Chapter 126: Chapter 124: Red Kryptonite

Chapter 126: Chapter 124: Red Kryptonite[3rd POV]

Time had passed since the talk with the girls, nearly a month in fact. And during this time a few things had happened.

For one, Talia had begun to teach the girls how to wield and unlock chakra, after she realized that the girls did in fact have chakra, they simply didn't have it unlocked. It didn't take long for them to unlock it, and they had begun to learn chakra control exercises and some basic jutsu, courtesy of Talia.

Talia had been busy as usual. With her constantly working on getting more and more Star Clusters so that she could become stronger and stronger. She, in this month, had managed to go from 4 Star Clusters to 6 Star Clusters, massively increasing the power of her aura.

She had also, of course, been training and using her new grimoires. She found that the magic was...easy to use, like insaenly easy. She also found that the magic itself was actually quite powerful, more so than the canon counterparts that she remembered. Her favorite spell was "Hellfire Incarnate" which basically involved assimilating a shit ton of magical fire into herself, and then using that to massively strengthen herself. Currently she was looking into combining the Fire grimoire and her Dragon Flames in hopes of strengthening all her spells. During this time she had also continued her revitalization of countries, with her pace slowing slightly, but still being enough to get her a decent chunk of levels. She had revitalized Rwanda, Togo, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe during this time. Due to this, she felt her divinity strengthening more and more, and she knew she was close to ascending into a higher ranking Goddess, what that rank was, she didn't know.

From those 40 levels, she had gotten not only a new subclass, but also some unique new abilities from her Grimm class, as well as a couple new grimoires.

[Grimm Ability 1 - The user can now create, produce, and manipulate dust crystals. The users crystals on their Kaiju form are now made of a combination of various dust crystals, drastically improving the power of them]

[Grimm Ability 2 - The user can now turn others, including humans, animals, insects, etc, into grimm. Those turned into grimm are drastically stronger than before, and are completely obedient to the user]

[Grimm Ability 3 - The user's familars are now automatically "Grimmified" boosting their power, granting them the ability to use aura, strengthening them even more based on their age, granting them immunity to certain things, and drastically strengthening all shadow/darkness/evil powers they may possess]

She had gotten some pretty...underwhelming options in terms of subclasses, but still somewhat decent.

[Subclass - Atlantean | DCEU]

[Subclass - Skrull | MCU]

[Subclass - Doctor]

She ended up going with Atlantean, due to the natural power the species had over the ocean, magic, their physical strength, and the other powers they had of note. The class itself was pretty decent, especially in regards to manipulation of water.

[Atlantean (DCEU) - A powerful species of the DCEU, and a species deeply connected to the Ocean. The users connection the ocean, water based magic, marine life, and all aspects of the Ocean, have been massively increased. Every level increases the users physical capabilities, control over water and the ocean, control and connection to the marine biolife (including sensing them and telepathy), water magic and water based abilities. The user also gains acces to Atlantean magic, allowing them to strength and manipulate liquids. While under water, the user is 50% stronger. The user may develop ????? in the future]

The class itself wasn't the best in the world, but it was pretty decent due to her now having a deep connection to the Oceans of the world, to the point that she could manipulate them to a rather scary level. Her grimoires had been much better, at least she thought so.

[5th Grimoire - Legion Magic Grimoire: This magic attribute allows the user to create and manipulate magical soldiers at will. In order to use it to its full potential, specific spells are required, which are stored within grimoires. Used by Princia Funnybunny, the 11th Wizard King]

[6th Grimoire - Wind Magic Grimoire: This magic attribute allows the user to generate and manipulate wind at will. Without the use of a grimoire, the user is still able to use this magic. However, in order to use it to its full potential, specific spells are required, which are stored within grimoires. Used by Yuno Grinberryall]

The grimoires weren't bad, with the Legion Magic being especially helpful, as with it she can make armies on the go, ones that are even larger than her own familiar one, and has more variety. Not to mention the stronger she becomes and the more magic she gains, the larger and stronger these spells would become.

Besides this, Talia had begun production of some of her inventions, primarily the Cradle, Vr, and the replicator. As the replicator alone would allow her to create the rest of her inventions easier. She planned on producing the Omni Satellite and then the Purifiers next, so she could start wiping out global warming.

At the moment Talia was dealing with something a...bit more important. She had been out with the girls for most of the day, only to return and to find that Kara had left her a lot of...interesting voicemails, ones that were kind of hot, but VERY out of character for her. Meaning only one thing, she had gotten infected by Red Krpytonite, a form of Kryptonite that basically lowered her inhibitions and brought all of her bad thoughts out to the surface. Which when it came to Talia, it was a whole lot of stalker speak that kind of reminded her of Yandere's, but without the whole "Kill everyone who looks at you inappropriately" thing.

Seeing as that was...kind of an issue, Talia was currently on her way to safely extract the Kryptonite out of Kara's system, before she could cause any real damage, and before she could damage her reputation like she would in canon.

Problem with that was...she sort of was in the process of doing that.

[Outside CatCo]

A loud piercing scream was piercing the night sky, as civilians practically jumped at the loud sound coming from above them. Looking up, many of them gasped in horror at the sight of what looked to be a woman falling through the skies.

That woman was Cat Grant, thrown off the balcony of CatCo by a infected Kara, a Kara who was going to feel absolutely awful afterwards, and more than likely slightly depressed.

Thankfully, before the woman could go splat on the concrete below, a flash of light caused the citizens to look away, before sighs of relief escaped them. As holding Cat in her arms, was Solaris.

"You alright there?"

"Ah-yes, yes I am fine. But I don't think Supergirl is. Something is very wrong with her" Cat said, causing Talia to nod as she placed her onto her feet.

"She's been infected by a sort of virus, one that is, in essence, warping her mind. So I do hope you won't hold this against her" Talia said, causing Cat to sigh and nod.

"I figured it was something like that" Cat replied, before a soft boom filled her ears, as Supergirl landed next to them.

"Solaris? Where've you been, I've been looking everywhere for you~" Kara sauntered up to her, causing Cat to look between the two, while Talia sighed.

"Alright, let's get this Red K out of your system" Talia said, causing Kara to blink.

"Red wha-" Kara couldn't complete her sentence as she was hit with a wave of exhaustion, strange red glowing dust flowing out of her, before it was destroyed by Talia. Catching the now unconscious Kara, Talia softly stroked her cheek, knowing she was going to be absolutely horrified once she woke up.

"Is she okay?" Cat asked, looking at Supergirl in slight worry. Yes, she was slightly scared earlier, but she wasn't dumb. She could easily tell that Supergirl was being mind controlled or something of the sort, something that had happened with Superman a couple of times, and just like Supergirl, he eventually broke out of it.

"She will be. I've gotten the infection out of her, so you won't need to worry about her acting like that again" Talia replied, as she picked the girl up, holding her in a princess carry. The other civilians glanced at one another, realizing that her being controlled made a lot of sense. Thankfully they seemed to be a bit more open minded due to the influence of Solaris, aka the most popular superhero on the planet, and the most well liked, having recently surpassed Superman on a poll.

"I'll be off. I've got to make sure no lasting side effects are effecting her system" Talia said, causing Cat to nod, before watching as Solaris flashed away in a blur of light.


Reappearing in the middle of the DEO, several agents jumped at the intrusion, only to sigh at

the sight of Solaris.

"Solaris what are-Supergirl?! What happened?!" Alex yelled in worry, causing Talia to motion with her head to a nearby room where they could talk privately.

Walking into a med room, Talia laid Kara onto the bed, before turning to the group, which

was Alex, J'onn, James, and Winn.

"She was infected by an artificial Kryptonite, a rather...damaging one. Instead of physically

harming her or weakening her, it was lowering her inhibitions and bringing out all her negative feelings. I've gotten it out of her, but she already...did some damage" Talia said,

softly stroking Kara's cheek as she slept.

"What sort of damage?" James asked.

"She threw Cat Grant off of CatCo's building. And before you ask, I saved her, but several

civilians saw, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's all over the media by the end of the night" Talia replied, causing them to breathe in deeply, knowing the sort of effect media could have on someone, especially someone as innocent and bubbly as Kara.

"And who created it?"

"Maxwell Lord. He's been trying to find ways of killing Kryptonians, after that attack by Non.

He won't be much of a threat to Kara for much longer, as I'll be taking care of him soon" Talia

replied. "Taking care of him?" Alex said, looking at her.

"I'm not going to kill him, if that's what you're asking. I'm going to out him on all the crimes he's committed. Several of which are very very very illegal. Including experimenting on unwilling people, kidnapping, blackmail, murder, human trafficking, and all sorts of vile shit" Talia responded, causing their eyes to widen.

"I knew he did a lot of bad stuff, but I didn't realize it was that much" Alex said in surprise,

while Talia just shrugged.

"He won't be a problem for much longer"

"Good, and when do you expect for Kara to wake up?" J'onn asked. "Should be any moment no-" "T-Talia? Wha-What did I do?" A small voice sounded out, causing Talia to turn to Kara, only for her heart to immediately break at the sight of big tears

in her mates eyes.

At the sight, Alex and J'onn immediately grabbed Winn and James and dragged them from the room, while giving Talia a nod. Sёarᴄh the nôᴠel Fire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Crouching besides Kara, Talia softly stroked her cheek as Kara began to cry.

"E-Every bad thought I ever had, just-it just came to the surface. I-I couldn't stop it. I didn't mean it...the things I did, the things I said in all those te-" "Love, there is nothing to apologize for. You weren't in control, the Red K was" Talia softly said as she rubbed the tears

from Kara's eyes.

"I knew the moment I saw those texts that something wasn't right. And I'm glad I stopped you before you did anything worse" Talia said softly, before softly smirking.

"My little Kryptonian, as sexy as you are, you aren't the type to send texts about chaining me

to a bed and "Draining me dry" Talia said with a small smirk, causing Kara to blush bright red.

"And plus...I'm the one who'd be chaining you up~" Talia softly purred, before locking lips

with Kara.

"Mmm, I-I still have to apologize to Cat and everyone else I harmed during all of this" Kara said, the tears slowly stopping as she leaned into Talia's warm embrace. "And you will, love. And I am 100% certain that Cat will not blame you, she's not dumb

enough to blame you for that sort of thing. Just as no one else with a IQ over 50 will" Talia said softy, causing Kara to giggle, and lean further into Talia's snuggling against her neck with a sigh, while Talia began to exude small amounts of Solar Radiation. "Why don't you stay the night at my place? I'm sure the girls would love to have you over"

Talia asked, causing Kara to look up at her for a few moments, before replying.

"I-I'd really like that. Can I go and apologize to Cat first?" Looking at Kara, Talia softly smiled and gave the only right reply at that moment.

"Of course, take all the time you need"

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That's the end of the chapter!

I think this is one my better chapters as of late, as I'm slowly starting to get back into the

groove for this fic. Her new subclass has been chosen, and it's a pretty decent one. Her next

subclass will be better though, but after that one, she'll be diving more into production


Next chapter will have another timeskip, but will also be a good chapter (I hope). Anyways, see you later!