Chapter 161: The person who blocked the door


In the wilderness, the blue figure gallops!

The blue figure is the Jingyan that returned from Duanyang City to the east. It was almost twenty days before he said goodbye to Liu Xiaoyue. To the east of the city, the city is already faintly visible.

On this way, Jing Yan used the wings of the sky to hurry from time to time, but he was not in a hurry. After the energy was exhausted, he found a place to use the best spiritual stones to restore the energy.

When Gao Yan was killed, at the town's mayor's residence in Gaoyan, Jing Yan obtained several superb spirit stones. In the main city of Duanyang City, Jing Yan also stayed for more than ten days. In these times, in addition to healing, he also went to the first commercial building in Duanyang City to exchange a lot of fine spirits.

Because of the relationship between Jingyan and the city owner, and the first commercial building is also the property of the city's mansion, in that commercial building, 10,000 spirit stones in Jingyan can be exchanged for three superb spiritual stones, which is better than in the east Qizhenxuan near the first floor is much more cost-effective to buy. Qizhenxuan's superb spirit stone is worth 4,000 ordinary spirit stones.

Wu Jingyan's more than 200,000 ordinary spirit stones, he took out a hundred thousand giants, bought all the best spirit stones, and bought a total of thirty best spirit stones.

So now, Jing Yan doesn't have to worry about the lack of superb spirit stones in a short time.

In the past twenty days, his cultivation has also gradually climbed, gradually approaching the top of the congenital early realm. Cultivating at this speed, it won't be long before Jing Yan can try to advance to the state of congenital mid-life.

"East to the city!" After the tea time, Jing Yan came to the city gate, and he stopped slightly outside the city for a moment.

This time, it's been two or three months since I left Donglincheng. Before leaving, Jing Yan was still in the martial arts. After leaving, he was already a strong person in the congenital realm.


After entering the city, Jing Yan's figure flickered, and she was extremely fast, approaching the Jing Family House in the western district.

"Huh?" Jing Yan's brow wrinkled as he galloped fast.

Because, he heard some discussion about Jing family.

"This time, the Jing family is so embarrassed! If this continues, the third largest family in the east may change."

"Yeah ... I can't think of it. The children of Jing family are so boneless, they have been blocked at the door of their house, and they dare not show up."

"Huh, Jing family? It's ridiculous. If it wasn't for Jing family's old ancestor Jing Tian who led Jing family to grow and squeeze the Cai family from the third family, why can his family become the third largest family in Donglin City?"

"Look, maybe this time, the Cai family can take this opportunity to become a third family again!"


Wu Jingyan was galloping on the spacious streets, the speed was very fast, and the less powerful warriors could not see the figure of Jing Yan at all.

Therefore, none of the warriors who argued at all recognized the person who had just passed through the Jingyan of Jingjia.

Of course, these warriors may have heard the name of Jing Yan, but they may not be able to recognize Jing Yan.

"What's going on? Someone blocked Jing's door?" Hearing the argument, Jing Yan's brow raised slightly. Who is so bold to dare to block Jing's door?

Anyway, the Jing family is also the third largest family in the east of the city. Even the No. 1 Zhao family will not do such a thing without fear.

"Does the Zhao family resent me because they failed to kill me? This way to vent their anger?" Jing Yan sneered, and there was a chill in his heart.

Zhao's house, see how long you can jump around.

Wu Jingyan accelerated again, like a flash of lightning rushing towards the family house in the western district.

Before the Jingjing House courtyard, on a temporary stand, there were several figures standing, smiling, looking at the direction of the main gate of the Jingjia House courtyard.

There were several guards in uniforms shouting and drinking.

"Did no one dare to come out of the waste of the Jing family?"

哈 "Hahaha, children of the Jing family, all of them are waste, all of them are shrinking turtles!"

"Eastly facing the third largest family in the city, does not even have an egg? This family is worthy of the third family?"

The guards, with their mouth full of dirty words, deliberately urged their vitality to pass the sound out. It can be heard not only in the Jing's house, but also in the streets near the outside.

A large number of idle martial arts also watched from a distance, pointing, most people with smiles on their faces, apparently watching the excitement.

The figures on the ring platform looked quite young. They squinted and looked relaxed. Even one person waved the folding fan in his hand.

"Jing family, but that's it! Hehe, I thought, how strong is the third largest family in a city? Now it looks like a bunch of waste!" A male warrior wearing a white robe with a folding fan in his hand The words are full of satire.

"Brother Suo Wen is right in saying that the children of the Jing family, all of the younger generation, are all waste ~ ~ No one can handle it. Hehe, a few of us, put here It ’s been ten days since the next stage? Except that on the first day, an unknown kid dared to come out and scream, and after we were directly maimed, no one dared to come out. "A male warrior wearing a black robe, interface Said.

许多 Many people know this male warrior in a black robe. This person is Zhao Yifeng, a young and talented warrior of the Zhao family. He is also a strong inborn. Of course, to say that he is young, it is also relatively speaking that he is over thirty years old, and he is also a student of Shenfeng College, one of the three colleges.

Zhao Yifeng, to the man in the white robe, there was a respectful expression in his words, obviously he valued the other party very much.

"Brother Suowen, you are from Shenfeng College. You should know that the Jing family has a kid named Jingyan. This kid has also entered Shenfeng College, but was later expelled. This kid is a bit weird. He After being expelled from Shenfeng Academy, many people thought that he would fall completely and become a complete waste. However, he did not expect that after a short time, he re-emerged. In the recent Jingjia family comparison, he used The martial arts practice of Jiu Zhongtian actually defeated the Jing Tianlong of the Jing family. Jing Tianlong is a student of Honglian College and has good strength. "The warrior in a dark red robe said with a smile.

"Oh, I know this saying. At that time, he entered Shenfeng Academy. He seems to be only 16 years old. It is one of the youngest people who can enter Shenfeng Academy in recent decades. At that time, Shenfeng There are many people in the college who are optimistic about him. However, he never thought that his realm was falling. Hehe, this is a waste, not to mention. "Suo Wen, wearing a white robe, sneered at the corner of his mouth, said sarcastically. .