Chapter Seven Hundred – 700

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Seven Hundred – 700

"You cannot have my power," it declared.

Vess tightened the crux of her two Spears. The blades dimpled the spirit's fur. "Why?" she asked.

"It will be twisted, abused. The skies will blacken, the seas will boil." The Grim stared at her with its dark, empty eyes. "The Divine are bad enough. I would rather my power vanish when the Ruin claims us. Let it remain untainted.

It cannot claim you, Yin scoffed.

It shall. For its bonds have been severed.

Yintarion drew back, as if hed been burned. That unnerved Vess more than the spirits eerie stare, but she put it all aside.

We are going to stop the Ruin. It is our mission, Vess insisted, and she tried to squeeze every drop of earnest truth into her Spirit. To that end, I am here, vowing to fix the Dragoons and raise the Dragons once again."

"All alone?" it asked.

"Expand your senses, Grim. Do we look like we're alone?"

The Grims eyes went distant as it did just that, and Vess could almost track it. It caught Evie landing at their side, and then swept outside, where Beef and Hallow fought alongside Dragoons, villagers, Eidolons, and Chanters. She even spotted Archie weaving among the press of the terrible root monsters, molten blades spinning fast enough to hew through stone.

And beyond them all, they both saw Felix and Pit facing down the Janus Hydra without fear.

Grim hummed, every cell thrumming before her blade. It was not a happy sound, and it filled Vess with an unspeakable fear. "The Aria fades as the Threnody rises. Peace gives way to war and the soldiers approach the battlefield. The Grim shook its head. "It is pointless. The Ruin will silence us all."

"Resistance is never pointless," Vess said.

Grim's small black eyes watched her, trapped beneath her spears. "I carry within me the fury of the Green Wilds, Dragoon. Even it will not withstand the Ruin. Not this time."

Vess dismissed her Spears before extending her hand. "You will," she said, "if you stand with us."

The small spirit regarded her and the golden worm laying on her shoulder by turns. "A strange turn of events. You intrigue me, human, and you too, Yintarion of the Cerulean Skies. I suppose I can bear one last bargain.

The Grim Nightshade, Emissary Of The Green Wilds, Has Offered You A Bargain!

Take On A Piece Of His Power In Exchange For A Portion Of Your Significance For All Of Time.

Do You Accept?


Yin and Vess traded a glance. As one, they chose yes.

"A wise decision. Or foolish." The Grim Nightshade ignited from within as it floated up, stopping only when it was level with their heads. It swirled with countless colors that faded between vapor, liquid, and crystalline form. "Consequences come for us all."

In a shower of light, the Grim split itself into two separate streams before slamming into their chests. Vess felt a powerful rush of chaotic emotion before her legs gave way. The last thing she heard was Evies shouts of alarm as a shockwave of power ripped from her and Yin.

Evie went silent, and the room went dark.

Blind Fighting (Common), Dodge (Common), and Relentless Resolution (Legendary) Have Combined And Evolved Into Stride Of The King (Transcendent)!

Level Is Retained!Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Stride Of The King (Transcendent), Level 100!

The rhythms of Harmony and Dissonance flow in your wake, a tempered tattoo that is neither rushed nor delayed. You walk before the crowd, head bare and shoulders high, yet are mantled with regal grace. Where the King walks, all others follow.

Felixs three Skills joined one another seamlessly once he started the process, their patterns merging with one another with barely a whisper of his own Will. It would have been startling, had he not been actively fighting the Hydra.

The beast bellowed in his face, Pit on its back with his sword across its chest, and more notifications overwhelmed Felixs senses.


Master Tier Tempering Resuming!

Legendary Essence Detected During Formation!

[Essence Draught of Atlantes (Pure)]

Broken Path and Fatebreaker Titles Found!

Master Tier Bonus Added!

Unbound Nature Resonates With [Essence Draught of Atlantes (Pure)]!

Calculating Effects...

He dodged, devoting his attention to his Tempering. Something burst and showered him in warm fluid, but Felixs Body moved now with barely any thought. He couldnt afford it.

Choose A Feature:

Roam - Wander The Land

Its relentless, but Ive got plenty of Stamina left. The real problem was how much it was tearing apart the fortress to heal itself. I need to end this now.

The creature's dual stone faces glowed, their empty sockets and open mouths flaring with glowing liquid Mana and a clarion call of rage. Sigils shone bright across its human-like torso, trailing back across its long, unnatural Body.

Astrum Ascendence!

Voracious Eye!


Felix had never tried that particular combination before, but funneling his cosmic flame through his observation Skills was easier than he expected. It changed them both, altering how they interacted with the world as details he'd overlooked suddenly became overwhelmingly apparent. The song of cosmic flame speared through vine, swamp, and stone to the very heart of the Janus Hydra.

Voracious Eye is level 97!

Manasight is level 98!

Astrum Ascendence is level 99!

It's core. Felix blinked as a shape manifested within the swirling light at the Hydra's center. No freaking wonder it's so strong!

The Janus Hydra was built around the core of a Dragon.

Felix didn't realize he'd stopped moving until the scythe came for his throat.

Stride of the King is level 102!

"I know what to do," he muttered, kicking backwards just ahead of the Hydra's attacks. "Pit! I know!"

A roar tore through the swamp like a bomb, blasting aside trees and water until the air was full of shredded pulp and misted mud.


Evolution Complete!

Your Companions Howl At The Dark (Epic) Has Evolved Into Let Roar The Beast (Legendary)!

Level Is Retained!

Let Roar The Beast (Legendary), Level 84!

You are mighty and proud, and all that hear your call will feel that fact in their bones. Inflicts the Frightened and Stunned Status Condition on all enemies, even those without traditional ears.

The Hydra froze, its many legs stilled for the first timebefore beginning to twitch violently. The Status Conditions werent holding.

Now, Felix! Pit cried.

Stride of the King!

Felix hurled himself across the dozen yard distance between him and the beast and landed on its rocky hide just as it threw off the two Status Conditions. The Hydra roared, a weak counterpoint to Pit's new Skill, and Felix dug his claws into a seam between boulders. The Hydra bucked, hurling them both through a grove of trees as it tried to scrape Felix off. He clung on, a barnacle on a great blue whale.

Astrum Ascendence!

Green Shaping!

Crystalline lattices poured from his hands before branching off into the Janus Hydra's body, slipping through cracks and chasing along moss and vines.

"Grow!" he commanded.

With a horrendous, painful act of Will, Felix tore open the beast's back, and an entire goddamn tree exploded out of the thing's abdomen. It split open, wood rotting as foul water surged from within like dark ichor, and Felix punched his fists deep into its crevasse.

Hand of Calamity!

Vines and roots and weeds burst under pressure, even the rocks slagging beneath a torrent of dark acid, until they all exposed a mass of waterlogged crystal bigger than his torso and covered in shifting sigils.

Felix ripped it free.

You Have Defeated A Janus Hydra!

XP Earned!

The Hydra fell limp beneath him, collapsing into the fetid waters with a muffled boom. Felix stood and held out the crystal core before himself. It was such a vibrant, swirling yellow that a part of him was positive it tasted like a lemon drop, but he shoved that voice aside.

"It's dead?" Pit asked, trotting closer. He shoved his beak toward the thing's sculpted faces, nudging them. "So easily?"

Felix considered the core, turning its faceted shape in his hands. "We're both covered in blood, Pit. Easy didn't exactly come into it"

The core flared ignited without warning, becoming a pillar of burning light that blasted into Felix so hard that it was a full second before he realized he was no longer standing on the ground.

He was in the sky, gripped by the spectral claws of a colossaland brilliantly yellowDragon.

VIOLATOR! it cried out.

Moments before they both smashed through the walls of Fortress Fenwald.