Chapter Seven Hundred And Fifty Three – 753

Name:Unbound Author:
Chapter Seven Hundred And Fifty Three – 753

Sonata of Dominance is level 117!

Standing outside the Sanctum three hours later, Felix could only feel frustration. The Quest was completed...and it had judged him.

Quest Complete!

Test Thyself!

You have successfully shaped the Mana types of the common elements, as well as sound, force, lightning, acid, ice, and heat. More remain. You have failed to shape other Mana types.

You have accepted the results.You have shown us where you stand, magus.

Where shall you go from here?

Around him, the Atlantes Anima creaked with a sort of comfort. Felix was positive it didn’t understand his frustration in the least, but he appreciated the attempt.

Just as the notification stated, he’d failed to shape all types of Mana. Despite the power of Sonata of Dominance, it only gave him incredible control over the “common” elements. The others he could grasp but with limited effect. Others, like necromantic Mana, he couldn’t touch at all. Worse, there were likely more kinds than he could even conceptualize, and the Quest had given no clues.

His Sonata was powerful, but while Felix could technically use any Mana types as an Unbound, he wasn’t so powerful that he could just make up new Skills entirely on the fly.

Wish I still had a Skill evolution available. I’d apply it to Sonata in a heartbeat.

If he were being honest, the results of his Quest worried him. The whole thing had clearly been a test, but of what? It had mentioned his "worth," but that felt more like a challenge than a judgment. When it was over, it had only mentioned his "standing" and an open question.

Where would he go from here?

Still, completing the Quest had more effects than simply proving his mettle. A series of notifications popped up before his eyes.

Congratulations! You Have Been Made Master of the Shaper’s Sanctum!

Shaper’s Sanctum, Tier V!

Master Tier Advancement Detected!

The Following Bonuses Now Apply While Within The Sanctum:

+5% Increase In Mana Control

+5% Increase In Leveling Speed For All Shaping Skills

Complete Quests to Advance The Sanctum!

Advance Yourself To Increase Bonuses!

The Following Quests Are Available:

Shape The Future I

Recruit talented magi to your side and teach them to shape Mana.

0/5 Shapers Recruited

Reward: Unique Title, XP

Broaden Your Horizons I

Learn more about the various Mana types that exist within the world.

Reward: Varies

That’s pretty good. Felix eyed the bonuses he received for being a Master Tier. They only applied when he was within the walls of the Sanctum, but it could be helpful. Eventually.

The notifications on Quests were similar to the ones his Crafting Halls received, though Felix hadn’t a clue how to teach someone to shape Mana.

A sharp snort echoed through his bond. You taught Archie. Now he can run through all sorts of stuff.

I nudged him in a direction. He did the work.

Isn’t that teaching?

I—Felix scratched his head. I guess you’re right.

Of course I am, Pit said. Are you coming down or not?

Are you in the Bastion?

We all are. Waiting on you.

Bah. The Sanctum had taken more time than he’d anticipated. I’m on my way.

Glancing at the stone steps that wrapped around the Spirit Tree, Felix peered over the edge of the branch. He was in no mood for walking.

He stepped off.

Wind whipped at him, rippling violently through his coat as the ground rose up faster than anything else. His heartbeat beat steadily, unphased by a drop that might have once killed him.

Adamant Discord.

He pulled on his connection with the branch of Atlantes above him, and a tether of lightning manifested in Felix’s grip. He slowed, his fall almost entirely arrested as he approached the vast courtyard. The moment his foot touched ground, he released the Skill, and Felix landed with barely a whisper of shoe leather against stone.

A Stone Shaped courtyard surrounded him, dominating a large portion of the cliff where his Spirit Tree rose up from the Temple below. A river ran through the center, the topmost part of the Eile before it flowed off the cliff’s edge. Cultivated gardens and orchards spread on either side of the Eile, tended to by men and women in aprons and pale work clothes, and the fragrant smell of green shoots and newly sprouted blossoms carried on the warm breeze.

Where the Spirit Tree’s trunk descended through the clifftop, the Bastion of Atlantes stood tall and impressive. Built like a castle around the trunk of the Spirit Tree, it was surrounded by the river, forming a rapid-moving moat. It had been constructed there for several reasons, though the only one Felix had originally cared about was that it sealed off the gaping hole into the Temple below that the Atlantes Anima had blasted open when it had first grown. Additionally, it was used as an audience chamber, meeting hall, and other things meant for official Autarch business.

The Bastion was built of shaped Fiendstone and Henaari artistry—though it was made of his old Fiendstone. This looked like a blue-black rock veined with slightly glowing crimson, and it was significantly weaker than the opalescent Fiendstone he’d developed with his new strength.

I should change it later, he decided as he walked by the Legionnaires guarding the massive entrance. Whenever I have the time.

Legionnaires, stationed at the gates of the Bastion, saluted as he passed, their chins lifting and Spirits swelling with something like pride. Blades, according to the metal badges on their jackets and the chunky swords at their waists. "At ease, folks."

Felix didn't love the hero worship that the Legion and the elite Claw regarded him with, but it had grown more comfortable as it wore on. Kinda.

He pushed open the door and entered the Hall of Songs.

The Hall of Songs had a piece of elaborate ice hanging from the ceiling, a massive chandelier crafted by the Risi that reflected the natural light streaming in through star-shaped skylights. A vaulted ceiling patterned with stars was supported by large pillars, and the floor was polished until it had an almost mirror-shine. The Hall of Songs was the largest room in all the fortress, and it had to be in order to accommodate the huge circular table at its center.

A number of high-backed wooden chairs surrounded it, each carved with vines, flowers, and small creatures. His own seat sat on a raised dais at the far end, larger and more impressive than the rest. Now that he'd seen a few, Felix recognized it for what it was: a throne.

Sat in the center of the circular table was a potted plant, of all things, but around its circumference were a collection of his people, allies he trusted, and those who represented the factions that lived within Elderthrone.

"How can you assault all of the Hierophant's Territories at once?" Ari asked. "Do you not have to be present to claim a Seat and Seal?"

"I do. That's another problem with the plan."

"The moment you take another Territory, the race is on, and you will have to contend with armies on guard against you." The Farwalker spread his hands. "Armies might not sway you, Felix, but the rest of us aren't quite so powerful, and unless you plan to handle this Quest alone..."

"No. Not alone, but this is going to be in tandem with another task." Felix leaned forward. "We need to save the other Unbound."

Vess had already heard of his visions, but Felix quickly recounted them for the others. They listened closely. "The Kobold twins are in Jaast, though that's the vaguest one. Somewhere in the jungle. The Lizardman is beneath Amaranth at some underground reservoir there. The Sylphaen is in Sunara, inside a storm. And the Theron is in Levantier, and she seems to be working with some mages that live there.

"We’re on a timer here. The gods are sinking their claws into the Unbound, and I have no doubt their plan is to turn all of them into Vessels.” Felix bared his teeth. “I'm not letting that happen.”

Not again.

"That's all well and good, but it has the same problem as the Seals. Worse, even, if the gods are involved." Darius said, pointing at the Farwalker. "He said it already: the moment you swing in and get one, the gods are just going to double down on the rest. You'd need to get them all at the same time."

"Divide and conquer," Pit rumbled from behind the throne.

"You would certainly need to split up to do it," Darius agreed. "Four locations would mean four separate teams to recover you plan to use the Shadowgates?"

"That's the idea, yeah."

"A dangerous prospect."

"Every option is dangerous," Felix said. "And we can't waste any more time. The Hierophant and the gods are making their moves, and all of it pales before the real threat."

"Haste is unwise," A'zek said, his ears laid flat against his skull. "But I cannot stand still while the Ruin advances. I will join your fight, Autarch."

Felix sat back. "You're more than welcome. I plan to decide our teams soon, but first I need to test my methods." He turned to the potted plant centered upon the table. "Paxus."

A deep blue light spun off the potted plant and formed into the image of a friend.

"Autarch Felix Nevarre," he said, bowing at the waist. He was taller than Felix with a slender frame and angular features that were as brown as Vess'. His hair was pulled back into a series of braids, which laid stark against the white robes that hugged him. Paxus blinked eyes that were a bright blue, entirely without whites. "Last of the Nym and bearer of the Crown of Elysium. It is a pleasure to see you once again."

"Nice to see you, too—You can tell that I have the crown?"

"What is this?" Zara asked, perking up.

"Perhaps it is the fact that I exist almost purely in Spirit, but the halo of gold that stands behind your head cannot be mistaken. The Crown of Elysium has been claimed."

Felix nodded. "Yes, I assembled the pieces thanks to a Quest I received when I began restoring Territories and their Seals."

"A noble task, and fitting for the man who bears such a Skill as Unite the Lost."

With a gesture, Felix summoned the crown again and plucked it off his head. He tossed it toward Zara, and the woman wrapped the Crescian Bronze in a limpid flow of sea-green water before bringing it close.

"Astounding... What is the Empyrean Regalia?" she asked.

"A potent set of equipment meant to bolster an Empire," Paxus said. "The Regalia was last seen in the hands of the Herald, our Empress, and with it, she defended us from all manner of foes." He blinked his white-less eyes at Felix. "Did you receive a Quest to gather them all?"

"I did."

"It is wise for you to do so. Perhaps with them we could find at least some succor from the Ruin."

"How do they work?" Felix asked. "The Crown has already bolstered my Mind, but how would it help an entire empire?"

"That I do not know," Paxus admitted. "I have said all that I know about the Regalia. I wish it were more."

"Ah. I'm glad you're here, regardless. Alister mentioned that he brought a cutting of the Abundance Anima with him. I wasn't aware that you could move around like that."

"Few are. It is rare for a Companion to bind their Spirit to a Tree, but it was not unheard of in my time." The Nymean spirit was ancient, having existed near the end of the Golden Empire, much like Karys. Unlike his mechanical Chancellor, Paxus retained most of his memories—though he was a researcher and botanist who had spent most of his life sequestered in laboratories.

"Are you okay? After Prince Tevin's..." Felix bit down on the anger that rose in him. "...idiocy."

"I am hale, and that is all I can ask for. The paltry mages this Age has to offer did nothing more than cause me pain, and when you are Spirit alone, pain is soon forgotten."

"Have you been paying attention to our conversation?"

"I have."

"Alister has promised an alliance with Tevin Province in light of his experiences there. I'm more than happy to make that happen, and it'll give me a chance to do a test run."

"By test run, you mean enter into a foreign land, defeat their standing armies of Knights and mages, and restore an ancient Seal that will bind the Provinces together into a singular Territory?" Darius asked.


The man scratched his bearded cheek. "How?"

Felix smiled. "I've got a plan. The Crown should make claiming Seals easier, too. I already used it to restore the damage done by the recent attacks."

"Would that it could restore the lives lost," the Farwalker said. "Though the Glyphmaster's sacrifice was noble, many still died in the initial explosions."

"Not nearly as many as would have perished had the fires been allowed to spread." Zara shook her head. "Atar saved the city."

Battlelord Ari thumped the haft of his axe on the ground, rattling Paxus' pot. "Vorun."

Felix assumed that was agreement.

"You've spent more time than any of us in the Ghreldan Hills, Paxus. What do you think of the idea?"

"It is a logical decision. I've only been conscious for a few months, but my Companion's roots spread wide, and I have heard much. The Ghreldan Hills were shattered into small Provinces that constantly vie for supremacy. Normally, the Hierocracy lends its support to its chosen pawn, but we heard reports of them fleeing the Territory entirely. Add the recent infighting, and their armies are weak. It would be the perfect time to restore the ancient Seal."

Darius cleared his throat. "We can mobilize the Legion to assist."

"As can we," Battlelord Ari said.

Felix lifted a hand. "No. I don't need them."

"To face down the entire Territory? That's foolhardy at best—"

"Darius. He has reached Master Tier," Vess said.

The commander licked his lips. "I see."

"Before I leave, however, we should address the rest of my plan..."

It was going to be a long morning.