Volume 16 - CH 1

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
Chapter 1: The Preparation Earlier

Location: Atlantis Time: 10:05 AM

On the last day of the school festival, there were no events in the morning, but a closing ball was held in the evening.

So before then, nearly all students were free to do what they wanted.

Walking up early, I glanced at the time on my phone. It was no longer that early, but I didn’t really want to get up.

I think, sure enough, my muscles are sore.

After experiencing a full day of running for my life yesterday, my whole body ached and ached when I woke up. I felt as if I was a fly that had been swatted to death by a fly swatter, lying paralyzed on the bed.

But as soon as I thought of my appointment with Nile, I resigned myself to slowly moving to the side of the bed and rolling over.

After cleaning up more or less and walking out of my room, I discovered that the key to Senior’s room was stuck in my door (who knows how it got stuck in, so strong), and after a lot of effort, I pulled the key out. Looks like Senior probably is no longer in his room, so he put his key where I can see it.

Should I thank you, Senior? Thank you for even remembering the existence of someone who needs to borrow your bathroom…

But it seems that Andy hasn’t come back yet either, because usually when Senior isn’t here, he doesn’t leave the key and would make me go find the other residents to borrow.

After opening Senior’s door with that key, sure enough, there was no one inside; I quickly washed up before reopening the door and saw Nile already standing outside my room with a box. He might have been waiting a while.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw his master Randall standing nearby as well. Who knows why he followed him here.

“Uh, excuse me, I just went to borrow the bathroom…” Help me, I actually let a bloodsucking court stand in my doorway. Thank goodness I didn’t take too long to wash up.

“It’s fine.” Before I could feel a bit embarrassed, Nile had already curved into his gentle smile and broken the awkwardness, then raised the box in his hands: “I chose a few clothes that you should be able to use. Please try them on. If the size does not fit, I can immediately adjust.”

“Okay, thank you.” I hurriedly opened the door and invited them in.

“Yang Yang, how old are you now?” Leisurely strolling into my room with his hand on his butler’s shoulder, Randall suddenly threw out this completely unrelated question.

“Ah?” How old I am?

“Those in the first year of high school are sixteen, right?” Also confused by his master’s sudden question, Nile answered for me first.

“Sixteen and he’s still so short?” Turning his head, Randall spoke in a tone that made me want to punch him in the nose: “Do you know what clothing age Nile was searching for…Yesterday he was actually looking through my clothes from when I was thirteen or fourteen years old. I even thought he was lending them to a middle schooler.”

…I am so sorry I’m so thin and short, even borrowing your clothes from when you were thirteen or fourteen years old.

But after comparing us a little, Randall, as a Westerner, was indeed a lot taller, roughly the same as Yado and the others. But when he stood with Senior and senior Gasai, they clearly seemed shorter.

As expected, Easterners and Westerners are somewhat innately different.

After entering the room, Nile tidied up my living room table a bit, then placed the box on the table and opened it. Inside were a few formal suits that were organized and looked almost new.

Looks very expensive!

I started to hesitate on whether I really wanted to borrow clothes from them. Based on my unlucky constitution, could it be that I’ll have to buy it after wearing it just once?

After circling my room, the very spontaneous count sat down in front of the computer provided by the school and turned it on to go online: “Take your time to try them on, I’ll browse the Guild’s website.”

…You could’ve at least asked me first. If the computer had something unspeakable on it, I would’ve been done for.

Wait a minute, what did I just hear?

“The Guild has a website?” Isn’t that too advanced? I thought that kind of place would have a mysterious entrance like in a fantasy novel and then a meeting center that makes you come in person to enter or something.

Randall glanced at me with a weird expression before speaking: “Of course, otherwise you think that a phone alone is enough for robe levels outside?”

Basically, I thought you guys don’t even use phones.

Not talking to me further, Randall pulled out a card reader he prepared and connected it to my computer. Then he took out the universal debit card Senior often used and put it in, without even pressing any buttons. Soon after, the webpage automatically jumped to a picture, completely black with the mark of the Guild’s black robes.

While letting Nile compare the clothes, I kept looking over at that webpage distractedly.

At the black entrance, Randall probably did something like identity verification. A few screens with text I couldn’t understand flashed past, before it turned to a place with many options. Because I was standing a bit far away, I could more or less tell that they were options, but the actual operations couldn’t be seen.

To be honest, I think the image I’m looking at right now is very strange.

A vampire count is using my computer to browse the Internet. This kind of image doesn’t make sense at all, right?

“Are the clothes too loose or tight?” As soon as Nile asked, I came back to reality. At some point, he had already helped me get dressed and was currently asking me about my clothes.

I hastily turned my gaze. There was a black formal suit on me, and I could feel that Nile really arranged it carefully. Not even a crease was there, causing me to dare not move too much out of fear that the clothes would get dirty.

“Uh, it should be just right.” Glancing around, it wasn’t too big or too small. Nile’s rather meticulous at estimating.

“Then that means there is no need to make major alterations.” The dutiful butler told me, then placed the other suits to the side: “Black is suitable for every occasion. If you do not want to be too dignified, I suggest you change to a gray or beige suit. Which one do you need?”

Honestly, I have no idea whatsoever: “Any is fine…I’ve never worn this type of clothing before. Otherwise, just black is alright.” Except for my middle school suit jacket.

Nile looked at me then nodded: “Then I will match other accessories for you. If there is anything you are dissatisfied with, please tell me to replace it.”

How could I be dissatisfied!

Just being waited on by someone else’s butler like this makes me satisfied enough to burst. Sure enough, people in the upper class are different.

Just when I was thinking this, that original master Randall, who was silently looking at a webpage, suddenly made a sound: “Nile, come over and help me look over these things.”

“Alright.” After swiftly organizing the accessories and putting them beside the box, Nile went and took over his master’s seat, attentively gazing at the webpage.

Taking advantage of this lull, Randall got up and looked over at me: “Oh, you look pretty good wearing it. Next time if we have a dance at our side, would you like to come and take a look?”

Your side…is a gathering place for night-walkers, right!?

I hurriedly shook my head: “No need, thank you!” I’m still young, I still want my life, I don’t want to go to a vampire gathering and become someone else’s dinner!

Shrugging, Randall didn’t say much else.

“Oh right, did Senior go out on a mission today?”

While the count idled around, I took out beverages from the fridge, poured everyone a cup and suddenly asked. As soon as I did, I felt startled myself. Randall probably wouldn’t know what Senior is doing. Asking like this is a bit rude.

As expected, with a strange expression as he looked at me, Randall elegantly sipped his drink before opening his mouth: “I heard he took on a probe mission and went out with Gasai and the Dallow brothers early in the morning.”

Went out with Aslaine and the others?

A mission that needs two black robes and two purple robes?

Vaguely, I sensed that it was a rather serious mission, because I rarely hear about Senior carrying out a mission with other black robes—the important ones don’t count, but how difficult can a probe mission be?

I don’t understand this, but tonight is the ball. Hopefully they can all come back to join.

“If you don’t mind, you can attend the ball tonight with us. I can help introduce you to beautiful girls as your dancing partners.” Curving into a smile that seemed to have some other meaning, Randall told me.

“I’ll pass, thank you.” I only want to be part of the audience and have a free meal.

Randall shrugged, clearly feeling unfortunate on my behalf for giving up on this suggestion: “Then alright, but are you going out with someone today? There are quite a lot of public figures from the other schools these two days. It’s best to travel with a buddy.”


I kept getting the feeling that Randall seemed to be telling me to stick with someone when moving around. This is somewhat similar with what Director Shan said. However, Director Shan said that there are other problems, so we must be careful coming and going…Who knows whether Randall also has this concern.

But for some reason, I feel like Randall is a bit strange today. He usually doesn’t go into my room at all, much less automatically use my computer. How could he possibly take the initiative to run in here simply to lend clothes?

I don’t really understand.

“All done.” After we casually chatted for a few minutes, Nile, who sat in front of the computer quickly memorizing the data, stood up and even instinctively quit the network and card. Just by looking at his movements, I could tell it was not the first time he helped his count memorize things.

Speaking of which, can the Guild’s black robe webpage really be viewed and used by others like this?

Just when I was thinking this, a weird commotion abruptly came from outside the balcony behind the master-servant-guest group, and this commotion included a familiar voice that I really didn’t want to acknowledge yet wanted to curse.

“Yang~you’re still sleeping!?”

A super loud voice came outside the first floor, and I knew without looking which guy calls me like that. As soon as I ran to the balance and looked down, as expected, it was that five-colored rooster, who did not feel what was known as “fatigue” after a sports competition at all.

Upon seeing me emerge on the balcony, the five-colored rooster head standing below immediately waved vigorously, and the troubling part was that I saw another group of people next to him, Miao Miao and the others.

How is it that we always happen to meet every time they come to find me?

“Your companions are here. Do you want to go see them first?” The count, who had appeared beside me at some point, said coolly and then had no intention of leaving at all: “Relax, we’ll obediently leave after borrowing the computer.”

I’m also aware that you’ll obediently leave. Otherwise, what else do you plan to do in my room!?

“Yang Yang~come down and play!” Clearly not wanting the five-colored rooster head to snatch the opportunity first, even Miao Miao shouted next. Beside her, Chifuyu had been glaring at that chicken they unexpectedly ran into, and Ryan completely eliminated his presence like an outsider.

Being urged three times in a row, I couldn’t continue to delay it. If I keep it up like this, the entire Black Dorm might recognize me: “Then I’ll have to trouble you to remember to lock my door for me when you leave.” Although I don’t think thieves will get into the Black Dorm, and the other black robes probably wouldn’t be interested in visiting here, I’d still feel a little more at ease if it’s locked, in the sense that at least there wouldn’t be anything weird running in.

“No problem.” Randall leaned against the balcony, still in a good mood as he nodded at me.

After running back in the room and changing clothes, I saw Nile standing at the door holding my little backpack…as if he already knew I would bring it, preparing it without even needing me to look.

Butlers are so terrifying!

Thanking him and taking the backpack, I opened the door and ran out. Even though I knew the five-colored rooster head likely wouldn’t force his way in, he’ll definitely have a lot to say if I were a bit later.

Just when I ran at full speed down the stairs, not yet at the second floor, I saw something black walk up.

It was a person dressed in a black robe. I couldn’t see closely. In that second, I subconsciously thought it might be Senior or Andy who came back from a mission, but after the person took another two steps, I realized it was a complete stranger.

The other person also stopped upon noticing me. Because he was below, he raised his head to look at me.

For an instant, I didn’t know how to describe the black robe I saw, who was couple of years older than the count, but probably in his twenties. My first impression was that he was very calm, and then that—

He looks like a martial arts expert.

I’m not talking nonsense, I really do have this sort of feeling. The black robe in front of me wore robe level clothes that were unlike Senior’s. It had some strange accessories, a rather eye-catching one being the travel backpack on him. On his back there was also something that definitely looked like it was a weapon case of an ancient sacred treasure. The case even had a mysterious traditional Chinese knot.

The black robe before me was a Easterner. His face was very handsome, but his left eye was closed with a scar on it, very standard and like the people of the jianghu, and his other eye was black. His hair was black, though it had gray-white highlights. All of it was tied into a long, long braid behind, which felt very mysterious.

I immediately took two steps back and pasted myself to the stair wall, afraid that his palm would suddenly whoosh by or something later.

After taking a few steps up, he stood before my eyes. The unfamiliar black robe narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at me for a while. It wasn’t until I started to cold sweat that he stepped back and opened his mouth: “You are the exception student the intelligence reports mentioned.”

“Uh…this is our first time meeting…” It seems like every resident here says this first…Could it be that I’m the only exception to come and live here?

“My name is *Hein Lothar, a special course instructor in the college department. I was previously out on a long-term mission. We will probably meet often for a period of time later. Please advise.” The martial arts expert stretched his hand out to me, and I hastily shook it after being startled. After withdrawing his hand, he smiled slightly: “You can call me Lothar or Loen, students always call me that.”

[T/N: I know he’s supposed to be Asian but his Chinese name is just too long (surname-Luo Te Er, given name-Hai En), I just can’t ]

“H, hello.” Nodding hard, I looked at the martial arts expert in front of me with admiration and felt that his personality was also good.

Loen smiled again, then lifted the luggage in his hand: “Excuse me, I’ll have to leave first.” Saying that, he continued up the stairs, only turning into the corridor after one floor, which just happened to be below mine.

The Black Dorm really has a lot of extraordinary people!

While thinking this, I ran down the stairs, and then just when I was about to enter the main hall, I was completely stunned.

There were several black robes, whom I’ve never seen before, standing or sitting in the main hall, with luggage next to nearly all of them. It felt as if everyone just finished their missions and came back on the same day.

To be honest, it really is spectacular for so many black robes to gather in the hall, and then this also reminded me of the fact that this place was originally the black robes’ residence.

But these people in the hall seemed to have come in recently. Some were even on their phones discussing who-knows-what, and some were flipping through books. Not daring to disturb them, I stealthily stuck to the wall and slipped out the entrance.

I bet they must have noticed me. They probably didn’t know what I doing so they didn’t stop me.

But it was fortunate that they didn’t stop me, how should I say it…

As soon as I thought of interacting with so many powerful people, I began to feel the hair on my skin stand.

After leaving through the black robes’ entrance, sure enough, I saw those people who shouted at me just now standing outside.

“Yang~your movements are a bit too slow. If there were enemies coming to attack at this time, you wouldn’t even have to come out. Simply getting killed inside would make it easier to find your corpse and clean up.” As soon as the five-colored rooster head saw me come out, he first rewarded me with this sentence.

…Although it has happened before, it shouldn’t be possible for the Black Dorm to get attacked by enemies all day long!

Speaking of which, you’ve been watching some old war movies recently, right? These words somehow sound so familiar to me, as if they often appeared in certain films from dad’s era.

“Yang Yang, we came to find you to buy something in the left shopping street.” Ignoring the five-colored rooster head, Miao Miao moved toward me and pulled my arm, her cute face abruptly bursting into a smile at me: “Tonight we’re going to the ball. Miao Miao wants to find flowers.”

“Flowers?” Bring fresh flowers to the ball?

“This is a custom of the Buran Fairy.” Standing at the side, Chifuyu immediately gave me the answer. He pushed his glasses and continued to speak: “Legend has it that the Buran Fairy loves dance parties. If you bring flowers and exchange them with a friend at a dance, the dance-loving goddess will bless their friendship to last forever.”

Where did you hear about this weird custom again?

“Our school also has many people who follow this custom and exchange flowers during dances, so Miao Miao wants to exchange with Yang Yang too. Hope everyone can stay friends forever.” With a broad smile, Miao Miao cheerfully said: “Of course, there’s also Ryan, Chifuyu and Geng Geng, so we have to buy many beautiful flowers today.”

“Tsk, a girls’ game.” Standing at the side, the five-colored rooster head said in a scornful tone.

In order to prevent them from fighting over a flower later, I hurriedly cut off the five-colored rooster before he continued to speak: “Then, Ziray, what did you look for me for?” I bet he definitely didn’t come looking for me to buy flowers.

“I, oh ha, this uncle came to find you to do something magnificent!” As soon as he was asked, the five-colored rooster head immediately forgot about the matter just now and became extremely excited.

“…I’ll go to the shopping street then.” There’s a 9,999% chance that his so-called “magnificent” is not a good thing. I personally don’t have a strong heart, so it’s not quite possible for me to take random risks.

“Hey hey! This uncle’s matter would lose to a flower!?” The five-colored rooster protested in a completely bad mood.

“It wouldn’t lose.” Which is why I don’t want to go.

“Then don’t go buy that damn flower, man-eating flower whatever.” A chicken began excluding flowers.

“Miao Miao’s flowers are more important!” Upon hearing the five-colored rooster head’s comment, Miao Miao immediately grabbed my arm hard and retorted: “You don’t have friends because you never give flowers!”

Straight to the point.

“Believe it or not, this uncle will give you a flower right now, one that blooms out of your blood vessels.” The five-colored rooster head began to sharpen his claws to prepare to kill.

“Do you even bully girls?” Having disliked him for a long time, Chifuyu directly stood in front of Miao Miao and said in a very hostile tone.

“Ha, come two and this uncle will kill a pair!”

The situation before me started to turn messy, and the site of the incident was still in front of the Black Dorm. I can completely predict that if they continued being noisy, there will be black robes coming out to watch. So, I decided to try mediating: “Um, can we find something to eat? I haven’t eaten anything since I got up…” Because I went to try on the clothes right after getting up, at most I only drank a bit of a beverage, so it’s not actually a lie.

Being interrupted like this, the two sides that were about to quarrel suddenly stopped to look at me.

“It is almost noon. Miao Miao knows that there is recently a new shop on the left shopping street that has delicious food, so let’s eat first before buying flowers.” After saying that, she ran off dragging me without giving anyone a chance to argue.

“Hey hey! Stop right there!” The five-colored rooster head actually ran after us.

Then as the two sides fell into a stalemate, we reached the left shopping street noisily one after the other like this.

The left shopping street was fairly lively as usual. Apart from the students from the school, there were also many other inhabitants who didn’t seem like students.

As soon as I stepped in, I could feel the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Reports of the shopping street sales continued without stop, and you could immediately tell which shop had a big auction again or which shop had new products on the shelf. Like before when we came to visit, there was no change at all.

But for some reason, after entering the left shopping street, I suddenly felt as if the atmosphere was a bit delicate. There was just something strange about it, I couldn’t explain it, and the others didn’t seem to have this problem.

“Yang Yang, what’s wrong?” Ryan, who had walked behind me at some point, spoke all of a sudden and scared me half to death.

I stared hard at Miao Miao and the others in front. They were still happily chatting. Just now I was even under the impression that Ryan was probably walking with them. How did he suddenly get behind me?

After my shock passed, I didn’t forget to answer: “Nothing…You don’t feel anything weird about this place, right?” I was thinking that it might be because I’m an oversensitive person. For instance, if Ryan and the others sensed a strange atmosphere, they should’ve reacted already.

“There are impurities in the air’s energy.” Glancing around, he told me such baffling words.


Meaning that there’s a sandstorm or something today?

“Chifuyu.” Calling to his partner who was walking in front, Ryan exchanged glances with him, before the two nodded simultaneously.

“Yang Yang, let’s stay by the side.” Suddenly turning her head, Miao Miao pulled my arm, her other hand pushing the five-colored rooster head, as she ran into a nearby shop selling miscellaneous goods.

“Wha, what’s going on?” At the same time she pulled me, I noticed that the people in the left shopping street were beginning to head into the nearest shops one by one, just like them, as if they were avoiding something.

A large number of people all entered the shop, leaving only a couple outside, like Chifuyu and some seemingly-armed students and passerby.

Among those people, I saw a group of even weirder people.

They wore black coats and no expression on their faces, which were dead white. What made me feel a horrifying familiarity was…they all had gray eyes.

I’ve only seen this type of eyes on one thing before, and accompanied by a sound that came out of nowhere, I was completely sure of those strange people’s identity—

“The Ghost Tribe has entered the left shopping street!”