Chapter Six Hundred And Sixty Six - 666

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Six Hundred And Sixty Six - 666

Poison Resistance is level 32!

Atar shook his head, trying to clear the sharp ringing from his ears. The world tumbled end over end, but the solid, unmoving ice beneath his fingers told him it was a false sensation. What wasnt were the chunks of masonry that rained down upon them, glancing powerfully off of a tall blue bubble of force Mana.

Can you stand? Alister shouted. Blood had trickled down his ears and onto his starched collar.

Yes! Atar did just that, taking in the devastation that they had come across. The large building to their right had been blown to bits and was in the process of being consumed by an eager, hungry inferno. Screams and shouts echoed from every direction. Why do things keep exploding near me? Wheres the Legion? WhatHis blurry Mind clicked into focus. A finger of icy dread ran down his spine. Poison Resistance?

Atar looked down and saw a thin blade embedded in his thigh. Alister! We have a problem!

No sooner than the words left his mouth, the force shield was riddled with three powerful impacts. Blades identical to the one in Atars thigh hit and stayed, suspended in mid-air as Skills discharged around the weapons. Alister shouted something and the shield pulsed, hurling the daggers back the way theyd come. They flew hard, shearing into the road, a low garden wall, and a lampposteach one blasting out fist sized chunks of stone or metal.

Alister squinted against the glare of the burning building beside them. Where are they?

I dont know! Atar limped in a circle, pain forgotten. The light didnt affect his vision at all, but he still couldnt spot the bastards. There!

Orange, green, and white. Liquid Mana flashed from three separate places as Skills were activated. Alister twisted his hand and his own power flowed from his palm and feet, setting his barrier spinning. The formless Skills crashed into it and were redirected down into the road, where they exploded into flames, wind, and viscous slime.

Alister grinned and there was blood on his teeth. Do better than that, cowards!

More screams echoed in the night, but this time they were fewer. Atars Perception could pick them outinnocent citizens hiding in their homes, even a pair of children peeking out of a window. Their attackers, however, might as well have been invisible. Yet as the screams quieted the ringing in his ears didnt stop.

It moved.

I can hear them. Atar studied a patch of darkness on the opposite side where he heard the ringing. No. Not them or their Spirits. What is this? It came to him in a flash. Sounds heard countless times during his work, each unique in pitch and timbre. I can hear their enchantments. They're using artifacts to hide from us!

The figures moved, the sound of their artifacts trailing them like echoes, and Atar spun, thrusting his hand forward in the same motion. Thirteen Stars of pure white flame shot into the dark, so hot they boiled the air, so fast they were no more than a blur. Yet their assailants were fasteror their artifacts did more than stealth them.

Ice screamed, steam burst, and stone turned molten where his Stars landed. On the left!

Alister drew his rapier and thrust. Pillars of the Domineering Sentinel!

Square pillars of blue force Mana ripped up from the ground, tossing snow, trash, and debris hurling into the air. Atar could hear the others still fleeing; all but one. That one was thrown high by Alisters Skill and was sent tumbling up onto a nearby roof.

Stars of the! Before Atar could get the Skill off, the vague, shadowy figure slipped across the peak of the roofand vanished entirely. Damnation!

Theyre gone, Alister announced before shaking his head in disbelief. Assassins. What did you do?

Me? Why would it be my fault?

Which one of us has Diplomacy as a Skill? And which one of us has the power of Super Arrogance?

Astrum Revelation doesnt

Behind them, the burning building rumbled as pieces of it fell to the street. Alisters good humor evaporated immediately. Can you put that out?

Yes. Atar stepped up, shedding his heavy cloak as he drew nearer the blaze. Flame. Do your thing.

What? he asked, but his mini Urge refused to answer. Blood and ashes. Ill do it myself then!

With a loud thump, a giant of a man landed among the scored and charred road. He was dressed in armor very similar to the Legionnaires, save for the long blue jacket emblazoned with the crown and eye of House Nevarre. He had dark hair, darker eyes, and a jawline sharp enough to cut a man. Even had Atar not seen his face, the mans bearing and ridiculously large sword would have been enough to identify him. Commander.

Glyphmaster, Darius Reed, Hand of the Duke of PaxVrell and current Commander of the Fiends Legion. Lord Knacht. What happened?

I could ask you the same, Darius. Didnt think a simple explosion would get you outta your fortress.

One would be a blessing, the large man admitted. His square-jawed, handsome face was looking a touch haggard. This is just one of three fires tonight. Two were in the Scale, relatively close to each other so they built into a real danger, real quick.

Three? Atar didnt understand. If there were two other explosions, what was the play? Were he and Alister the targets at all? Were they even assassins?

We just barely got those put out before I could afford to send anyone out here. I appreciate you two taking care of it.

Atar waved his hand absently, still thinking. We were in the area.

Does this have anything to do with the explosion a few weeks ago? Alister asked. The clothier near Savinas.

Darius rubbed his chin. I recall the event. I havent seen a link yet, but Ill keep it in mind. Several other attacks have happened around town. Small things like robberies and muggings. The usual stuff in a citybut its all been amplified these last few weeks.

Since Felix left, Atar said.

Darius pursed his lips. The man makes for a good deterrent.

Or its something more, Alister suggested.

Mages or not, I dont appreciate vague hints. Do you know something?

We fought the people that did this, Atar said.

Darius straightened, his dark gaze intense. You did? How many? What do they look like?

No clue. They were using stealth enchantments. Well-made ones.

The Commander gave a low whistle. Expensive. Who could possibly afford to outfit enough thugs to set three, simultaneous attacks around the city?

The answer laid between them all, unspoken but heavy. The Hierophant could afford that and more.

Darius cleared his throat, but it sounded more like a growl. Enchantments like that would be Tier IV or V, correct?

In order to remain totally unseen by our Perception? A Master Tier artifact would be required, Alister said. Your suspect pool would be very small. The number of people that could survive the backlash from utilizing a Master Tier artifact while at a lower Tier themselves are incredibly rare.

Could be a lesser inscription, perhaps boosting their own Skills, Atar added. Thatd reduce the strain on their channels and allow Adept Tiers to use them.

Increasing our potential perpetrators by an order of magnitude. Darius ran a hand across his face. His square jaw bristled with a beard he hadnt gotten around to shaving. Sivas Grace, but this is a mess. If these artifacts are so good, how did you spot them?

Atar hesitated. I canhear them. I think I can counter them, too.

Darius raised his eyebrows. Truly?

Atar nodded. Come see me in the Glyphworks tomorrow. Imgoing to be building some things for an expedition first. Alister smiled through the blood on his cheeks and chin, and Atars heart clenched. Ill fit you in, Commander.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.