sigils lighting up in a random sequence.

Its in the box, Pit said. But its locked. See?

Thats not gonna stop us. Felix studied the arcane lock with his Manasight without touching it. Threads of it were woven through the metal, and he got the feeling that something bad would happen if he tore it open. Maybe I could eat the ward.

He reached out. The orichalcum box was no bigger than his spread fingers, and he grabbed it easily. It was heavy. He grunted as it came fully off the shelf. It was very heavy.

I think A flash of sigiladry caught Felixs eye as it zipped from the shelf to the floor. Shit shit shit.

The sigils raced across the floor and into the wallright where Archie stood. The door hed been struggling with suddenly slid open without any further resistance.

Huh. I think Im stronger than I thought! Archie looked up in alarm as three more doors opened to either side of him. Oh no.

Within the huge doorways, a purple-white light swirled, and four enormous Golems stepped out. At eleven feet tall, they appeared to be wearing elaborate armor in an ancient design, but they were carved entirely out of a dark rock. A fluid, swirling web of inscriptions extended across their faceted chests, arms, and legs but large swaths were marred with deep scratches. Their eyes blazed, and their mouths opened wide.

Violation! In the name of the Hinterlords, you shall be detained!

That purple-white glow intensified, forming a cloak of power that surged as they lifted their arms together.

Get down! Beef shouted, just as the Golems unleashed a blast of violet energy at all four of them. Shelves froze over in an instant, the blasts further cooling the enchanted air so that all their labored breathing turned white.

Voracious Eye!

Felix stumbled back in surprise, then was shoving Pit backward. Out! Get out through the lava door! Dont let those beams touch you!

Archie scurried ahead, just barely dodging the second round of beams. Wasnt planning on it!

Beef Charged through the lava door first, his Body a blur as he utilized his Skill, but Felix and Pit were right after. Archie, being the farthest away, was the last, and the moment his little legs hurled himself over the moat, Felix acted.

The shaped archway vanished, and the waterfall of molten stone continued, unabated.

What the hell were those things? Archie demanded.

Golems, right? Beef said.

Ive seen Golems. Those werent like anything Ive seen trundling around in Birchstone.

Felix licked his lips. The lava was pouring down fast and hard and was intensely hotbut would it be enough? Tzfell!


The Chanters, Evie, and Harn were spread out in the room, each of them carrying a satchel of treasure. Vess floated down from above, where the Wyrmling was still inspecting the Superior Elemental core.

We need to get out of here and seal this workshop, Felix said. Vess, get Yin.

Of course. She leaped upward, wind swirling after her.

A liquid crackle cut through the air as something slammed into the lavafall, causing it to bulge slightly before releasing a belch of steam.

Archie rounded on Felix, poking him in the thigh. What are you talking about? We cant leave yet! I havent found the array!

We can search the other parts of the vault. Those things are too powerful to mess with.

I searched the vault! Gold and Troll pelts wont do me any good if Im dead!

Without warning, a purple beam ripped through the lavafall, cutting between Felix and Archie.

Status Condition: Frostburn (Minor)

Frostburn (Minor) - Agility and Dexterity are reduced.

Felix clapped a hand to his chest, where frost expanded across his clothes and onto his skin beneath. A fierce thrumming of Sovereign of Flesh fixed it, banishing the Status Condition and covering his torso in thick, midnight scales. The beam hadnt even come close to Archie.

God, Im so glad Im short, he said, his voice tight.

Everyone! Back! Felix commanded, just as the lavafall burst into a cataract of steam.

Four simultaneous thuds announced their visitors, and when the steam cleared, they stood wreathed in their icy purple power as the lava cooled around them.

Eidolon Exults, Tzfell hissed. I was right!