Chapter Seven Hundred And Fifteen – 715

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Seven Hundred And Fifteen – 715

Felix trapped the two surviving Paladins in a room of his own making, five foot by five foot composed entirely of opalescent Fiendstone. He bound their hands too, just to be safe, though neither had much of a chance of escaping. But they would live, just as Felix had promised.

"So the Priests are doing what to an altar?" Pit asked.

"I'm not sure I understand either, Pit. Jav had said the Priests were defacing an altar in order to empower their god. I have to assume it's a Shrine, and considering where we are, I would have to assume it's a Shrine to Siva."

"Why Siva?" Pit asked.

"Because of Vess. She said her family worshiped Siva in secret, while publicly worshiping the Pathless. Seems right up that douchebag's alley to take out a hidden Shrine in an area hed claimed."

Felix wasnt too upset about the Pathless messing with another god. He certainly had no love for Siva, and the feeling was mutual. Hed gotten the impression that the Pathless was hurt in their last interaction through his Vesselthrough Gabby. Not by much, maybe, but hed put a dent in the bastards power over his sister. Yet if the Pathless could absorb the power of another god like Felix could snack on his enemies, how much stronger would he become?

We need to stop them, he said. Jav over there didnt give us much, but we know the altar is below us.

And the Hierei is above us, Eagin said.

Right. Shit. I need to end those Oaths before things go sideways for us. Felix ran his scaled hands through his hair. Maybe I can use my illusion magic to send a double downno, that wont work. I cant interact much through it. Or

Or, Pit interrupted, you let me go and check it out.


Dont Pit me, the Chimera scoffed with a doggy bark. You dont need me to fight a Grandmaster Priest. You know that. Let me do this.

"No, you

Don't you dare say you're worried about me," Pit warned, the fur on his back bristling.

Felix held up his hands. "I'm not, but I want Eagin and Telys to go with you."

Egan rumbled discontentedly. "Colossus, what of the Hierei?

I know what I'm getting into there. What we don't know is what's going on in this altar. He could need you more than I will."

Pit huffed an offended breath, but Eagin hummed in thought. "Very well, Colossus. We know that you are strong and you wish triumph over our enemies. Lord Pit, lead on."

Abyssal Skein us, if you please, Pit asked, blinking big gold eyes up at him.

Thought you said your Shroud was better?

What? When did that happen? Pit coughed. Sides, they need it too.

Felix channeled his power through his hands and across the rock solid connections between him and his friends. They all shivered, even the Eidolons, and their edges started to smoke as if bleeding away into their surroundings. "You be careful, all three of you."

"We shall return victorious, Colossus."

"You know me," Pit said. "I'll take him down."

He held his emotions silent, clutching tightly at his Spirit as he watched Pit and the Eidolons speed down the hall toward a distant staircase. Pit had earned this trust, but worry rode shotgun in his heart. Felix closed his eyes and took a single, fortifying breath.

Time to find the Hierei.

The clock was ticking.

Archie only managed to slip partway through the wall before it violently rejected him. Something buzzed against his senses, pushing back against his Body as if he'd run into another wall within the white stone. A current ripped through him, blasting him backward out of the stone surface.

Into the open air.


Archie had a moment of utter freefall before talons caught the back of his jacket and jerked him to a merciful stop. He looked up into a pink and purple eye that considered him from above a jagged frown. "What happened?" the Drake demanded.

"I can't get through. It's not the rock. Theres something else in there and its keeping me out."

Yinterion growled, not at Archie, but at the prison cell itself. Vess lifted her spear, but Yinterion was faster. He set Archie onto the landing and slammed into the wall in the same fluid motion. His claws sank into the white stone and he pulled down like a cat marking a piece of furniture it loathed entirely. The stone around the gate shredded, parting beneath the Drakes Strength like wood to an axe. Chips of white stone fell to the ground before they were joined by larger chunks that shattered under Yins onslaught, until he tore a hole to the left side of the orichalcum-bound gateand exposed a framework of tight orichalcum bars buried just beneath.

Of course its more of that stupid metal, Archie grumbled. Orichalcum was beyond his Skill, even after its evolution.

Beyond the bars was a man, bound by chains of mithril and wearing an elaborate collar that encased his neck and shoulders. His beard had grown wild, and his hair was poorly groomed, but the cell was clean. He had sat up from his bed, clearly staring at where they had been ripping through the wall, and his eyes locked on Vess.

"Welcome, Felix Nevarre. I am pleased you decided to pay a visit."

"A quick one," Felix said. "I don't plan to stay for dinner."

Emperor's Vigilance!

Name: Mivun Tal, Hierei of Levantier and the Ghreldan Hills

Race: Human

Level: 1143

HP: 50631/50631

SP: 66488/66488

MP: 91224/98143

Lore: Head of the Priests of the Pathless, Mivun Tal is a devout man and a former warrior of great renown. Devoted to Order, he is one of the Hierophant's original companions and is considered her closest ally.

Strength: High Strength, high Willpower, Blessings of the Light

Weakness: More Data Required

"Oh? Mivun laughed outright. Bold of you, to Analyze me so blatantly. Some might consider that a challenge."

"High Grandmaster Mivun Tal," Felix said aloud. "I imagine you're used to bullying people with your Temper."

"We all have our place, Nevarre. From the lowest worm to the highest god. All that I have is due to the Light. It is Order incarnate." Mivun leaned back, revealing a thick neck beneath his round head. Tendons corded across his throat. "Chaos holds reign over this world. Order must be instilled."

"By you, of course."

"Who else but servants of Order itself?"

Felix narrowed his eyes, contemplating. If he cut the silver thread that floated near him, he could eradicate a significant portion of the Hierei's Oaths...but not all of them. He had no clue which ones were connected to the Dragoons. I have to get closer.

"Is that what this is? The zealots of the Pathless, come to inflict their beliefs on others, whether they like it or not?"

"What is life, but asserting your convictions upon the world? We are all walking our own path, are we not? It is the Light's purpose, our duty, to bring the Pathless' Tenets to the Continent. Strength, Purity, and above all"

"Order, yeah. You said." Felix stepped forward, slowly. "I don't really care for your boss or his teachings. Far as I'm concerned, you're ghouls ripping out the hearts of normal people, just trying to live normal lives."

"Without the Pathless, the Continent would descend back into savage butchery once again." The man's smile faded. "They would turn into you."

Eat Him.

Working on it. Felix took another step, refusing to rise to the bait. "What's the point of taking over Pax'Vrell? Arent they already part of the Hierocracy? And don't give me that shit about rebellion.

"Surprising. All our reports claim you to be a muscle-bound fool. Talented at battle, yet limited in the Mind. I will have to update our assessment."

"How kind of you."

"Pax'Vrell was to be punished, that much is true. But the Hierophant's designs are beyond mere mortals, for she sees the patterns behind the world." There was a fervent, almost feverish gleam in the Hierei's eyes. "To save this world, Pax'Vrell is a necessary sacrifice."

Felix took another step. They were separated by only fifty feet now, but it could have been miles. If the Priest fled before Felix could reach him... "Sacrifice?"

"Ah but you're a curious creature. Insatiable. However, I fear I do not have time to answer all of your questions." Mivun chuckled. "Oh dear, I believe I lied to you. I am not afraid at all."

From the moonlit pools emerged figures clad in sleek white armor, their forms materializing out of thin air.

Where the hell? Felix hadn't spotted them at all. Each of them bore a bracer inscribed with glaring crimson sigils that sent small aches through his eyes. Profane Sigaldry?

The same script developed by the Archon.

"Do you think that your arrival in my Territory would go unnoticed? That you could slip into my city without reprisal?" The Hierei stood, revealing a height that rivaled Felix's own. "We are ready for you and your rebel army, Unbound. The Light has revealed all.

Eight members of the High Guard stepped out of the moonlight, their armor now glowing with lines of golden light. A complex, multi-layered array formed across their chest and limbs before trailing off their backs like cloaks of gold.

Your allies. Mivun spoke slowly, as if savoring the words. Are already dead.