Chapter 91 - Chapter 91: 091 Delegate

Chapter 91: 091 Delegate

Translator: 549690339 I

Since he had decided to take Dean McKenzie back to Spring City, Ennis Hawkins no longer hid anything from Dean.

On the journey back, he detailed everything that had happened over the past few days to Dean.

Initially, it all started with the Book of Dark Promotion that Dean had in his possession.

That thing had suddenly appeared within Spring City.

The earliest discovery made by the Professional Alliance was at the South Hill Base, where someone had failed to use the Book of Dark Promotion and was corrupted by darkness.

Although the corrupted individual was found and dealt with promptly, the key artifact that initiated the corruption was not recovered.

Because of this, Anthony had been on an exhaustive search for the Book of Dark Promotion and was just about to obtain it when the last use was consumed by Dean McKenzie.

Anthony, however, didn’t mind too much.

He sought the Book of Dark Promotion because its unpredictable behavior posed a threat to civilians.

But since Dean used up the last opportunity, this source of danger can be considered neutralized.

As for who released the book into the city, to be honest, Anthony didn’t initially plan to dig deep.

“Why not?”

On hearing this, Dean interjected, “Why won’t you expose them?”

Dean couldn’t understand. From his perspective, in his previous life, these people were like terrorists spreading bombs all over the world, and definitely couldn’t be let off the hook.

In response to Dean’s confusion, Ennis gave him an answer he couldn’t comprehend: “it’s difficult to locate them, and furthermore, we dare not search for them!”

Dean was even more baffled when he heard this: “Dare not search?!! Why dare not? Is it due to a lack of manpower or a lack of higher-ups? Why not just file a report to the Alliance and ask for assistance?

How dare a mere Fallen Professional organization cause trouble on our territory, it’s outrageous!

Just kill them!”

Watching Dean in his passionate state, Anthony was taken aback: “Do you have some misconceptions about the Alliance?”


“From your words, it seems like our Professional Alliance rules the world, and any Fallen Professional organization dare not stir trouble on our turf?

It would be great if the Alliance could be as dominant as you suggest!”

After expressing this sentiment with a heavy sigh, Anthony informed Dean: “In fact, the Alliance is not as dominant as you think, on the contrary, most of the time we have to tolerate the Fallen ones.

We tend to turn a blind eye to them unless they do something like a Blood Sacrifice.

Especially m situations like the previous encounter with the Book of Dark Promotion, which leaves clear signs of tasks being carried out, I could only collect the bodies of the corrupted if no innocents have been harmed.

As for the one who placed the Book of Dark Promotion.

As long as they know when to stop, we won’t pursue them relentlessly, because if you push such a person to the limit, the consequences are unimaginable.” Saying this, Ennis looked truly helpless.

only then did Dean realize from Ennis’s expression of helplessness, that he had misunderstood something all this while.

He had subconsciously assigned the role of the old-world official to the Professional Alliance.

He thought the Professional Alliance should have absolute control in this world, but it was only now that he realized that the reality might be entirely different.

This revelation was difficult for him to accept: “Are we just going to sit back and watch these people do as they please in our city?”

“Of course not!

We can turn a blind eye, but once they cross the line, we won’t tolerate it.

The reason we moved against the Bloody Church this time was because of this.

I don’t know about other cities, but in Spring City, I won’t allow any innocent person to be harmed.”

Ennis’s firm response greatly relieved Dean.

Afterward, Dean didn’t dwell on this topic but inquired about the subsequent events.

“After that, wasn’t there a situation with the Skeleton Cave?

First, the Book of Dark Promotion and then the Skeleton Cave incident, I couldn’t ignore such signs.

Thus, I started the investigation.

Just when we had some leads, we stumbled upon the Blood Sacrifice.

As a result, we moved against the Bloody Church in Spring City.

But after the operation, we discovered that someone had likely instigated the Blood Sacrifice.

In other words, the Bloody Church might have been used as a pawn and took the fall for someone else.”

“Next, we received bad news confirming that the Archbishop of the Bloody Church in Spring City was still alive, and he was the one most likely behind your attack.

According to the intel we acquired after the church was seized, it seems someone had been in contact with him, secretly discussing a matter about Spring City and me.”

“About you?”

“Yes, it seems an ‘old friend’ of mine is planning a ‘surprise’ for me!”

“A surprise? What surprise?”

“According to the intel we currently have, the nature of the surprise is still unclear, but one thing is certain: they’re planning some major event in Spring City, which is likely to cause considerable damage.”

As he said this, Ennis turned his gaze towards Dean: “and the only lead we have right now is the Demon Box you handed over last time!”

On hearing this, Dean’s eyebrows raised: “The Demon Box requires me to open it?” r

“Our colleagues in the laboratory could as well, but it would take them at least two to three months.”

“Then leave this task to me!”

Without hesitation, Dean patted his chest and volunteered.

Anthony shook his head: “You shouldn’t make that decision yet. This is a dangerous mission. The prerequisite for you to open the Demon Box is to clear a side dungeon activated by the box.

That’s a hell-level survival dungeon!

It’s more than ten times harder than the Nightmare-level dungeon you cleared before, and if you don’t clear it, you’ll die.

Furthermore, considering how you were obstructed last time, there might be more dangers in the dungeon, and once you enter, it basically amounts to courting death.

I suggest you accompany me back, and I’ll publicly declare that you failed to clear the dungeon, stating that I saved your life with a special artifact.”

Ennis’s words left Dean stunned.

Only then did he realize that although Ennis had brought him back, he hadn’t actually decided to let him take action.

However, at that moment, Dean was more concerned about another issue. “Anthony, if I don’t take action and you can’t capture that person in time, won’t many people die if he causes a great deal of destruction in Spring City?

Why won’t you let me…”

Dean’s words were interrupted by Ennis: “Life isn’t a math problem!

Both you and the citizens of Spring City, I must protect!”