Chapter 288: Shu Ling came to apologize

Jing Yan heard Wu Shen's words, but he didn't care much, but the people at Shenfeng College and Honglian College were very entangled.

First, there was the Jingyan who won the gold order, and he did not consider joining Shenfeng College and Honglian College. Later, Wu Shen, who survived in the sky array, stated in public that he would join Dao Yi College.

This is definitely a big blow to their two colleges.

The impact of their actions is not just as simple as their non-participation. Among the warriors who have won silver orders, there are definitely many, which will be affected by the decisions made by the two. The warriors who originally intended to join Honglian College or Shenfeng College will definitely change their minds and choose Taoyi College.

I am afraid that such a change of mind is not in the minority. The warriors who won the silver order consisted of a total of seventeen people. Except Jing Yan and Wu Shen, there were fifteen. These warriors are very scarce geniuses. Each of them has a very high hope to impact the spiritual realm. Honglian College and Shenfeng College, of course, do not want to lose any one.

This is the real reason for the entanglement of Honglian College and Shenfeng College.

Shang Qu and Huang Luo, the two foreign colleges, are the most depressing, but in this situation, they seem to be able to do nothing but stare.


Wu Shen is a child of the Wu family. Will he be afraid of their threats?

As for Jing Yan, let alone, Jing Yan challenged the commercial music of the School of Shenfeng College in public in three months. Are you afraid of such threats? What threats do they take?

Whispers murmured in the square of the county palace.

"The evaluation of the three colleges this time, this is the end!" Muriantian finally announced, "You, you can leave yourself."

"Jing Yan, I'm waiting for you at Dao Yi College!" Wu Shen shouted to Jing Yan before leaving.

Jing Yan glanced at Wu Shen and turned quickly.

Back at Juhua Restaurant, Jing Yan saw Huo Chunyang waiting for him. The ten young warriors who came to Lanqu County from the east side of the city to take part in the three colleges' assessment this time, except for Jing Yan, the others were also there.

Of these ten individuals, excluding Jing Yan, two others were qualified to enter the three colleges. Of course, both men won the bronze order, and neither of them had the option to break into the ground.

All the others failed the assessment. They will follow Huo Chunyang to leave Lanqu County and return to Donglin City.

"Jing Yan, I've got the news, you won the gold order through the sky array!" Huo Chunyang looked excited.

He was really excited, not just thinking that Jing Yan won the golden order.

Jing Yan is a warrior in the east of the city. He Huo Chunyang is the master of the east of the city. A warrior who has won the gold order appears in the east of the city. His master is also of great benefit.

This benefit is not to say what material reward he can get, but a far-reaching benefit.

For example, now that Huo Chunyang is in the county king's palace, he sees the city owners in other cities, and sees some management personnel in the county king's palace. Those people's attitudes towards Huo Chunyang are obviously very different from before.

This, Huo Chunyang himself, has the most profound experience. His status has improved a lot!

"There is also luck, and it is a failure soon." Jing Yan said with a smile.

When he was in the sky array, it really failed and the time was up, and his time was transmitted directly, causing the team to fail.

"Anyway, you have proven yourself!" Huo Chunyang nodded. "I'm going to take them back to Donglin City, so I won't talk to you any more. Next time I come to Lanqu County, I will find you again."

"Okay." Jing Yan also said.

"Jing Yan brother, then I'll go back to the east first." Jing Luoyu said goodbye to Jing Yan.

"Well, work hard, the next three college assessments, you will succeed." Jing Yan patted Jing Luoyu's shoulder.

The Zhao family and Cai family members present had complex expressions, and they did not even dare to watch Jing Yan.

Jing Yan's eyes glanced at the children of these two families, and he didn't bother to care about them.

Huo Chunyang told Jing Yan a few words, and then left with seven young warriors who failed the assessment, such as Jing Luoyu.

Jing Yan entered the Juhua Restaurant, returned to his room, and immediately sat down, running the first magic of the sky, and began to stabilize his realm. Superb spirit stone, he has some left, but it is enough for the time being.

As time passed, the next morning came.

Outside Juhua Restaurant, several figures walked towards Juhua Restaurant.

"Master, do you really have to apologize to Jing Yan?" One of them frowned.

These people are Shu Ling and others in the courtyard of Tao Yi College. In front of it was Shu Ling himself, who was behind Shu Ling, and two deacons of the Foreign Academy of Daoyi College, Qingmo was among them.

"Yes, apologize! I'm afraid Jing Yan is also waiting for me, right?" Shu Ling smiled slightly.

"But ..." The deacon still hesitated.

"No need to say more, it's okay to apologize. We say a college, and want Jing Yan to join, then we must get Jing Yan's understanding." Shu Ling waved his hand. "Yesterday in the county king's palace, Jing Yan said I did n’t consider Shenfeng College and Honglian College, but he did n’t say that he would join Daoyi College, he just waited for our Daoyi College to apologize. If we do n’t apologize, then Jingyan may not join any college. "

"Go in!" Shu Ling smiled.

"Shu Ling's house?"

Shu Ling and the other three entered the restaurant as soon as Leng Ge, the director of Juhua Restaurant, saw Shu Ling and hurried forward to say hello. Leng Ge was about to go to Junwang Mansion, so he had to leave Juhua Restaurant and happened to meet the three Shu Ling who entered Juhua Restaurant from the outside.

"Deacon Lengge, why are you here?" Shu Ling was surprised when she saw Leng Ge ~ ~ She knew Leng Ge and knew that Leng Ge was a deacon in the county's palace.

"Oh, I am now the director of Juhua Restaurant, responsible for the management of Juhua Restaurant." Leng Ge laughed.

During the assessment of the three major colleges, Juhua Restaurant is specially responsible for receiving many martial artists who come to the assessment. Now that the assessment is over, Juhua Restaurant will also resume operations, so he will go to the County King's Mansion and ask the director Mu Liantian to discuss the matter.

"Oh? Is Leng Ge director now? Promoted? Congratulations!" Shu Ling smiled and said half-jokingly.

However, Leng Ge, the deacon from the county king's palace, became the director of Juhua Restaurant, and it was indeed promoted. Leng Ge can become the director of Juhua Restaurant, which is also directly related to Jing Yan.

"Haha ..." Leng Ge laughed, "Shu Ling is in the courtyard, are you here?"

Leng Ge raised his eyebrows.

In fact, although Shu Ling hasn't explained the intention yet, Lengge can generally guess that it must be to attract the warriors who won the silver order to join Tao Yi Academy.