Chapter 57: Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Chapter 57

Huge thanks to Victory and Ed for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: New York Institute] [3rd POV]

After the death of the demon, Talia and Hope were all but dragged to Lydia/Aldertree's office. Sitting in front of Lydia, with the rest of the group looking at her, Talia started "So...can we talk about the partnership now? Or..."

"What sort of partnership?" Alec asked, looking at the girl who had just easily slaughtered the demon that was causing them so many problems. "You know, I work with you guys, and in return you don't boss me around and annoy the hell out of me constantly" Talia said with a shrug, Hope snorted at that, knowing full well that certain Shadowhunters would find a way to be annoying, no matter what.

"And what do we get out of this?" Lydia asked with a raised eyebrow, Talia deadpanned in response "Oh I don't know, a super powerful warlock - Probably the strongest - to help fight Valentine and other foes? Not to mention the magic I can cast, and the things I can do?"

"You think you're the strongest Warlock?" Isabelle asked, wondering why the girl she found incredibly attractive, thought that way. "Oh I don't think I'm the strongest Warlock, I know I am" Talia responded with a shrug, she wasn't being arrogant, but truthful, as she was indeed the strongest "Warlock" in the world, hell, she was probably the strongest being on the planet, behind only that of maybe the Angels themselves, and even then she wasn't sure.

"And how do you know you are? There are a lot of Warlocks in the world" Clary asked, also wondering what Isabelle was. "Can any other Warlock wipe out entire towns with a singular spell? Or track someone from across the world? Or manipulate time itself?" Talia asked, knowing that there wasn't a singular warlock in the entire world that could do such a thing.

"And you are saying you can do those things?" Lydia said with a look of disbelief on her face. Talia simply nodded in response "Mmhmm, I'd show you the first one, but I don't think you'd want me to wipe out an entire town, now would you? I can show the third one though" After saying this, Talia focused, and began to use her time kitsune abilities.

Slowly timed crawled to a slow, as she got up and walked up to Clary, before pinching her cheek, and returning back to her chair, as time resumed. "Ow!" Clary cried out, feeling a sharp pain on her cheek, almost like a pinch. "See? I just pinched her" Talia said with a small grin, while Clary gave her a small glare, that Talia masterfully ignored.

Their eyes widened in surprise at this, as it was obvious that Clary was in fact pinched, they just didn't know if it was through time manipulation, or magic. Either way, it was impressive, as if it was magic, it showed that she could do it without making even the slightest of movement, and not even a slight amount of evidence of it's use.

"And what about her?" Alec asked, glancing at the silent Hope. Hearing the question, Hope responded "I'm a bit of a oddity amongst werewolves" "It's a package deal, you work with me, you work with her" Talia added after what Hope said, knowing that Hope didn't want to reveal too much about her species.

"What sort of oddities?" Lydia warily asked, trusting Hope less than Talia. Glancing at Talia, Talia nodded at the look, causing Hope to crack a small smile and respond "I can transform whenever I wish, certain weaknesses of a normal werewolf doesn't affect me...and some other stuff" Hope said with a shrug, flashing her werewolf eyes to them for a moment.

Hearing this, Lydia breathed in, as she began to think it over. The idea of having two unknowns within the institute, could become a serious issue, but at the same time, they were both strong in their own ways, and had helped them so far. Not to mention Talia's magic that could help them find and stop Valentine, before he does anything more than he already has. "Its...not entirely up to me, you have to wait for Aldertree's permission" Lydia said with a sigh, knowing that the man was probably not going to accept such a thing. He was kind of a dickhead like that.

Before Talia could reply, the door was opened by a slightly bloodied Aldertree.

"What happened?!" Lydia said, as she jumped to her feet. Hearing this, Aldertree responded with a small scowl "The Silent Brothers were attacked by Valentine...and most, if not all of them...have perished" Hearing this, the groups eyes widened, while Talia listened quietly. "What about Jace? Is he okay?" Alec asked, worried for his brother figure, previously crush. "He is fine, and is...pardoned, for now" Aldertree said, a frown on his face, as he noticed the two unknown individuals in his office.

"Who are these two?"

"This is Talia, she's a Warlock. And this is Hope, she's a Werewolf" Clary said, introducing the two. Inwardly she was slightly worried for Jace, but not nearly as much as she had been in canon. "They helped deal with a demon that infiltrated the institute. Killed it, actually" Isabelle said, smiling at the two, having deemed the two trustworthy, with Clary seemingly thinking the same way.

"That does not explain why they are in my office" Aldertree said, glancing at the two with a wary expression on his face.

"They wish to enter in a sort of...Alliance or partnership with us. They aid us in finding Valentine, and dealing with downworlders, and in return, we leave them alone, and aid them should they need it. I think it's a good idea, but it ultimately is left up to you" Lydia said, having accepted the idea of working with the two, even if she was still slightly wary of the idea.

"Hmm, and how can we be certain you do not work with Valentine?" Aldertree asked. Talia hearing the question, grinned softly.

"Well that's simple, I can just give you his current location, if I was working with him, I wouldn't give you that, now would I?"

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That's the end of the chapter. Sorry for the short chapter, but school is being a genuine pain in the ass right now (when this was written), so I've got some last minute work I gotta turn in soon. This whole funk should be over by the weekend, as stated before. Until then, I'm posting more Vault Fics tonight, to sort of help mitigate that fact.

Next chapter will be longer, and will be smut between Talia and Hope, as it has been a decent while. After that, canon will begin to get completely fucked. Next world has already been decided by me, and will be almost entirely for the strengthening of Talia's women, and for some power for Talia herself.

I also haven't put a status for a while, so below is her current one. This will be done every few chapters, if there hasn't been a status in a while.

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- | Talia Morningstar | -

- | Master of Death | - | Advanced Creator of Magic | - | Host of the Dragon Flame | - | First of

her Kind | -

[Class Huntress | RWBY]

[Level - 7/100]

[Subclass - Assassin | Assassins Creed]

[Level - 2/100]

[Species - Supreme Witch, Fairy, Kitsune, Upgraded Enhanced Original?]

[Energies - Magic/Mana, Aura]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier Serum (consumed), Mechashift Weapon, Small Vial of each type of dust, Assassin Robes,

Hidden Blade]

[Equipped Items - The One Ring, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility, Haste Boots, Boots of Hermes, Gauntlets of Atlas, Crown of the Goblin Emperor, Earrings of the Goblin Empress,

The Darkhold]

[Vehicles/?????????] - Tardis

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 44]

[Spells Learnt - 10,000+ | Tiers 0-11 learnt]

[Cemented Mate - Hope Mikaelson]

[Non-Cemented Mates - Clary Fairchild, Isabelle Lightwood, ???????]

[Remaining Mates - 3

[Age Absorbed - 7,345]

[Status - Partially Fed]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage, TVD Witch | Fairy - Light, Mind, Air, Water, Fire,


[Maxed Subclasses - Kitsune (Thunder, Ocean, Music, Void, Forest, Time), Upgraded

Enhanced Original]

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord]

[Other/Absorbed Species/Classes - Wizard, Witch, Overlord]

[Current Universe - Shadowhunters]

[Dungeons - Prestige Goblin]

[Multiverse Travel - Available]


Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!