Volume 15 - CH 4

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
I think I can almost hear the cheers of the audience outside the finish line.

The sports competition was just like a grand arena. From the start there was a real-time screen for everyone to watch, so I bet Senior must have seen how we look right now.

…This move was stupid.

At least for me, it was very stupid.

Flying over like two rockets, Miao Miao and I directly crashed into Chifuyu. He probably hadn’t expected Aslaine and the others to use this trick and got pressed down by us, completely caught off guard.

Because there was someone being a meat cushion, Miao Miao and I didn’t fall too badly.

While I was dizzy and lightheaded from flying over, I felt a round cool object being directly thrown into my arms and looked up to see Miao Miao’s crafty smile: “Yang Yang! Run to the finish line with all your might!” She patted my shoulder, with the meaning of “it’s up to you, good luck.”

A second later, Miao Miao used a technique that she learned from who knows where, one that you’d definitely see on the wrestling channel, to directly crush down on Chifuyu, very unladylike as she seized his upper half.

Having just been knocked dizzy and then pressed down by the weight of two people, Chifuyu was temporarily unable to react. He began to struggle after several seconds or so, but Miao Miao held him down very tightly and he was unable to break free for a while.

In just this short period of time, I saw the finish line right ahead of me and joyfully ran toward it with tears in my eyes.

Senior, I can finally pass successfully.

If I run over like this, we’ll get one win.

Carrying the above reason that almost moved me to tears, I vigorously rushed nonstop toward the finish line.

Just one step away, one step…

Soon, my feelings came to naught.

Why does that finish line stretch on infinitely!?

I finally noticed this after I ran twice as fast.

The damn track keeps expanding. The finish line is constantly moving forward, I simply can’t catch up!

What is this!? You won’t let people pass, huh!?

Looking at the finish line that continued to fly ahead, I suddenly felt angry, very angry. F**k this, I worked desperately hard and you won’t even let me pass when I’m about to pass, what’s with this!? Isn’t the purpose of this competition to let someone get the relay ball, run to the end, then rush across the finish line and break the red ribbon with a cosmic glow!?


I guess I probably lost my mind at that time. Taking out the silver gun, I fired a dozen successive shots at that continuously expanding track: “Blow it apart!”

Minas, who was clearly a derringer pistol but had a machine-gun option, instantly blasted out a bunch of dents in the track.

Whether it was because I was seeing things or my intimidation really worked, I actually saw the finish line trembling. Within a few seconds, I knew the track had stopped expanding. The finish line was just in front of me.

Three seconds later, I charged across that finish line with a belly full of curses and anger.

As soon as I ran out of the track, I instantly heard many cheers from the audience and my teammates.

Within seconds, the entire huge forest immediately receded beneath the track as if it were alive. Soon, I could see many wounded from the same team and different team lying on the track. Aslaine and that female senior were just a bit further in the back; the closest ones to me were Miao Miao and Chifuyu who was held down by her.

Once the game ended, Miao Miao immediately jumped up from Chifuyu and reached out to her friend to help him up with a grin.

[The first battle was won by the white team! Simultaneously receiving points! Please give the white team a round of applause!] The announcer’s voice drifted into our ears after the barrier was lifted and almost at the same time, the blue-robed medical team sprang out from some corner and swept away the wounded on the track.

Aslaine walked over and patted my shoulder with a smile: “Chu, well done.”

I felt very touched as I looked at him, then handed him back the relay ball. I don’t know if this object needs to be returned, since it’s pretty big and not too convenient to carry around.

Taking the ball and passing it back to a staff member, Aslaine offered some condolences to the other teammates still remaining, before walking over to Senior to report some of the things inside that should be taken note of.

Miao Miao bounced over and pulled my arm: “Miao Miao and Yang Yang got the first win! We have to work hard later!” She smiled extremely brilliantly, in contrast to Chifuyu behind.

But Chifuyu doesn’t seem to be angry either. His expression was a bit stunned as he looked at his team. Looking over there, I noticed that he seemed to be looking at senior Gasai. It was only for a short while before he withdrew his gaze, then walked toward us.

“Yang Yang, you’ve also improved a lot.” Revealing a normal smile, Chifuyu lightly tapped my shoulder with his fist: “Underestimating you was my mistake. In the next few games, I won’t make any more exceptions again. Let’s cheer each other on.”

Can I ask you to keep making exceptions!?

Although it’s very spineless of me, I sincerely believe that it is completely impossible to fight with a serious Chifuyu.

“Miao Miao won’t lose either!” Making a fist hard, Miao Miao, who was in a good mood from getting a win, made a let’s-declare-this-to-the-sun pose, very dazzling as she radiated golden light.

“Alright, you guys have to work hard.” Chifuyu patted Miao Miao’s shoulder politely, then turned and walked toward his team.

It should be about time. When Miao Miao and I returned to the white team, Senior and the others were already waiting for us in the same place.

“Chu, retreat to the side of the track.” Senior glanced at me and said.

I didn’t really understand what Senior meant, but I still obediently retreated to the outer ring of the track. Here I was coincidentally able to see the people in the white team. They had also retreated outside.

A couple seconds later, I immediately understood what Senior meant.

That open space in the middle of the track shook after the staff completely cleared it, before the entire ground split and sunk down like an earthquake. Soon a large smooth, seemingly-hand-carved pit appeared.

The bottom of the pit began to leak water, which carried smoke, and started to boil with a hum.

[The water obstacle course is about to begin. Please choose five suitable players from each team! This game will be on the boiling hell waters to recover the only abysmal pearl. The abysmal pearl will belong to whichever team that gets it.] Lucia said very enthusiastically: [As everyone knows, the abysmal pearl is the most precious water drop the sea people cultivate. In terms of spells or weapons, it has a strong enhancing ability. This time, the school generously prepared enough for an entire team. Only the winning team can bring back the abysmal pearls. Please do your best!]

Although I didn’t know what that water drop is, as soon as the announcer’s message came out, the two teams nearly went crazy with joy. Seeing everyone’s reaction, I can guess that thing must be something very expensive.

…Is the school crazy?

Something so valuable and it was actually prepared in large quantities as gifts!?

This team has at least two or three hundred people!

Our school really is crazy.

While thinking this, I raised my head, then froze after seeing the players sent by the other team.

Among the shouts of the opponents, I saw that two of them couldn’t be any more familiar.

“Know this, enemies! Just now it was because this uncle didn’t appear. This time, after this uncle comes out of seclusion, I won’t let you be too arrogant. Obediently wait to die by this uncle!” One foot on an unknown square object, the five colored rooster head, who didn’t wear the sportswear at all and was still willfully wearing his Hawaiian shirt, very arrogantly shouted over at us. His red team companions behind him all revealed an extremely-unwilling-to-acknowledge-him-as-part-of-their-team expression.

Standing behind him was senior Gasai who had also come to fight, and three other seniors who also seemed very strong. Their expressions looked as if they were hell-bent on winning this time.

“After entering the playing field, unnecessary spells will be sealed. Only basic incantations and physical techniques can be used. Those with high strength won’t be too affected.” Standing behind me, Senior walked out, his expression pretty delighted. Then he turned his head: “Aslaine, can you fight another round?”

Aslaine, who was originally talking with a couple other people, immediately walked over: “No problem.”

I looked at Senior, then looked at senior Gasai on the opposite side, before taking a step back, then another step.

Senior…You, you want to directly fight senior Gasai head-on?

I felt as if I was seeing some kind of bright world collapse, with a sinister dark thing appearing behind it.

“Hmph, right now they are enemies. As enemies, they must be beaten.” Red eyes glanced at me and issued an extremely frightening declaration.

In this second, I was suddenly deeply thankful that I was fortunately on the same team as Senior, otherwise, his hostile pressure would make me want to directly bash my head into a wall and die.

However, Senior didn’t seem to be the only one with this kind of thought. Senior Gasai on the opposite side also seemed to have an eager-to-fight expression, jumping on the players’ platform delightedly.

The announcer, who flew to the center of the boiling water, drew the audience’s attention twice: [This is the abysmal pearl that represents the winner. Now on behalf of the organization, I will throw it in.] After saying that, she held out a transparent sphere the size of a baseball, then tossed it into the boiling water; a splash and a faint sound came from the water. The pearl immediately sank to the bottom: [There is no time limit! The first to get the abysmal pearl is the winner. The game begins!]

Almost at the same time the start of the game was announced, fireworks exploded in the surroundings like before.

[Envoy of water, listen carefully to my command and open the path.] The first to move was senior Gasai. He took out a water-colored crystal and chanted some kind of incantation, before the boiling water began to surge and a downward path that looked hollow slowly appeared.

“Hah, how could we make it that easy for you?” Appearing silently behind senior Gasai like a ghost, Aslaine didn’t hesitate at all as his saber drew straight toward the neck of the chanting person.

Both sides simultaneously started to move.

With a clang, Aslaine’s saber didn’t cut off the neck of his red team opponent as expected but was blocked by the claw of the five-colored rooster head beside him: “Making a sneak attack in front of this uncle, wait a little longer and come back!”

Curving into a smile, Aslaine, who had turned and stood in his opponent’s zone, officially met the five-colored rooster head.

To be honest, I honestly have no idea who to help and cheer for in this situation. If I randomly choose, then after the sports competition ends, the five-colored rooster head will definitely cause trouble. Looks like the best thing to do is to not say anything.

Almost at the same time, Senior faced the friend who was supposed to be his own partner: [Song of wind, water surges after water, twice the rain blade dances freely.] Folding his arms, Senior took the initiative to attack as he chanted the Hundred Sentence Song. Then a huge ripple appeared on the surface of the water, which had already given way to a path, and the churning water once again covered the passage.

As if pulled by something, a large amount of boiling water suddenly flew into the sky, before falling down as knife-like pricks of rain. They attacked only the enemy side as if they were self-aware.

Quickly memorizing the new Hundred Sentence Song, I watched the two teams that already confronted each other. The boiling water nearby continued to boil. It really looks like they were fighting on a pot of boiling water—but of course, it wasn’t such a funny scene. I felt a bit scared just thinking about how you’d probably be cooked immediately if you accidentally fall.

Looks like it was right to choose the jungle before. At least there wasn’t such a painful way to die as being cooked in boiling water.

However, it was clear that I was the only me who thought this. In the center, the five-colored rooster head and Aslaine have started fighting without any fear whatsoever. Since this site was pretty dangerous, the medical team was nearby, ready to step forward right away to rescue as soon as someone fell in the water and failed.

“There was once a person from the assassin clan who was qualified to jump a rank to become a purple robe. His strength isn’t bad, as expected.” Switching his saber from his right hand to left hand, Aslaine freed his empty hand to block the five-colored rooster head’s claws, so relaxed that it was like he wasn’t fighting with beast claws at all: “However…Is brute force really all you have? It’s more or less what I’ve heard from the reports, a bit disappointing.”

“Hmph! This uncle will definitely make you see things you’ve never imagined!” Perhaps enraged by Aslaine’s tone, the five-colored rooster head withdrew his hands in less than a second, then disappeared from his spot. By the time he reappeared, his beast claws were already heading straight for his enemy’s head.

The saber swiftly blocked his exposed weakness, and after several clashing sounds, the two people had been forced a distance away by the other.

Wiping off the traces of blood on his face, Aslaine curved into a smile: “Seems like I underestimated my opponent just now. Correction, you do know other things, my apologies.”

“Ha! That goes without saying! Otherwise, how else will this uncle conquer the whole world!?”

…It’d be best if you could just conquer the world like this.

I suspect his eight o’clock slots* might’ve gotten some cartoons mixed in recently. His lines sound pretty familiar.

[T/N: prime time tv at eight o’clock, usually idol shows, dramas and family-appropriate shows]

“How interesting.” Like a child who found something amusing, Aslaine swung his saber: “Then I won’t be courteous anymore, [Storm Gather].”

The air around him responded to his voice and began to coil above his saber. Even though the naked eye couldn’t see the wind’s movement clearly, judging by the dust and some water flow, a strong storm must be gathering around that saber.

“Oh, a yang Illusionary Weapon of pure wind.”

I heard these words and immediately turned my head. I saw Olivia, who was standing behind, move a little closer to me: “It’s the same reasoning behind your weapon of water. Aslaine’s weapon is one of pure wind, very rare.” She told me this and seemed to be pretty familiar with that saber.

[Wind of Calamity.] Once the saber had gathered wind to a certain extent, Aslaine swung the saber, and a huge wave abruptly rose up from the surface of the boiling water. As if cut in half by a giant invisible knife, the wave split and both sides surged upward, simultaneously engulfing the other companions, enemies and staff nearby.

In an instant, one or two people unable to react in time were knocked out of the range of the water obstacle course by the fierce wind and were directly eliminated. There were also a few who were splashed by the boiling water and howled in pain.

However, the water below was even deeper than we thought. The surging wave was merely half of it. It hadn’t reached the depth where you could immediately rush down to grab the pearl.

The five-colored rooster head being attacked in the front let out a roar and swung his other beast claw, forcefully taking on the storm rushing toward him without caring about his life.

“Hey! Juvenile delinquent! If you can’t do it, don’t force yourself!” Unexpectedly, on the enemy side, Chifuyu seems quite nervous, actually giving the five-colored rooster head a good-intentioned warning amid the wreckage.

Clenching his teeth as he grabbed at the invisible storm cluster, there were veins on the five-colored rooster head’s face: “Bastard…Don’t look down on this uncle!” Saying that, both of his huge beast claws clenched.

As if happening in an instant, a tremendous explosion shook the entire sports field. The cluster of wind that was forcibly burst scattered everywhere. Even I could feel a strong wind flow from here.

Perhaps startled by his action, Chifuyu’s eyes were wide open, as if he never expected someone would be barbaric enough to directly clench a storm apart with brute force.

“Sure enough, you really do only have brute force.” Also startled, Aslaine unconsciously said this sentence as his impression.

“Bastard! What do you mean this uncle only has brute force—tut!” The five-colored rooster head, who was going to pounce over and punch him first, abruptly crouched down in the air.

Both sides have probably laid down spells that would allow them to fight in the air during the game, so he didn’t fall right into the boiling water while kneeling. But he was at a much lower height, causing me to break out in a cold sweat on his behalf.

If he goes down like this…he’ll probably directly turn into boiled chicken.

“Although you’re very brave, that just now should have already injured your muscles and nerves.” Sliding his saber back into the scabbard on his thigh, Aslaine smiled as he crouched down beside his opponent: “It’s best if you don’t force yourself too much. It becomes very easy for an enemy to kill you if you do this during a fight.” Saying that, he grabbed the five-colored rooster head’s shoulder in one move.

“Tsk, I lost already, do what you want!” Turning his head imposingly, the five-colored rooster head prepared to meet his end.

To be honest, I was pretty scared that Aslaine would throw the five-colored rooster head into the boiling water and sort of wanted to ask him not to.

“Before the water obstacle course ends, you should rest over there with your companions.” Saying that, Aslaine grabbed the five-colored rooster head and directly threw him toward Chifuyu.

As soon as he left the water area, the five-colored rooster head was immediately disqualified.

Seeing the nearly overwhelming victory, with only a small scratch on his face, Aslaine gazed at his opponent who caught by his companion then curved into a smile. I suddenly thought…

This is the legendary gap in strength.

“Aslaine, watch out!”

Senior, who was currently facing off against senior Gasai, issued a warning.

As soon as he heard him shout, Aslaine immediately turned and dodged the attack from behind. A female senior from the red team, who hadn’t been affected by the boiling water or the strong wind, attacked with her weapon. Two people were instantly sent toward the edge.

That female senior’s skill was very good. It looks like she’s proficient at martial arts.

“You chose someone pretty good.” Taking out his Illusionary Weapon spear, Senior glanced at that person who had Aslaine fighting hard and said.

“Don’t mention it.” Senior Gasai shrugged: “After all, you have someone like Aslaine in your team. Not being careful is out of the question.”

Judging from the short words above, I could tell that senior Gasai is probably also the red team’s leader, just as Senior is the white team’s.

“The members of your team aren’t any less than mine.” Breaking off the conversation, Senior directly swung his spear and sent it toward senior Gasai’s neck.

A few clangs, dodging while flinging his iron whip at the spear handle, Senior Gasai’s expression looked very excited, as if fighting with Senior was fun.

…Could it be that these two are actually different from the impressions we usually see, that in private they’ve hated each other for a long time and decided to settle the score once and for all today?

“God of thunder, the western sky fights valiantly, the autumn traveler breaks the vast sky.” Following the Fairy attack spell Senior chanted, a silver fire was drawn where the spear connected with the iron whip: “Lightning Technique!”

“Isolate consciousness, the third barrier ends the seal!” Almost at the same time the incantation began, senior Gasai curved into a smile, and his other hand threw out a talisman, which immediately cut off the white fire guiding the lightning.

The offense and defense were practically instantaneous. I felt like there wasn’t enough time to watch.

The incantations were all very basic ones. Not even something like an array appeared, however, for some reason, Senior and senior Gasai’ attacks looked very strong, and so quick that they were nearly beautiful.

The surrounding teams and audience all quieted down. Even the announcer’s voice was gone. Aslaine and his opponent stopped as if they had come to a common realization, giving up the largest part of the site.

There was only a short moment of silence. After turning his spear to cast off the iron whip, Senior flipped back, and the boiling water below suddenly swirled up drop by drop. They began to circle the spear in a way that was very familiar—

“Aslaine’s weapon attack?” Olivia stared at that gradually enlarging circle of water and said in surprise.

The one just now?

I looked around Senior’s spear. Those water drops had somehow cooled down already, becoming infinite ice fragments circling around. It really did look similar to how Aslaine attacked just now.

Watching from the side, Aslaine revealed a joyous smile and even whistled: “Aiya, it was actually learned so easily.” I couldn’t hear any anger in his voice, mostly awe.

Turning my head to look at Olivia, I secretly asked: “Is this very difficult to learn?”

Olivia turned to look at me and smiled: “On the whole, each Illusionary Weapon’s attacks are different, especially for weapons with different attributes; there’s bound to be more differences in attack spells. To learn to attack with a different weapon’s spells, you need a high understanding of its owner’s thinking and the weapon’s changing spells for it to be possible. To immediately learn it after watching in an instant like this would be very difficult for the average user; even Ryan, an Illusionary arts expert, had to experiment several times to succeed.”

Which means…

We can only once again verify that Senior really isn’t human.

Between the few seconds of our conversation, the circle around Senior’s weapon had already become twice as big as Aslaine’s just now. The boiling water below also became more agitated because of the clashes between the hot and cold weapon’s.

Holding the handle of his silver spear, Senior’s cold eyes looked at the leader of the red team in front of him: [Torrential Rain.]

As if responding to his words, in an instant, that large cluster of ice sliced the boiling water below like the storm before. Almost the entire water surface was cut in half and churned upwards. There was a violent noise from the boiling water that touched, emitting extremely hot water vapor and an exploding sound. Compared to the pure wind and boiling water just now, it was more dangerous by who knows how many times.

On the other side, Aslaine and the other person hurriedly made a barrier to protect themselves.

With the hot air in between, the overbearing ice cluster smashed toward senior Gasai.

In the blink of an eye, a tremendous sound came from the field and with a boom, the atmosphere exploded.

Seeing this scene, I deeply realized something—

Not going up to fight was simply wonderful.