Volume 11 - CH 1

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
Chapter 1: Final Exams

Location: Atlantis  Time: 10:03 AM

Not long after that barbecue day, the school held a weeklong final exams.

To be honest, I’ve always thought that this school didn’t have any exams, because there weren’t even any midterms. And because of the competition, we pretty much didn’t go to class…In fact, that was still okay. After the competition, I heard that the teachers in the audience were actually explaining it with course materials, so it was the same as going to class.

The only ones who didn’t go were us who were on stage!

“I’m done for. This time I’m definitely going to die.” Looking at the textbooks piled on the table, I had a feeling that this time I’m definitely going to be held back until I die.

Opening a textbook, I couldn’t even understand half of it.

Go to hell Array Studies. Go to hell Mausoleum that someone told me to choose.

“If you want to die, I can help you.” Sitting nearby on the sofa drinking tea, Senior flipped through the newspaper in his hands, giving me a sideways glance.

“No, no need, thank you.” Please pretend that I’m saying meaningless things.

This is the last Sunday of this semester. Starting tomorrow are the final exams, and right now I’m sitting in the hall of the Black Dorm. Beside me are two or three similarly idle black robes reading books or newspapers and drinking beverages on the sofa. Compared with my current hell, there are simply two different worlds.

The other reason why I didn’t stay upstairs was because I had questions to ask Senior, and he was downstairs so I could only follow him downstairs as well.

“Yang Yang, in fact, since you have already participated in the competition, the final exams should be very easy for you.” Idle black robe number one, Andy kindly comforted me.


“Nn, the written portion of the final exams won’t be a lot, and it’ll only account for a quarter of the grade.” Twirling his wine cup, idle black robe number two, who had also run over to the hall for some reason, Randall curved into a slightly cold terrifying smile as he said, “All that’s left is to test your  practical performance, and as long as you know how to use most of them, you’ll be able to pass.”

…Don’t compare me to you guys.

“Did they tell you guys what you’re going to be tested on for your final exams?” Senior put down the newspaper in his hands, picked up one of the books stacked on the table, and flipped through it. He glanced at me with the sort of expression like this is something an idiot reads.

“They…said we’re being tested on what we’ve learned in the textbooks.” I opened a textbook, and it was filled with many things inside. I have no idea where to start looking at all.

“Then you still don’t know?” Throwing the book back, Senior pulled out a paper charm and threw it on the floor, “Basic teleportation arrays, explosive charms, wind charms, etc., basic elemental charms; didn’t Andy already teach you all of that?”

I looked at the rotating array on the ground. After ten seconds or so, it automatically disappeared, “Aih, yeah I guess so.” During the competition, I also used it several times, so I should have a slight grasp of it; especially the teleportation charm, because I’ve always felt that one day I’ll definitely need to use it when I run for my life, so I remember that especially clearly.

“You don’t need to be too worried when you’re being tested on exorcism on the spot either. Yang Yang still has Old Man’s protection, so the demons they use for the onsite exam won’t attack you that easily.” Andy pulled up my hand, and hanging on it was Old Man’s bracelet.

…That does seem to be true.

“And how hard can the exam for forcing back your enemies be? You just pull out your illusionary weapon and kill all the enemies that you see.” Randall coldly smiled.

For some reason, after they talked about it, the exams that were originally very difficult seemed to have become very easy…is that really the case!?

The silent Nile took out a big plate of desserts from somewhere, quietly placing it on the table.

Why am I still sharing feelings in the hall when it’s almost exam time…

“Don’t worry, Yang Yang. If you’re taking the practical exam on site, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.” Andy suddenly picked up many textbooks, such as “Charm Studies” and “Effectively Defeating an Enemy with Certain Attributes” etc., leaving only two or three books for this exam, “If it’s a written exam based on the textbooks, then there are only those few key points. As long as you look at those key points, you’ll be fine.” He twirled his finger, and a pen appeared. And he directly started to draw lines on my textbook.

“You’re probably the only one who would get so worried about exams.” Coldly snorting, Senior caught the textbook that Andy threw over. Pulling out a pen, he also began drawing lines on it.

“Look over the key points, and you’ll do well on the exams.” Shrugging, Randall picked up another textbook and threw it to his butler, not needing to do anything himself.

Is this really the case!?

Watching the three black robes helping me underline the key points (one of them is a substitute), I suddenly felt very touched. I guess I’m probably the only one in the whole world who has black robes helping me underline the key points before the exams.

“Hmph…Underlining is one thing, but if you can’t remember it yourself, then it means even the gods want you to fail.” Senior threw the textbook that he finished underlining to me.

“Thank, thank you.” I immediately flipped it open. Inside it was underlined very simply, only about ten questions or so, “This is it?” I looked at those tiny black lines. It probably wouldn’t take me even two hours to memorize them all.

“Otherwise, how much did you think you were going to be tested on?” Senior rolled his eyes at me.

I thought that there would be a lot underlined, because in middle school before, whenever the teachers underlined the textbook, they would always underline it up to the horizon, the kind where you’d be reading it until you die but still be unable to finish reading it.

“Done. Yang Yang, you just need to familiarize yourself with these and you’ll be fine.” Putting the textbyback one at a time, Andy told me with a smile, “You don’t have to be too worried; the range of things you need to know won’t be that wide.”

I held onto the underlined textbooks, touched as I gave a deep bow to the few people in front of me, “Thank you. Then, I’ll go back to my room to study first.”

I guess, they wouldn’t have just gathered in the hall for no reason, so it’d be better for me to return to my room first and study.

“Yang Yang, good luck on the exams.” The Angel smiled at me.

Nodding my head hard, I rushed back to my room at the speed of a hundred meters.

Final exams, good luck!

Then, the weeklong exams began.

I don’t know if it was due to Senior and the others helping me underline, that the written exam unexpectedly went very smoothly. Apart from getting a few questions that I couldn’t remember no matter how much I memorized wrong, the other answers were practically all filled in.

Other than that, I also passed the practical performance with some difficulty. However, there was a little accident during the practical performance. It wasn’t me; it was the five-colored rooster head. Because he nearly blew up the classroom and was so proud of it, the teacher almost failed him, but he still managed to pass just barely.

The exams were abnormally smooth. I’ve never gone through my previous exams so smoothly before. This time I actually didn’t temporarily get diarrhea or get hit by a collapsing ceiling, letting me successfully finish the exams up to the very last second.

Looks like the sports competition really did make a difference.

“Yang Yang, are you going home this winter break?” On the last day of exams, Chifuyu, who had finally finished taking the exams in the same room as me, was standing with me chatting in the hallway.

“Nn, yeah. It’s just in time for me to go back for New Year’s. My mom has already called several times to remind me.” After I returned last time, I gave my mom my phone number, and now I receive a call every few days asking if I’m still alive.

“That’s great, during the winter break, the Yukino Clan holds a large-scale winter festival and recalls every clan member back. So as soon as the exams end, I’ll have to go back and help.” Shrugging, Chifuyu leaned on the fence as he said, a bit lonely. It didn’t really feel like the sort of eager mood that one would have for a celebration, “Looks like I’ll have to wait till after winter break to meet up with you guys.”

That’s right, I’d forgotten about Chifuyu’s big clan; it really is exhausting. That said, I wonder if senior Gasai will be going to the Yukino Clan too? Since he also seems to be part of the Yukino Clan…or at least he should be.

“Ah, but during the winter festival, we have a type of sweet steamed bun, handmade, and only made once a year. At that time, I’ll ask my clan members to make some more to send you guys.” As if to cover up his unnatural expression from just now, Chifuyu quickly said.

“Oh, okay, then I’ll thank you in advance.”

A local product ah; it seems pretty good. This also made me start thinking a little about the kind of gifts I should bring back for them when I return for New Year’s this time.

“Miao Miao has to go to the medical team to help out.” Miao Miao, who bounced out from who knows where, said, “Because there are many missions during New Year’s, and because I also have to show up at the Phoenix Clan. But don’t worry Yang Yang, we’ll come look for you to play.”

…Can you guys give me a quiet winter break…

“The area where I live holds a winter festival too.” Suddenly floating over, Ryan said, giving me a big scare, “But it’s arranged by everyone in the town. It’s more like a holiday celebration.”

Speaking of which, Chifuyu and Ryan also live in the same world as me. Maybe when I have time, I can sneak out to see the area where they live. Now that I’ve learned the teleportation array, it feels more convenient. Although I’m not good as Senior and the others who are able to space jump, based on the result of my secret practices, I can still teleport to quite a lot of places.

“Yang Yang, will there be a winter festival where you live?” Returning to the subject, Miao Miao asked.

Winter festival?

Our side doesn’t really seem likely to hold celebrations. Other than during specific holidays, everyone just pretty much stays at home. After thinking back and forth, I could only think of one thing, “Does New Year Street count?” Recently, because of the amount of development in our urban district, there would now be a New Year Street every year. Last year, I went shopping there with my sister once, and it was quite lively. Calculating the date, it should be almost time for them to hold it this year.

“New Year Street? The festival street where you can buy a lot of stuff?”

“Uh…It should be that one.” I don’t know what Miao Miao and the others’ definition of it was, but a street where you can buy stuff should be correct.

“Yeah…I really want to go shopping there.” Miao Miao held her chin, her mind beginning a fantasy that we couldn’t see, “Yang Yang, if I go to your side, you’ll have to bring me along to shop at New Year Street oh.”

“Oh, okay.” At any rate, I probably have to accompany my sister there and stroll around this year.

“Is it always there?”

“Uh…I think it’s only there for a short time before New Year’s.” It’s not like it’s a night market.

“Aih…That’s so short. Miao Miao won’t be able to come before New Year’s.”

“What can I do about it? It’s not like my family owns it.”

Just as we were chatting, the bell rang.

Glancing at the time, I have one last assigned subject to test for, which is the Spell Application exam.

After first saying goodbye to Miao Miao and the others, I quickly ran toward the designated classroom. Probably because of the tests these few days, it was rare that the classrooms were actually not running all over the place. Every room was obediently fixed in their original spots, making them very easy to find.

After entering the classroom, all the seats were already more or less filled.

In fact, in terms of this semester, the people I know aren’t that much, because everyone’s subjects aren’t the same and later there was the thing with the General Assembly; so except for those few people who I always talk to, I don’t really know the others.

When the teacher of the Application class walked in, he gave us a very simple problem.

“Dear students, please add some changes to the application of this teleportation array spell, and create a different teleportation array. The designated exam time is thirty minutes. Please do not cheat.”

…I finally know why Senior and the others told me not to worry.

If it’s a teleportation array, I often see Senior and the others using it. The patterns and whatnot have already been memorized, and plus, Chifuyu has also taught me the basic form identification in the library before. So twenty minutes or so after the exam started, I’d already successfully handed in the answer and left the classroom.

Which is to say…my final exams…are finished.

Looking at the vast school grounds, I suddenly had a feeling—it’s great to be free.

Organizing my backpack, I walked out of the teaching building.

There were still people walking around everywhere in the school, but instead of the tensed atmosphere from the exams before, everyone I see now seemed to be very relaxed, clustered together as they chatted in small groups. Some of them even straightforwardly invited others to go out and have fun.

Looks like even if it isn’t in the original world, the kind of atmosphere that the end of exams brings is still pretty similar.

“Student Chu, you’ve finished your exams?”

Just when I walked into the water courtyard that the five-colored rooster head and Andy almost destroyed last time and was later magically restored on its own, intending to cross straight through it to get back to the dorm, someone called me from behind.

The voice was very familiar. As soon as I turned around, the first thing I saw was a head of silvery purple hair.

He is…one of the school managers?

“After this, students should be returning home.” Standing at the courtyard entrance, a few steps away from me, the silvery-purple-haired youth wasn’t looking at me; it seems like he was watching the other students running past nearby.

“Hel, hello.” I nodded slightly at him, “I’m sorry for troubling you last time.”

That person turned around and smiled, “What’s so troublesome about it? Last time, it was due to your help that the Worm of Origin incident was resolved so smoothly. I should be the one thanking you first.”

The feeling he gave off was still very pleasant. I took a few steps toward him, “That’s right, last time I forgot to ask who you…?” Although Senior has told me his identity, I felt that it was still better to confirm it with the person himself; otherwise it’d be embarrassing if I called him by the wrong name.

“Di, the school manager.” The silvery-purple-haired Di nodded, “In addition to me, there are also two other school managers, Hou and Chen. If Student Chu has any similar issues, you can look for us.” He smiled.

I know that there are still two more. However, based on what Senior said last time, shouldn’t Di be the one who’s more difficult to encounter and the other two the ones more easily encountered? How come I often bump into the hardest one to encounter?

Looking at Di in front of me, I don’t know if it’s my misconception, but I kept getting the feeling that his eyes are looking at somewhere far away or at something that I can’t see. Anyway, it’s just the feeling that he’s not directly looking at me.

The surroundings became very quiet.

Yikes, I realized that I didn’t have any topics to chat with him about.

“That…Mr. Di feels like someone from the Fairy Clan?” I thought for a long time, before I asked this question that even I felt was very rotten.

It felt like I’m hitting on him!

Di smiled, then shook his head, “Nn…If I were to borrow a word from your world…perhaps calling me a ninety-nine god would be the most appropriate.”

Ninety-nine god?

[T/N: Also known as a tsukumogami, which is an object that has lived for a hundred years and gained a spirit. People usually threw the objects out before they reached a hundred years to prevent them from becoming tsukomogami]

Isn’t that a monster that old items turn into?


Just when I was thinking about what part of him looked like a ninety-nine god, someone shouted, then at the same time noticed Di’s presence, “Di, hello.”

“Gasai.” Nodding toward the voice, Di likewise curved into a warm smile.

“Senior Gasai.”

“What a coincidence.” Stopping beside the two of us, senior Gasai asked: “You guys are chatting?”

I nodded and noticed that there was a backpack hanging on senior Gasai’s hand; looks like he just finished his exams too, “We were just chatting up to the part where Di said he is a ninety-nine god.”

Gasai curved into a smile, “That’s right, the three school managers are all ninety-nine gods. If I were to explain it in a way that you’d understand, then this is how it is.”

“Then they’re materialized…” I stopped, too embarrassed to directly say “monsters.”

“Materialized spirits, monsters, object gods all count. In this world, they are directly called spirits.” Gasai explained the part that I was too embarrassed to say.

“I am the materialized spirit of an Elven stone blade and was originally worn by royalty. Over time, I materialized and later on, I was brought to the school by those three, becoming the school’s manager. And the same goes for Hou and Chen.” Di told me. Then he stretched out his hands, pulled the gloves off and opened his hands. On each palm appeared an ancient totem, “These are the engravings of materialization.”

I looked at those two engravings. They were a light purple and I couldn’t tell what style they were; it felt as if I was looking at an ancient relics exhibition. They felt quite pretty but I don’t know what they are.

Withdrawing his hands, Di smilingly put his white gloves back on, “These are also an materialized spirit’s Achilles’ heel. As long as a malicious person attacks them, I will immediately disappear from this world.”

“!” I froze. Is it okay to just show this to me so casually?

“I think Student Chu shouldn’t be a malicious person.” Di said, and he didn’t exclude senior Gasai either, “Of course, neither is Gasai.”

“Di, you should go back. I guess Hou and Chen are probably looking for you.” Not directly replying to his words, senior Gasai patted his shoulder, “Although it’s very safe in the school, it is dangerous for you no matter where you are.”

Di nodded, “Then, whenever you two have time, remember to visit the school management office more often.” He slightly bent his body and gave a small bow.

I hastily returned the bow. When I lifted my head back up, the silvery-purple-haired youth in front of me was already gone.

“Never thought you and Di would know each other.” Standing in front of me, senior Gasai glanced at me and said, “Di hardly ever leaves his residence.”

Okay, I get it. At any rate, I often come across people who should be impossible for me to meet.

“Because Di’s physical condition is very poor.”

Senior Gasai added on this sentence that made me freeze, “Very poor?” But I didn’t feel like he was like that at all.

“Nn, it’s said that during his materialization, he was attacked, causing the formation of his spirit to be incomplete. If you see him hanging around outside like this, you have to remind him to go back and rest soon. Or else Hou and Chen will be searching for him until they freak out.” He said, then sat down on a nearby stone bench in the courtyard. After looking at me for a long while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, “Could it be that you’ve never noticed it?”

Noticed what?

I froze, and carefully recalled if there was anything strange about him. Then I remembered something out of place: “I just felt that it was very strange when he was looking at something.” It felt as if he wasn’t looking at people, and yet also felt like he was.

“Because Di can’t see.” Senior Gasai immediately cleared up my doubts with one sentence, “So foreign affairs have always been handled by Hou and Chen. Di is responsible for behind-the-scenes affairs. If you’re interested in these things, you can go to the school management office and talk to them.”

“Okay.” I nodded and started thinking about how to get to the school management office.

Up till now, I only know how to get to the dorm management office. I really don’t know where the school management office is.

“Chu, are you going home during winter break?”

I nodded. If I don’t go home, I honestly have no idea where else to go, “Is senior Gasai also going home?” I remembered that Chifuyu said he has to go home.

Unexpectedly, Gasai shook his head, “No, Icy Flame and I are going to stay in the dorms. During the winter break, apart from the administrative staff, there would always be a couple of volunteers staying behind in the dorms to implement the reorganization of the dorms.”

“Spring cleaning?” It can’t be…

“It’s the reorganization of the barrier. Due to many people going in and out of the dormitories, and its frequent use, at the end of every semester, there would always be a period of time to reconstruct the barrier, to ensure the safety of all the people living there.” Telling me the main point very simply, senior Gasai tilted his head and thought for a moment, “It was still alright during the past two years. The Purple Dorm still had Icy Flame to help, but this year, he’s responsible for the Black Dorm, so the Purple Dorm will become a little busier.”

Sounds pretty exhausting.

“However, this also counts as a mission, and the school will be giving out bonuses.” Senior Gasai curved into a smile, and I immediately knew that the bonuses definitely weren’t little. But to them, it probably doesn’t count as a lot, “Chu, are you interested? You can try managing the general unisex dorms.”

“No need, thank you.” It took me less than half a second to refuse; I didn’t even need to think about it.

You’re joking with me, telling me to help reorganize the barrier; the dorm that I organize will probably get destroyed quickly.

“That’s right, this is for you.” Just when I was still imagining how the dorm would be destroyed, a transparent object appeared in front of me.

It was a tiny glass bottle.

Alright, for those who doesn’t know what it is, please think back to your childhood memories with me. About the size of a finger, that legendary little bottle used to store red sandalwood seeds.

[T/N: Red sandalwood seeds are a symbol of love (since they’re heart shaped) and are often worn or used in decorations. I have no idea about the bottle though]

End of recollection.

Inside the glass bottle wasn’t red sandalwood seeds. It was a tiny little transparent crystal that was so small it can almost be sworn brothers with mung beans, faintly emitting a little glow.

“This is…?” I took the little bottle. That bean-sized crystal flashed with light, and looked rather beautiful.

“During the competition last time, didn’t most of your talismans break? This is the Yakushiji Clan’s talisman. During winter break, you have to be careful on your own, and this item might be able to help you.”

Once senior Gasai said that, I remembered what happened when the sarcophagus was lifted out last time. The talisman Chifuyu gave me had already broken, and some of the smaller ones had too. Now I pretty much just rely on Old Man, since there’s nothing else left.

I raised my head and smiled at senior Gasai, “Thank you senior.”

“When you go home during winter break, you have to pay attention, because Chu is currently different from before. There might be some things that come looking for you. If you need help, remember to tell us.” Senior Gasai’s voice was a lot softer; it sort of felt as if he wanted me to be more careful.

In fact, even without him telling me, I already know that I have to be very very careful.

Based on the usual theorem, it’s very likely that after I leave the school, I’ll start to become unlucky again.

“Then, that’ll be all. See you when school starts.”

Gasai stood up and patted my shoulder, before leaving through the other end of the water courtyard.

Looking at the faintly glowing talisman in my hand, I took a slightly deep breath.

And so, the winter break began.