Volume 12 - CH 5

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
Chapter 5: The Accident of the Rampage Ahead

Location: Taiwan Time: 10:16 AM

“Nobody moves!”

Just when our carload of people were inexplicably struggling to get up, this shout suddenly came from outside, “All of you get out of the car.”

Then, I saw a very exaggerated scene that would only appear on TV. In front of our car was a black van, and it was in order to dodge this vehicle that my dad suddenly slammed the brakes.

Three people holding guns got out of that vehicle and faced our family.

Are you kidding me!? Isn’t this year’s bad luck a bit too exaggerated!?

God, do you really want me to experience every type of impossible unlucky incidents before you’ll be willing to let me have a hundred years of peace and die?

Isn’t that a little too ridiculous!?

That’s right, in fact, this is a movie, isn’t it. Someone is shooting a movie outside. It’s just that they accidentally mistook the wrong car that resulted in this robbery mistake.

“You can’t understand!? All of you get out of the car!” One of the people holding guns suddenly fired into the air. Clearly that was a real gun and not a prop gun. Then he directed the gun at our family again: “Get out of the car immediately! Or else I’ll kill you!”

…We really are being robbed.

“Don’t be so impatient. We’re getting out now.” The five-colored rooster head suddenly opened the rear door happily and jumped down, “Is that really a gun? I never thought I’d be able to see someone using a real gun.” He movingly pasted himself in front of that criminal to see that gun.

Otherwise, let me ask you, dear classmate, is the one I’m using a fake gun?

Don’t look down on the water gun, bastard!

“E, enough talk! The rest of you get out of the car too!” That thug pushed the five-colored rooster head away, then shook his hand threateningly at us.

Dad slowly undid his seatbelt, “It’s alright, the police should be here soon. Don’t provoke the thugs.” He looked a bit nervous, then placated the whole car of people like this.

To be honest…maybe if it was before, I really would be nervous and scared enough to die, but for some reason, seeing the thugs now, I’m actually not nervous at all, nor scared. No matter what, they’re still humans at the very least. Compared to those in the school, they’re actually a little more friendly and amiable.

I don’t want to see any ghost or monster come to carry us off; I will definitely cry if that’s the case, definitely will.

“Get out first.” Following the adults, the three of us in the back seats slowly got out of the car as well.

As soon as we got out, we immediately heard a loud siren. Obviously the other people who had their cars stopped called the police. No one dared to approach the large bunch of cars that were unable to move forward after a certain distance. After all, they had guns; everyone was afraid of being hit by stray bullets.

The first police cars to arrive immediately blocked off the vicinity, then someone instantly shouted at the thugs: “Put the guns down and don’t harm the innocent people. If there’s anything, we can talk it over!”

Based on TV shows, I think these people probably wouldn’t want to talk it over.

“Our car has a flat tire. Give up your car.” Completely ignoring the police’s shout, that person who fired just now told Dad this.

“Uh…As long as you don’t hurt the kids, you can take whatever you want.” My dad bravely stood in front of everyone and said.

“Please release the hostages immediately.” The police shouted again.

Standing beside me, Senior glanced at me, then took out his phone.

“You there! What are you trying to do!? Put down your phone!” Another thug immediately noticed Senior’s act, then yelled.

“It’s not like I’m going to call the police. I’m just calling to say that I’m safe; what are you being so nervous for?” Senior was very indifferent to the tense thugs, then calmly dialed his phone before the call was immediately connected in less than a few seconds: “Something happened. Remember to send people over to deal with the aftermath later. Find the location yourself.”

I’m very certain Senior must have called the other side.

Ending the short conversation, Senior hung up the phone then threw it back into the car: “Satisfied now?” He looked at that thug, shrugging.

“You better not play any tricks again!” The thug angrily roared.

Basically, I think he’s already finished playing his trick.

“Eh? Yang~There’s something in that car.” After excitedly inspecting the thugs, the five-colored rooster head bounced back, then pointed to the car and said.

“You two, go over there to the police!” The thug brandished his gun at my dad and mom.

“Please let the kids go, and leave us as hostages!” Mom bravely said to the thugs.

“Enough talk! If you don’t go there now, I’ll shoot the rest!” Fiercely firing a shot at the ground, the thug furiously roared, “It’s too troublesome with so many people. Get going immediately!”

Dad and Mom clearly didn’t want to get going.

“Dad, take Mom with you there first. The police here will probably figure something out.” Ming Yue gave my dad a push and nodded, “Nothing will happen to us.”

“Xiao Yue…”

“Go over there right now!” The thug forcefully dragged Dad and Mom away, throwing them out of the traffic lane.

As soon as they saw the hostages being released, the police instantly had several people shield Dad and Mom behind the line of defense.

The three thugs immediately came over, using their guns to point at the four of us: “Don’t play any tricks with us. Get in the car.” While saying that, one of them jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car.

“I’m really sorry, but I don’t like cars that other people drive.” At the same time that Senior said these words, the five-colored rooster head also moved.

Before they could even react, the two thugs outside were suddenly thrown out heavily, not getting the chance to see how the five-colored rooster had sent them flying at all.

“You bastards–!” The one in the car angrily picked up his gun.

Standing by the car door, Sis suddenly moved her hand and opened the door. The thug didn’t even have time to react when he was already dragged out. A heavy and ruthless over-the-shoulder throw flung him out of the car.

The whole counterattack was over in less than half a minute, and the three gunmen fell to the ground.

Which is why I said, I’m still more afraid of non-human things…

Walking over to kick aside the guns on the ground one at a time, Senior added another kick to the person trying to get up, causing the other side to faint on the spot.

Perhaps not expecting that the hostages would fight back so quickly, the police at the outer ring were stunned for a long time.

“Yang’s sister, hurry and go to the police’s side.” The five-colored rooster head quickly pushed my sister out of the traffic lane.

Unexpectedly cooperative, Ming Yue leisurely walked out of the barricade.

After returning to my senses, several police officers were about to crowd through–

“Wait! It’s not over yet!”

The five-colored rooster head’s words were a step too late. Just when everyone was about to pounce up, a strange dark red flash suddenly burst out from the black van that had been parked not far away. Then the entire thing exploded.

Before subconsciously closing my eyes, I saw several people blasted away from that momentum.

The intense heat swept across.

Someone shielded me in front.

After waiting for the violent explosion to pass, I opened my eyes slightly and saw the five-colored rooster head using his big beast claw to block off the front: “Tsk, turns out the thing in the car is from the Ghost Tribe.”

Ghost Tribe?

Immediately standing up, I saw that all around us was fire. As if they had a life of their own, the flames expanded and cut off the police’s line of defense from just now. And behind us. the traffic lane was also covered by the black flames and ash, sparks and whatnot scattering everywhere, making it so that we were unable to see the situation outside.

Then I saw something weird. Logically speaking, our family’s car should have been blown up with the rest but it was actually completely fine, remaining in the same spot. Not even a little scratch had appeared.

…It probably wouldn’t transform and stand up on its own later, right?

[Ring of wind, poem of the atmosphere, I pray for the disaster to leave and for protection to descend.] Stretching his hand out and standing slightly next to the five-colored rooster head, Senior chanted in an incantation-like language, and a cool wind blew away the hot air surrounding us, “Chu, take out your weapon.”

Eh? My weapon?

[The one who signed a contract with me, allow the attacker to witness your arrogance.] A second later, Minas immediately appeared in my hand, “What’s inside that car?”

I guess, the car probably wouldn’t just blow up on its own for no reason.

“The Ghost Tribe. They smelled the scent of blood and greed and came by.” Senior glanced at me, then withdrew his hand, leaving only the wind still encircling the surroundings: “I guess these people must have stolen who-knows-what from somewhere just now, and caused deaths…Or maybe one of their companions had also died, and the corpse that was contaminated with these filthy odors attracted evil; thus it was stained into becoming distorted.”

Which is to say, there should be a fourth thug? And he’s already dead, so now his corpse became part of the Ghost Tribe?

“That’s exactly what it means.” Senior nodded, agreeing with my words.

Great, since it’s the Ghost Tribe, what are we supposed to do?

It’s been exciting enough today. We didn’t even board the ship yet, and we already got into an accident on the way, were robbed, and now it’s even like the special effects in a movie, with the explosion and the arrival of the Ghost Tribe.

Could this be an omen from the heavens telling me it’s best not to board the ship?

“Omen your head.” Standing beside me, Senior directly smacked my head, and coldly snorted: “Ziray, are you able to handle it?”

“No problem!” The five-colored rooster head opened up his beast claw and broke into a grin, “This uncle is the jianghu’s violent-end-meeter, and nothing can escape from this uncle’s hands with their life intact.”

The way you said it makes it seem as if you’re someone who suddenly died in the jianghu.

Right after saying this, the van that just exploded moved a little, and then within the raging flames, a humanlike figure appeared.

That thing reached out a hand, pulled apart the curled car, then walked out of it.

What appeared was a burning man.

I guess he really should be a human, but his whole body was on fire. I could see his flesh gradually being charred and two holes in his face where the eyes had already disappeared.

A strange smell came along with that thing’s movement.

A person being burned shouldn’t be able to walk, right!?

“Which is why that thing is already part of the Ghost Tribe.” Senior glanced around, “Members of the Ghost Tribe will call summon other members of the Ghost Tribe, so there definitely will be more popping up. You have to be careful.” He said some words that made me very scared.

Wait, then what about my family’s car!?

It’d be a disaster if it gets smashed.

Senior glanced at me. His eyes and hair had already returned to their original color: “Did you put the talisman Gasai gave you in the backpack in the car?”

“Oh, yeah.” Because it was a little big, there was no way for me to put it directly in my pocket, so I just stuffed it into the luggage first.

“Then it’ll be fine. The talisman will protect the car.”

Then what about the people!?

The talisman should also protect the people, right!?

“People can protect themselves. At any rate, you’ve been up against the Ghost Tribe several times already. You should have some experience!” Senior’s red eyes glared at me. Then he took out a piece of a blue crystal, “I’ll section off this area first, otherwise there’d be trouble if someone accidentally wanders in.”

Saying that, the crystal in his hand suddenly fell apart, and then the blue powder all scattered over the ground. For a moment, the entire surrounding black flames and whatnot disappeared. Outside the enclosure, it turned foggy, leaving only that burning car and flaming zombie.

“This uncle won’t take this little thing seriously.” Finally getting the chance to move, the five-colored rooster head directly charged forward very happily. Completely disregarding the raging flames on the zombie, with one claw, he sent the whole head that had been burned until you could see the bones flying out.

That flaming corpse paused, and as if he felt there was nothing wrong with having no head, he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the five-colored rooster head’s claw. The flames all over his body suddenly grew bigger.

In fact, he’s not a flaming zombie but rather a gasoline zombie, right; otherwise how can he raise the fire intensity on his own!?

Then within the two halves of fire stood a person, one that was likewise burning.

After seeing that thing emerge, I suddenly noticed that beside me, Senior seemed to have let out a breath of relief, “Ziray, you don’t need to attack anymore.” He stopped the five-colored rooster head who was about to rush forward.

Why doesn’t this need to be attacked?

I doubtfully looked at Senior. Isn’t that from the Ghost Tribe too?

The person in the flames reached out his hand as if he was going to throw something, and all the flames on his body disappeared at once. And what appeared before us afterwards was a man, with flamelike red hair tied straight behind his head and hanging down to his waist. His face looked a bit sinister but it belonged to the very cool unsmiling type of sinister. He was wearing a full set of black leather and some scattered metal decorations. His golden eyes looked over at us without any emotion.

…The first impression he gave off was that he was very hard to approach, and I think the very second I saw this person, my whole back also got chills. It felt very weird.

“Flame aristocrat, Leslia, why did you appear here?” Senior’s tone didn’t sound hostile. It seems like he knows this person.

Senior knows a Ghost Tribe member?

It definitely wouldn’t be strange, because previously, it seems like he also recognized Andellar and the others. It’s just that this is the first time I heard him speaking very politely to a member of the Ghost Tribe, without enmity.

“I…sensed a demonic fire moving.” The man spoke slowly. His tone was a bit low, not very loud, but just enough for everyone to heard it.

“Whose subordinate did they send?” Senior walked closer to that man, asking.

“One of the seven experts of Bishen whom you all know, the deep wildfire aristocrat. You once eradicated the aristocrat who used the fire of darkness, so he came.” Softly saying, the man reached out to lightly hook a strand of Senior’s silver hair, “My master worries you all will not be able to handle the next series of events, so I was allowed to come and close the demonic fire’s path.”

“Nn…please tell him to be at ease for the moment. As of now, most of Bishen’s subordinates are not difficult to deal with other than Andellar.” Senior didn’t brush off the other side’s hand, just saying this: “This isn’t a place where you should stay for too long. The flames are demonic fire, not pure fire. Go back first, Leslia.”

The man nodded slightly, then withdrew his hand and turned toward my side.

There was a moment when I met his eyes, and for some reason, that pair of golden eyes made me feel an abnormal terror, almost like a sense of suffocation.

Then, he took a step toward me.

I almost jumped up in fright, immediately retreating. It was only until I bumped into my family’s car that I stopped. I raised my head abruptly and that person had already appeared before me, the distance so close that I was unable to escape.

He was terrifying, extremely terrifying.

The surrounding air became stifling.

The man bent down, his golden pupils dilating in front of me. I could almost see the reflection of my terror in them.

“I am the direct guard of Ghost King Shunaleon. The one who will bring calamity, have you chosen your direction?”

That low voice sounded in my ear, and the hot air almost made me unable to breathe. I felt as if there was fire burning all around us, causing me to be afraid: “I, I don’t understand what you mean.”

What will bring calamity?

“The locked space will soon have its slumbering power rise up, and travelers who want to immerse themselves in the eastern sunrise can only be forced to head West, the same path but different directions.” He changed his tone slightly, then looked at me: “So, what do you say?”

These seemingly familiar words made me freeze.

I didn’t know how I should reply to him, nor did I understand what he was trying to ask.

So, what should I say?

Before I could answer him, the man had already stood up straight, and that scorching feeling also left with him. Then he took off an iron decoration on his ear and handed it to me: “The demonic fire can only be stopped by flames. You will need this.”

Dumbfounded as I looked at the earring held out to me, I didn’t know whether I should accept it or not.

“Chu, you can keep it.” Senior’s voice rang out beside me, and it was only now that I noticed he had already walked next to us at some point, “Although it can only be used once, this is something that can protect against the demonic flame.”

“Oh…thank you.” Gingerly reaching out, I took that tiny silver accessory. It was only a hook earring, with small, ant-like unknown words carved all over it.

Speaking of which, is it really alright to just accept something from the Ghost Tribe like this?

I was a bit uncertain of Senior’s intentions.

“Yang~I want to see too.” The five-colored rooster head bounced over and grabbed my hand to see that earring.

Raising my head, I looked at that Ghost Tribe member who had already shifted his gaze away, with a question as high as a mountain left completely unanswered.

“I shall close the demonic fire so that Bishen’s subordinates will not come to intrude on the original world.” That man from the Ghost Tribe told Senior, “I will take my leave here first.” He nodded slightly and headed over to the burning car.

He paused in front of the flames, and in the same instant his footsteps stopped, the entire burning car was suddenly extinguished. Not even a spark was there, leaving only the charred-black remnants of the car skeleton and the shape of a human body that even had its bones turned to ash on the ground.

After a subtle nod, that flame aristocrat instantly disappeared without a trace.

“Ziray, put your claw away.” Senior broke the silence and I saw that his hair and eyes had also turned black. Nearby, the five-colored rooster head made a sound in response, then swung his hand back into a human hand.

The fog surrounding outside quickly dispersed, and I saw the first car appear.

That’s right, Minas.

I swiftly withdrew the gun in my hand, and at the same time, the surrounding scenery became more and more clear. Very soon, we saw the barricade tape from just now and the many cars stuck on the highway.

“Yang Yang!” Before I could even take a step, I first heard my mom’s shout. A second later, someone rushed over and hugged me: “You scared me half to death. I thought you three were all caught in the explosion.”

“Aih…We’re fine now.” Struggling to poke my head out, I saw Dad, Ming Yue and several police officers walking over.

The three thugs who had been thrown aside didn’t have time to flee and were immediately subdued.

“That’s strange, that explosion was so severe; how come nothing happened to our car?” Shifting his gaze a bit further back, Dad said to himself with a tone full of question marks.

Uh…you might want to thank senior Gasai for this. It’s because of his talisman that nothing happened to it.

“Oh no, now won’t we need to give statements and be delayed again!?” After making sure the people and car were all safe and sound, my mom suddenly realized this issue.

Oh, right, we were held hostage, then there was an explosion and whatnot, and now there’s also an unexplainable mystery charred human figure on the ground. The police probably wouldn’t let us leave so easily, right?

“We should be able to communicate with them into letting us give statements when we come back.” Ming Yue folded her arms and said.

How can that be possible!?

Have you ever heard of the police taking statements after ten days; there’s simply no such thing, alright!

“I’ll go communicate.” Senior patted his hat and put it on his head, then very straightforwardly walked over to the person giving orders among the group of police officers.

Looking at Senior’s back, I suddenly couldn’t imagine him properly sitting down and drinking a cup of tea with someone, having that sort of “communication.”

“Yang Yang, does your senior have a police-related background?” Watching Senior actually talking to that higher-up, my dad puzzledly asked.

“Uh…Probably.” Even if he doesn’t, that thing behind him called the Guild would definitely have.

After I saw Senior show proof of his black robe to that police officer and the other side became extremely respectful, I felt so even more deeply.

This world has already been corroded by another world!

It’s like how the movies would tell us that aliens are actually right beside you while we’re unaware of it; that logic is the same.

In less than a few minutes, Senior walked back, “We’re done communicating. He said it’s fine if we don’t give statements.” He issued that shady statement of the legendary “high position suppressing the low position.”

“Aih, can we really do this?” My mom was quite surprised.

“We can. I can invite others to help us explain.” Senior spoke in a tone like this wasn’t a big deal at all.

Turns out that phone call you made before was to invite others to finish it up, right?

I once again realized that the Guild really is a very mysterious organization.

“So, while the reporters and busybodies have not officially appeared yet, let’s hurry up and leave the scene.”

Senior issued a conclusion that would teach children the wrong things.