Chapter Six Hundred And Thirty Nine – 639

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Six Hundred And Thirty Nine – 639

Name: Felix Nevarre

Level: 68

Race: Primordial of the Unseen Tide (Greater)*

Omen: Magician

Path: Cardinal Fiend

Born Trait: Keen Mind


Health: 16050/16050

Stamina: 15522/15522

Mana: 14211/14211











BODY - Chthonic Ascent (Adept)

Resistances: The Song of Absolution (L), Level 98

Combat Skills: Dodge (C), Level 94; Heavy Armor Mastery (C), Level 15; Blind Fighting (R), Level 85; Wild Threnody (E), Level 94; Hand of Calamity (L), Level 81

Physical Enhancements: Armored Skin (R), Level 98; Relentless Resolution (L), Level 98

MIND - Fiendforged (Adept)

Mental Enhancements: Deception (C), Level 49; Meditation (U), Level 80; Negotiation (U), Level 50; Deep Mind (E), Level 80; Manifestation of the Coronach (E), Level 80; Quiet Cacophony (E), Level 34; Chthonic Tribute (L), Level 99; Void Sanctuary (D), Level 100

Information Skills: Alchemy (C), Level 72; Tracking (C), Level 44; Exploration (U), Level 81; Ephemeral Evocation (E), Level 43; Voracious Eye (E), Level 96; Aria of the Green Wilds (L), Level 88

SPIRIT - Eldercrowned (Adept)

Spiritual Enhancements: Manasight (U), Level 92; Manaship Pilot (R), Level 46; Multi-Cast (E), Level 90; Etheric Concordance (L), Level 92; Last Cry Of The Chthonic Host (M), Level 5; Sovereign of Flesh (T), Level 97; Unite the Lost (T), Level 74; Fiendforge (Un), Level 68

Spells: Abyssal Skein (R), Level 90; Green Shaping (R), level 89; Illusory Double (R), Level 55; Invocation (R), Level 77; Shadow Whip (R), Level 74; Stone Shaping (R), Level 99; Rime Shaping (R), Level 94; Auroral Forge (E), Level 91; Ferric Shaping (E), Level 68; Mantle of the Infinite Revolution (E), Level 75; Labyrinthine Wing (E), Level 2; Storm Shaping (E), Level 58; Arrow of Perdition (L), Level 52; Cardinal Flame (L), Level 99; Rain of Cataclysm (L), Level 76; Skein of Fate (L), Level 81; Theurgist of the Rise (L), Level 98; Adamant Discord (T), Level 97


Unused Stat Points: 0

Harmonic Stats

Resonance (RES): 2636

Intent (INE): 3412

Affinity (AFI): 5770

And this is a map of the Continent, now. The man frowned. Also not perfect. Ive pieced it together with what I could find in Ahkestria and Haarwatch, but for some reason none of the cities we have access to retains detailed maps. But no matter. Karys gestured and the two maps converged until they overlapped one another perfectly. This allows me to trace out how the world has truly changed across the Ages.

Oh wow. Felix immediately spotted where parts of the ancient Continent had vanished, replaced by seas and deserts in the newer map. He could also see portions where the ground had risen up, forming into high mountains that cut through thousands of miles of once flat land. What did all of this? Thats more than continental drift.

You mean the vibrations of the earth, slowly shifting the land? There is part of that at play, but youre right. This features the results of many, many things. Wars, famine, plagueseven powerful monsters run amok. Even so, the changes are too drastic. Such wholesale upheaval would require substantially more power than Grandmasters and Paragons could bring to bear.

Felixs fingers hovered over what had become the Rimefangs, noting how smaller the range had become. The Ruin.

Yes. Karys waved his hand. A series of nine golden markers appeared on the map, followed by a number of straight lines that all lead back to a single point in the northwest.

Thats Elderthrone. Thesethese are the Shadowgates?

The damaged pairs to the ones within our Heart of Darkness, yes. Karys pointed to the joined map, where a mountain had once existed in the Nyms memory, but now was a flattened plain. A golden marker pulsed beneath his finger. And I believe there is one within PaxVrell.

Hot damn. And if there is, I can restore it! How sure are you?

Near one hundred percent certain. The landscape described by one of the Shadowgates artistic sculpture matches well with the terrain of the Rimefangs as they once were, when they were known as the Skysedge. A knife turned against the heavens.

Felix sighed in relief. Thank you, Karys. That solved my dilemma quite nicelythough it means well have to risk sneaking into a Hierocratic Territory.

A challenge I am sure you are up for, my Lord. I Karys frowned. What was that?

What? Felix turned, following the old mans line of sight. What did you see?

Movement. There. Karys pointed but it was unnecessary; Felix saw it too. Is that smoke?

Felix didnt answer, but launched himself toward it. Willpower and Alacrity was all he needed to fly in the Void, but this place was his domain. He all but teleported to the location hed spotted, sending shimmering ripples of light cascading outward through the opalescent stone at his feet.

Whered itThere!

A smoky shape flitted within one of the houses, pressing close to a small window before slamming itself into a wall. The building didnt so much as quiver.

What the hell?

The thing was filled with a vibrant light that pierced through the small window, and each time it moved, the light jittered and flared. That must have been what we saw, because its locked in there tight. But howd it get in there in the first place?

Forget about latches or knobs, there wasnt even a door on any of the buildings in his city. There was a window, as hed seen, and the mostly-transparent crystal that covered it almost amplified the light within. The brightness was nauseating, yet Felix couldnt look away. It sent a spike of panic through his lizard brain and that simmering rage hed been ignoring suddenly boiled over.

The smoke creature howled. Vibrations thrummed through the crystal, through the air itself, before stabbing into Felixs chest. The light rioted within the home, splashing up against the translucent window, sending out a wave of pressure that made Felix grunt. Trees swayed and plants flattened.

Karys landed next to him, and held out his hands. Immediately the sound quietened and the pressure vanished. Felix. What is this?

He didnt answer at first. Instead, Felix ran his tongue over his teeth and controlled his breathing. Only once he had mastered himself again did he meet Karys eyes. I think I realized what the empty buildings are for.

The smoke creature had gone back to pacing frantically, and every once in a while limbs would form that would tear at itself in a fit of anxious destruction.


Theyre for me. They are me. Pieces of myI dunno. Subconscious? Felix swallowed. ThatI can literally feel it in my bones. Its angry and anxious andguilty.

Understanding dawned on Karys face and Felix hated to see it. Oh, dear boy.

Inside that house was all the awful turmoil he felt over Gabby. Felix knew, without question, that the purpose of at least some of these structures was to better contain pieces of Felixs own Mind. He backed away. This was why hed been able to function over the last few days, and he was in no mood to let it free.I dont have time to breakdown, Karys. I cantNot if we want to win this.

Win what? A war against the Hierocracy? Felix, we arent ready for that.

Then get ready, he snapped, before relenting. Im sorry. JustIll reach out soon.


Without another word, Felix vanished from his Void Sanctuary

and woke within the fungi-lit tunnel. He stood in one smooth motion and cleared his throat. Were heading southwest, to PaxVrell.

Beef smiled around a mouthful of dried fruit and gave him a thumbs up. Do you want me to wake everybody up, or?

Felix clenched his jaw. Everyone else was asleep, the remains of a meal scattered nearby. No. He forced himself to sit back down. Let them rest. Well move later.

Beef scratched his ear. Oh. Alright. He held out a withered apple. Want one?
