In the past, Nanxin fell in love with Qiao Mubei because she was handsome. Later, she fell in love with her because no one was better to her than Qiao Mubei.

She only knew that she loved Joe, but she couldn't tell where she loved Joe.

Li Mo seems to know some about Nanxin. What Nanxin can't resist most is that others treat her well. As long as others treat her better, she will pay back.

He thinks that Qiao Mubei coaxes Nan Xin in this way, so he always adopts this method. People are preconceived. It's not easy for Nan Xin to stay with him.

Nanxin looked at Li Mo, voice shallow, "Li Mo, I as long as you are good to me, as long as you have to help me in the future, I will help you, but I don't love you. You are surrounded by a lot of women every day. Why do you have to be me? I'm married and have two children

She helped him analyze and wanted him to come back.

Li Mo suddenly chuckled, "I have never been unable to get, so to blame, blame you do not like me."

He likes Nanxin, sometimes she is smart, sometimes she is stupid, shrewd, calm and bright. He likes it very much.

Originally, he wanted to help Nanxin and Qiao Mubei, but who told Qiao Mubei to do everything he could? His enterprise had been attacked and suffered heavy losses. When he went to China, he wanted to find Qiao Mubei. As a result, he knew about Nanxin. He took Nanxin for his own sake and revenge on Qiao Mubei.

"I like you."

When hearing Nan Xin's words, Li Mo's body froze for a moment.

He didn't expect that Nan Xin would say he liked him.

"You're putting me off?" Li Mo stops his emotion and picks on the tip of his brow.

Nanxin looked at him with sincere eyes, "I really like you, and I appreciate you, but I don't love you. You also said that you are just not reconciled because you can't get it. Just take it as what I owe you. Let me go, OK

"Now that you have said what you owe me, you will stay with the children for another five years."

Yuan Yuan suddenly hugs Li Mo's thigh, "Er Dadi, please, let mommy take Yuan Yuan Yuan and brother back.". My father is very old. He will be my grandfather in five years. Then he won't know mummy, Yuanyuan and his brother. "

Said is really miserable, but Li Mo was amused, big palm picked up Yuanyuan, holding Yuanyuan's nose, "what's wrong with me to you? Why do you think of someone you've never met? "

Yuanyuan has a confused face. Tuan Tuan helps his younger brother to answer the question seriously,. "Because Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan have daddy's blood in their bodies."

This truth was told to them by Nan Xin, because they didn't understand what a father was.

Yuanyuan nodded heavily, "Daddy can't see mommy and brother and Yuanyuan all the time. He must be very sad."

Nanxin thought about it, and she didn't like to owe others, "Li Mo, I'll stay with you for five years, but you have to send my children back."

On hearing this from Nan Xin, Tuan Tuan Yuan suddenly wailed. One of them held Nan Xin's thigh and said, "Mommy, don't abandon Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan!"

But that appearance is heartbroken, Nanxin looking also distressed. But Qiao Mubei has been unable to find them, at least she let Li Mo send Tuan Tuan and Yuanyuan back, can let Qiao Mubei have a backing, know she is still alive well, see the children, will be very happy.

Li Mo hook Mou son, smile, "woman, if I like others will let you go."

"You don't mean to accompany you for five years. How can you find someone you like and let me go?" Nanxin frowns. There is a big difference between the two. One is the exact time, and the other is the unknown time. Who knows when he will have someone he likes. If he can't find someone he likes in his life, won't she and her children have to stay here all their lives?

Nanxin has nothing to do. The most difficult thing in her life is to repay the debt of human relationship. What's more, Li Mo saved the lives of her and Tuan Tuan Yuan's children. So as long as Li Mo's demands, even if it's too much, as long as she can do it, she has to do it. Of course, she has a bottom line, and some things won't be agreed.

Looking at Nanxin frowning, Li Mo holding her waist, whispered: "you stay here well, of course, if you and Tuan Tuan Yuan are safe, next week, I will go to China to talk business, I will take you with me."

It was incredible news. She asked suspiciously, "is that true?"

"It's true, of course." Li Mo's smile is so secretive that he has spent thousands of days in the army. He believes that Qiao Mubei is willing to spend the money in order to meet Nan Xin and his children.

He wants money and people. Of course, he also wants good reputation. At least in front of Nan Xin and his two children, he plays the role of a good man.

Nan Xin asked tentatively, "will you let me see my husband?"

Li Mo nodded, "of course, if you behave well."

"We will do well. I will help you take the red line, you like Chinese women, go to China, I will help you introduce, let you quickly find their favorite Nanxin vowed.In fact, many men are career oriented, of course, will also like women, but will never have only one woman. He likes Nanxin, but he doesn't like Qiao Mubei. He can give up everything for Nanxin.

Seeing that Nanxin's eyes were so sincere, Li Mo's face showed an unhappy look, "now let me be happy first. I like you, but you don't care all the time. Don't you think it hurts? "

"I'm not a saint of love. I don't know how to speak, which can express my meaning and won't make you sad. I can only say sorry and thank you Nan Xin had an apologetic face.

Nanxin tries to think in another place. If Qiao Mubei treats her like she does to Li Mo, she will be very sad. She used to think about Li Mo, but because she couldn't get it, she forced her to say those words, but now the situation is different. Li Mo is a benefactor, and if she doesn't say something nice and behave well at this time, maybe Li Mo won't take them back, and they won't see Qiao Mubei.

Li Mo holds Yuan Yuan and plays with Yuan Yuan's little meat hand. His eyes are fixed. "If you want to see Qiao Mubei, you still have to think clearly. Qiao Zhenguo can't hold you. Do you want Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan to be hurt?"

As a matter of fact, when it comes to this father-in-law, Nan Xin feels uncomfortable. She has never seen such a cruel person.

"Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are very healthy. After taking them back, my father-in-law should not be able to lay hands on such a lovely grandson."

Li Mo raised his mouth, "say you are a silly woman, not everyone cares about family, Qiao Zhenguo cares about reputation."

Women care more about family, love and friendship, but men care about status, money and fame.

For a stubborn man like Qiao Zhenguo, reputation is more important to him. Nanxin Lian Lian Mou color, drooping eyelids, "I will protect a good round." Raise Mou son to looking at Li Mo, "you also don't want to give up to round round round to get hurt, can arrange person to protect us?"

Nanxin is accurate, if you don't want to care about them, Li Mo would not bother to save them.

"If you can forget that you gave birth to two children on the side of the road, you can go back home." Li Mo's face was a little sulky.

How could Nanxin forget?

At the beginning, Li Mo arranged for someone to save her. Fortunately, a doctor was arranged in the car, but she gave birth to Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan in the car on the way. The child was born more than a month prematurely. Later, she was in poor health, low resistance, and easy to have a bad fever. She was also injured because of excessive bleeding.

She was cowardly at the thought.

Yuan Yuan flattered Li Mo and gave him a kiss on his face. "Er Dadi, please take us to China. Yuan Yuan also wants to play."

"I'll take you, but you're not allowed to show up and see Joe Mubei without my permission." Li Mo cold voice says.