Unintended Cultivator Book 2 Official Takedown/Publication Notice

Name:Unintended Cultivator Author:
Unintended Cultivator Book 2 Official Takedown/Publication Notice

Hey Everyone!

Okay. That glorious time known as publication day is almost upon us for Unintended Cultivator Volume 2. As per Amazon's exclusivity rules, I need to take down most of Volume 2. I will leave the approximately 10% allowed as a sample on here and mark the volume as a stub. I'm planning to do that on March 8, 2024, approximately four days ahead of publication. So, if you want to read the rough-ish draft version of Volume Two on here, you have until then.

As for the official Amazon release, you can put in a pre-order for the ebook over here.



Also, here's the official cover for Volume Two.