Chapter 322 A Clash Of Emotions (Part 2)

Name:Universal Power System Author:
Chapter 322 A Clash Of Emotions (Part 2)

Bill didn't give Mako any time to recover as he ran forward to deliver another powerful kick.

Mako reacted quickly as he used his Earth ability to raise an Earth pillar from behind his back, launching him with just enough force to allow him to land up straight on his feet.

He quickly took on the fortified stance and blocked Bill's incoming kick.

Mako had not sparred with Bill for quite some time and had no idea of his power level especially when his entire upper boy was glowing as he had unconsciously activated the second stage of his mutant gene.

Even though Mako's fortitude was quite high and he had activated his fortified stance, it didn't matter as Mako was still sent flying backward into the wall from which he had just released

"GUHHH!" Mako exclaimed as more blood leaked from his mouth.

Next, it was Erin's turn, whose eyes were shining bright white thanks to her ice-mutant gene.

She quickly conjured ice bullets that she loaded on her arm and started firing them at Mako.

[Flame Bullet has been activated]

[Flame Bullet has been activated]

[Flame Bullet has been activated]

Mako immediately countered Erin's Ice gun skill by firing an equal amount of flame bullets without any charge.

Without charging his fingertips with fire aura before firing the flame bullet meant that the bullet carried the lowest amount of damage and explosive force which was actually beneficial for Mako as he didn't want to cause any damage to his friends if he were to accidentally hit them.

Thanks to the heat of the flame bullets, the ice bullets melted in midair and were completely countered.

"Wait... wait... Can we all just calm down for a minute? I didn't do anything to Iris..." Mako tried to say to and clarify the misconception, but Bill didn't stop for a second. for new novels

As soon as Mako countered Erin's attack, Bill charged in once again to deal more blows to Mako.

[Sprint has been activated]

As Bill clocked back his arm to deliver a powerful punch, Mako ducked out of his way at the perfect moment and quickly used sprint to try and circle back around them towards the door.

However, before he could even take 2 steps after dodging his punch, Bill quickly turned around and grabbed Mako by his hair, stopping him from running away.

He quickly summoned more strength from his mutant gene and pulled Mako by his hair with all his force.

Mako's body was quickly raised off the ground as Bill pulled him over his own body and slam-dunked him on the concrete floor creating a massive crack and loud boom that echoed throughout the halls outside the room.

[-60 HP]

[User has sustained multiple fractures on their face and body with 5 broken teeth]

[Emergency healing has been activated]

Mako was very discombobulated after taking that hit and could barely process the status report of his own body that the system was displaying in front of his eyes.

Mako couldn't understand what was going on around him and everything became a blur; however, this didn't stop Erin from conjuring 2 ice spikes in her hands and jamming them into Mako's back before he could even move much less recover.

"AHHHHH!" Mako screamed in agony as the Ice spike penetrated his back, instantly reducing his healing speed as the cold slowed down his body's circulation of blood and mana while causing excruciating amount of pain.

[-25 HP]

[User has been impaled from their back two times]

[User is bleeding]

Mako conjured his own earth weapon and clashed it with Bill's only for it to break on impact as Bill's weapon was far superior in durability, but it was able to divert Bill's line of attack allowing Mako to dodge the bat.

As Mako swung underneath the bat, Erin lunged forward with ice spikes in her hand once again.

Mako's hand crackled with electricity as he swiped his hand and four blades of yellow lightning erupted from his fingers.

[Lightning Claw has been activated]

The claw blasted Erin backward as she had no defense while being in mid-air but Bill had already swung his bat again, this time faster than before which Mako wasn't able to anticipate in time, and so the bat made contact with Mako's leg, shooting immense signals of pain to his body even through his layer of defense.

However, Mako quickly found his footing again and began spamming fireballs at Bill to try and create space between them.

His strategy worked and Mako was able to widen the gap between him and Bill as he continued to dodge every single fireball.

Erin ran up from behind as she skated on ice to gain more speed and momentum to try and tackle Mako on the ground.

Mako quickly conjured another stone sword and used Cyclone Parry to block Erin before she could strike and counter her.

This time Mako went on the offensive as he launched fireballs, earth pillars, and lightning strikes at both Erin and Bill simultaneously to create as much space between them and him as possible.

Even though it was quickly draining his massiveEnergy pool, Mako continued to spam multiple abilities so that Bill and Erin would continue to dodge.

[Fireball has been activated]

[Flame wheel has been activated]

[Flame Bullet has been activated]

[Lightning Strike has been activated]

[Lightning Claw has been activated]

[Stone Sword has been activated]

[Phantom Shift has been activated]

[Phantom Dash has been activated]

[Mana Thrust has been activated]

[Mana Slash has been activated]

Even though Mako's attacks looked random and wild, he was deliberately attacking in such a pattern that made it so that Erin and Bill would be directed farther away from the door as they continued to dodge Mako's barrage of skills.

Mako knew that they wouldn't dodge forever and would surely adapt to his spam and then begin their counter so before it could come to that point, Mako decided to end the fight and make his escape with one last skill.

[Ground Rupture has been activated]

Mako placed his hands on the ground and created a mini earthquake inside the room making Erin lose her footing while Bill still fared a little better given Earth was his specialty.

Mako wasted no time as he took this opportunity to run toward the door and escape, if he could find Leon and the others, then maybe he could calm Bill and Erin down and talk things through to clear up the misconception.

However, as Mako approached the door and opened it in order to make his escape, A sudden sharp feeling erupted in Mako's chest.

It was a sharp stinging feeling that seemed to grow every second. Time began to slow down for Mako as dozens of system notifications flooded the screen in front of his eyes.

As Mako slowly looked down to find the source of this unusual pain, he came to a shocking realization.

Mako had been shot in the heart!