Chapter 271 His Strength And Weakness

Rachael understood what Andrew was trying to say.

"Rach." He gently caressed her cheek. "There are many people who want to bring me to my knees. They want me to beg, they want to kill me."

She tightened her grip on his t-shirt.

"For years they have been trying to look for something they can use against me," he added. "I love you Rachael, you are the woman I love the most, you are my biggest strength but you are also my weakness. The mere thought of losing you makes me feel hopeless, it scares the shit out of me."

He cupped her face. "They know how important you are to me and how much you mean to me. So they will not hesitate to use that against me. I know this sounds scary but I still wanted you to know."

"What am I supposed to do?" All of this was new to her, everything that was happening or was bound to happen. But she wanted to be strong, stay strong for Andrew.

"You just have to be careful, not just here but also when we go back home," he explained. "I will always keep you safe no matter what happens but if you ever feel anything is out of place and weird, you have to immediately call me. And never stop the guards from doing what they have appointed for. They are there to protect you with their life, let them do their job, okay?"

She nodded. "I understand, I will never stop them in the future."

Andrew sighed and kissed her forehead. "I love you."


[Next Day]

After breakfast, Kate, Elsa and Rachael left home. They were taking Rachael to a few places and had plans of having lunch together before heading home.

"So where are we going first?" Elsa asked Kate as soon they entered the car.

"I don't know." She looked at Rachael. "What do you want to see first? The Cathedral or Gallery?"

Before Rachael could answer, the driver said, "There is a new botanical garden which was inaugurated last week. From what I heard, it's a great tourist spot now."

"That sounds great." Rachael looked at Elsa and Kate who were aware of the soft corner she had for plants and anything remotely related to it.

"How far is it?" Kate asked the driver.

"It's a thirty minute drive."

"Alright then, let's start from the botanical garden." Kate looked at the driver. "Are you new?"

"Yes madam."

"I see." While Elsa and Rachael were busy seeing pictures of the garden which they had found online, Kate slipped out her phone to message Daniel.

[Kate: Did you hire a new driver?]

Usually when she stepped out of the house, Daniel made sure someone who had worked for him long enough to gain his trust followed her. The appearance of this new driver out of the blue did not sit right with her.

There was a chance she might be overthinking but there was no harm in being cautious.


[Volkov Mansion]

"The Greg's are quite active these days,"Justin remarked. "They were keeping a low profile after we exposed their smuggling business."

"Well, we can't expect them to always stay in the shadows." Andrew looked at Daniel. "Didnt you have a meeting with them last month? How did it go?"

"What do you think?" Daniel scoffed. "He tried to attack my men. Too bad they were very slow and inefficient."

Owen, who was scrolling through his phone, inquired, "Aren't the Gregs and Genovesse tight?"

Daniel nodded. "They are. They shared a good relationship when Riftan's father was alive. Riftan seems to have maintained it."

Just then his phone buzzed. When he read the message Kate had sent him, he frowned. "Did we hire a new driver?"

"Yes we did," Owen answered. "I think last week."

"If he is new, what did you send him with the girls?"

"What? I didn't," Owen frowned and looked at Justin and Andrew.

"I thought Nelson was talking with them." Andrew took his phone out. "Let me ask Ben."

"Boss—" Ben rushed inside the mansion. "Something is wrong."

"What is it?" Andrew got up.

"We found Nelson in the worker's quarter," Ben answered. "We have rushed him to the hospital, someone slit his throat."

"F*uck." Daniel pulled his phone out and immediately called Kate.

But Owen stopped him. "Stop, this is definitely a trap and if we tell the girls anything they will panic. The driver, whoever it is, will get the hint and will make an aggressive move."

"I think Owen is right," Justin agreed with him. "We have to come up with a better way."


[Inside the Car]

Kate tightened her grip on her phone and impatiently waited for Daniel's reply. He always messaged her the very next minute he saw her message unless he was doing something important. But that wasn't the case today. She knew he was at home with the boys.

"Kate, is everything okay?" Elsa placed her hand over hers. "You seem a little tense."

"Y-Yeah, I don't feel good." She looked at the driver. "Can you please stop the car, I think I am going to be sick."

When the driver did not listen to her, Elsa frowned, "Hey, she told you something."

Keeping a straight face, he locked all the doors before stepping on the gas.

Rachael gasped and grabbed Elsa's hand when the driver drove past the red light.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" Kate yelled at him.

But the three of them froze when the man pulled out a gun. "One more word and I'll kill all three of you."

When Kate tried to call Daniel, the driver smirked, "Don't bother calling your husband. I will let you go and—" He looked at Elsa through the rearview mirror. "And you too."

"It's Mrs. Andrew Collins I am after." He adjusted the rearview mirror directly towards Rachael. When he saw her pale expression, he chuckled, "My boss is going to be so happy."
