292 Worried

"So what are your plans now?" Juliana, who was busy engulfing the delicious food, looked at him. "What?" she muttered, almost splattering the food in her mouth. Owen helplessly shook his head before passing her the napkin. "What are you planning to do henceforth?" "What do you mean?" She asked. "Are you going to continue your masters?" When he ran a background check on Juliana, he had found out that she had dropped out of her masters programme three years ago because of financial problems. He wanted to know what she thought about continuing her education now that things were better than the past. Juliana looked at him in disbelief. Not many people knew about her incomplete masters journey. This made her wonder how Owen managed to find out. Did he run a background check on her?

[Collins mansion] "So when are you taking Kate to meet her parents?" When Daniel looked at him in surprise, Andrew chuckled, "You are quite predictable, you know that right?" "I am only predictable to you and Kate," Daniel chuckled. "I need to talk to Kate about it first." "And what are your thoughts about it?" When he did not say anything, Andrew added, "If you go there, they will definitely do something." "I can't send Kate there all by herself," Daniel sighed. "It's not dangerous but I don't want to take any chances." Kate and Daniel were married against Kate's family wishes. They eloped the very day her dad tried to house arrest her. After their marriage, they did try to visit them but they were refused entry by Kate's uncle who clearly told them that her father refused to see her and she was now dead for the family.

"Well—" Andrew shrugged his shoulders. "I think it will be more safe if we bring Kate's parents here than taking her there." "And how are we going to do that?" Daniel raised his brows and looked at Andrew, trying very hard to figure out what was going on in his head. Without answering his question, he patted his shoulder. "Talk to Kate and let me know if she really wants to see them." .....

[Kate and Daniel's Room] "Everything that you need is in here and—" "Hey—" Kate stopped Rachael. "You don't have to worry about us. We don't have to be formal with each other, we are family." Rachael smiled. "I know, I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable." She knew how important this pregnancy was for Kate and Daniel. And now that they would be staying in their house, she wanted to make sure nothing goes wrong. "Don't worry, I am more than comfortable." Kate gestured Rachael to sit down beside her. "And don't forget that there are two pregnant ladies in this house." She gently caressed Rachael's hand. "We both will take care of each other." Rachael smiled and nodded. "I don't think we have to worry about people taking care of us. We have our loving husbands, mom and—" When she noticed the sudden change in Kate's expression, she inquired, "Kate, is something wrong?" She had noticed her relatively low mood when they were at her parents house but she shrugged it off thinking she must be tired. "It's nothing actually, I just—" Kate sighed. "Your parents are so sweet and loving. They were so happy when you shared your pregnancy news with them. It just made me wonder how my parents would react if I told them about my pregnancy." Would they be happy? Would they be as thrilled as Rachael's parents? Would they accept her and Daniel's relationship and embrace her again if they learnt they were going to be grandparents? All these unanswered questions were making Kate feel sad but hopeful at the same time. But on the other hand, she was worried about being rejected by them once again. She didn't want to go through the same heartbreak all over again.