Chapter 11: Jing Yan's Ecstasy

While the black sword light swept towards the cyan figure, Jing Yan's body was shifted to the left one meter at the same time.

Regardless of whether the sword shadow swept or the body moved horizontally, Jing Yan's movements had an advance that others could not understand.

"噗!" The sound of the sword entering the flesh came out.

"叽!" Fengying Wolf's cry suddenly sharpened.

A puff of blood poured out, and a pair of black claws of Fengying Wolf rubbed against Jing Yan's chest.

The speed of Fengying Yingwolf is too fast. If Jingyan had not predicted enough and responded in advance, then this time of the confrontation, it was not that Fengying Wolf was injured, but Jing Yan was damaged.

Wu Jingyan stabbed the Fengying Wolf with a sword, and inhaled suddenly. After shaking his head slightly, his body was a forward longitudinal.

Although he has made enough predictions, but because of his own strength, his vitality is still slightly weaker, so this sword has not been able to do enough damage to Fengying Wolf.

"If I have the five-layered martial arts realm, this sword should make Fengying Wolf incapacitated."

"Want to escape?"

Wu Jingyan's mouth was a little stubborn. At this time, Jing Yan could certainly not let Fengying Wolf escape. His body is in front of him to stab the second sword.

The first sword hit the hind legs of Fengying Wolf.

一般 For ordinary spirit beasts, being hit on the hind legs should not be too much trauma. However, for Fengying Wolf, which is heavily dependent on speed, a hind leg is abolished, and its speed will be greatly reduced.


Howling Shadow Wolf screamed wildly, and the cyan figure rushed in one direction.

However, it never expected that the strange sword shadow was close to its neck. The wind shadow wolf is really powerful. The body has completed a very difficult adjustment in the air. It just avoided the key points and its body was too flexible.

Wu Jingyan's long sword left a long wound on Fengying Wolf again, but failed to kill Fengying Wolf directly.

"I don't believe it anymore." Jing Yan sneered, but his action was not old, he couldn't make a single hit, and the next hit was completed immediately.

If it is an ordinary warrior, he may think that his second sword must be able to kill the Fengying Wolf, which will result in the third strike cannot be completed in time. Even if Fengying Wolf is injured in one leg, the speed is extremely amazing. For a warrior in the martial arts quadruple realm, if the third sword is not issued in time, then Fengying Wolf may escape. But Jing Yan was not an ordinary warrior. Although he had great confidence in the second sword, he did not put all hope on the second sword.

Seeing that the second sword failed to kill Fengying Wolf, Jing Yan's third sword stabbed at Fengying Wolf at an unbeatable speed.

Even if Fengying Wolf's speed is against the sky, under this three consecutive swords, there is no chance to escape.


The streamer was retracted, and Fengying Wolf's blue body fell straight to the ground.

"Finally killed this beast." Until then, Jing Yan was relieved.

However, Jing Yan did not appear close to Fengying Wolf, but stabbed a sword at Fengying Wolf's neck and cut his head off. Because Fengying Wolf is extremely cunning, Jing Yan is also worried about the latter pretending to be dead. When he approaches, he may face the dying counterattack of Fengying Wolf. But if they cut their heads, there would be no problem.

"It's time to harvest." Jing Yan's mouth slightly curved, and he began to peel off the fur of Fengying Wolf.

At this moment, a change suddenly occurred on the body of Fengying Wolf.

"Huh?" Jing Yan was ready for a fight when his body flickered, and the streamer sword flickered.

However, immediately, the alert on his face turned into an ecstasy.

He saw a yellow halo rising slowly on Fengying Wolf's body. This halo rises and does not dissipate in space, but quickly condenses, and finally forms a fist-sized ball.

"Soul crystal, is actually soul crystal!" Even Jing Yan, it is difficult to calm his mind, he never thought that this wind and shadow wolf, will actually give birth to soul crystal.

言 Jing Yan is not unfamiliar with Soul Crystal. He has seen it before and even got it. It is also because Jing Yan has been obtained that he can understand the utility and value of Soul Crystal.

Soul crystal is a special substance produced in the spirit beast. However, only a few spirit beasts can give birth to the soul crystal.

It is said that the probability that a spirit beast will produce a soul crystal is about 1 in 10,000. In other words, it takes 10,000 spirit beasts to produce a soul crystal. As you can see, the soul crystal is rare.

Of course, soul crystal and soul crystal are also different, there are low-level soul crystal, there are intermediate soul crystal, but also high-level soul crystal. However, even low-level soul crystals are invaluable. The effect of soul crystal on warriors is also difficult to describe in words.

I simply said that at this time Jing Yan got a soul crystal in the Black Rock Mountains. If it was known by other warriors in the Black Rock Mountains, then Jing Yan would face endless hunting until he escaped into the family. Even if he returns to the family safely, he will not be able to protect the soul crystal, the senior members of the family will surely let him surrender the soul crystal. Of course, if it was only the first day of Donglin City before Jingyan ~ ~, that family might not force him to surrender soul crystal.

The charm of Xunhunjing is so great.

"My luck is too bad, isn't it?" Jing Yan took a few breaths before calming down the excitement.

He widened his eyes, looked around, and made sure that no one else was here, and he closed the yellow soul crystal at the fastest speed.

Next, Jing Yan skinned the Fengying Wolf and cut off his pair of tanned front paws, taking away all the fur and front paws.

Wu Jingyan left the scene at the fastest speed, and he did not dare to stay here for a while.

Until ten miles away from the scene where Fengying Wolf was killed, Jing Yan relaxed slightly and his eyes were extremely bright.

At this time, Jing Yan quickly recalled the process of fighting with Fengying Wolf before, and learned the experience. The next time he encounters Fengying Wolf again, he is sure that he can kill the opponent more easily.

If a martial artist in the martial arts quadruple realm hits a single gun, he will kill the wind wolves. If it is passed out, no one will believe that everyone will sniff and think that this is nonsense and impossible.

I'm afraid that this can only be done by Jing Yan. For any other intermediate martial artist, there can be no such terrible prediction of Jing Yan.

The fight between Wu Jingyan and Fengying Wolf didn't take much time, but only Jing Yan himself understood the danger. He knew that he was able to slay the Fengying Wolf because he had practiced the first skill of the sky. Without this method, he will surely die in the hands of Fengying Wolf in this battle today.