Chapter 418: Everyone is curious

Li Yong also expected that Gao Feng would return without success in ninety-nine years, but there was some luck in his heart. Hearing the words in Gao Feng's mouth, his face was still difficult to conceal, showing his disappointment.

After sighing, Li Yong shook his head and looked at Jing Yan again, trying to make a smile on his face.

"Is this Jingyan brother your friend?" Li Yong asked.

"Um ..." Gao Feng didn't know if he was a friend of Jing Yan.

"Jingyan has enough spirits to lend to our adventure team first," Gao Feng said immediately.


"What?" Li Yong's eyes suddenly changed.

He originally thought that Jing Yan was a warrior Gao Fenggang knew, or that Jing Yan wanted to join the flame adventure group. Unexpectedly, Gao Feng would say such a thing.

Li Yong swallowed his throat subconsciously.

"Brother Jingyan, do you know that the Song family wants us to compensate 500,000 spirit stones? It is 500,000 spirit stones!" Li Yong could not see how Jingyan was able to take out 500,000 spirit stones.

Five hundred thousand spirit stones, not five hundred spirit stones!

"I have half a million spirit stones!" Jing Yan said earnestly.

"Brother Jingyan, do you really want to lend us the spirit stone? You can rest assured that our flame adventure team will return it to you as soon as possible. I ca n’t guarantee the return time, but I guarantee it with the reputation of the leader of the adventure group. , I will definitely do my best. "Li Yong said with a pat on his chest.

Listening to Li Yong's words, Jing Yan smiled.

After seeing Li Yong, although it is not long, Jing Yan can feel that Li Yong is pretty good. At least, Jing Yan didn't see that Li Yong meant to blame Gao Feng.

The trouble was caused by Gao Feng. Li Yong blamed Gao Feng for all his responsibilities, and Jing Yan wouldn't be surprised.

"Head Li Yong, this spirit stone is a trivial matter. However, the conditions proposed by the Song family are not only one of 500,000 spirit stones. So, I want to talk to the Song family." Jing Yan said.

Li Yong and Gao Feng suddenly changed their faces.

As Jing Yan said, Song Ming of the Song family also asked Gao Feng to accompany him for three months. Needless to elaborate on this request, we all know what Song Ming meant by asshole.

"Brother Jingyan, I'm afraid that Song Ming is not so good at talking! I thought about it too, but we couldn't do it. It was a big death, and there wasn't a single member of my flame adventure group." Li Yongton paused for a moment, Ningsheng shouted.

As the three spoke, several martial artists, men and women, came in from the outside.

These people greeted Li Yong and Gao Feng. Through the introduction, Jing Yan knew that these people were also members of the Flame Adventure Group and were the captains or vice captains of the other three adventure teams. When they heard that guests were coming, they all came to take a look.

None of these people meant to blame Gao Feng. Everyone's gesture is to look at the enemy.

The Flame Adventures, it seems, is indeed more united.

When everyone knew that Jing Yan was willing to lend half a million spirit stones, they thanked each one with excitement.

"Brother Jingyan, aren't you from Haofengcheng?" Li Yong asked again about the stagnation.

Jing Yan can take out half a million spirit stones, which is obviously not ordinary people. And several of Hao Fengcheng's largest families are not surnamed Jing. Moreover, they have never seen Jingyan.

"I am indeed not from Hao Fengcheng, but from the east." Jing Yan said.

"Lingcheng to the east?" Li Yong stared, "I've been to Donglin, where there is the Black Rock Mountains."

These adventurers, most of the time, usually go to dangerous places everywhere to complete various tasks, or hunt and kill spirit beasts. Therefore, they know that it is normal to face this small city in the east.

The crowd trembled for a while, and Li Yong sent someone to prepare a temporary room for Jing Yan.

Jing Yan had to talk to the Song family. It wasn't something he could talk about. He also had to send someone to communicate with the Song family. Only with the Song family's permission could he negotiate. Therefore, Jing Yan will temporarily live in this flame station.

After saying goodbye to Li Yong, Gao Feng, and others, Jing Yan rested a little in the room prepared by Lien Yan for him.

Jing Yan left, but Li Yong, Gao Feng and others were still together.

When Jing Yan was there just now, they were not good at inquiring about Jing Yan.

"Gao Feng, where do you know this Jingyan brother? Why is he willing to lend us half a million spirit stones?" Li Yong asked first.

Everyone else looked puzzled.

On the surface, Jing Yan is very young, about twenty years old. However, they are not sure of the age of Jing Yan. Because in this world, the age of the warrior is difficult to tell with certainty. And there are some elixirs with strong stagnant effect, or some shocking spirit grass fruits, which can keep people young.

Seeing everyone looking at himself, Gao Feng frowned and said, "Speaking, it goes back two years. At that time, my brother and I took the adventure team to Yuehua Forest and knocked on Jingyan in Heifeng Town. .He wants to enter the canyon of sin to find a kind of spirit grass, but he does not know the road, so he hires us to lead the way. "

"When we arrived at the Sin Canyon, we separated and never met again." Gao Feng briefly described the meeting with Jing Yan.

Everyone else listened, stunned.

It's that simple?

I have met once, and there is no special relationship, so I am willing to lend out 500,000 spirit stones?

Who is this Jingyan? Is the half a million spirit stones just a trivial number for him?

"That's it?" Li Yong and others were a little incredible.

"That's the truth!" Gao Feng said heavily.

"Gao Feng ~ ~ Is this Jingyan brother fancy you?" A female warrior, a serious and careful Gao Fengdao, "It's really possible, Gao Feng, but you are our heroine. The city is one of the best in the world. Maybe Jing Yan really likes you. "

Everyone else followed.

Gao Feng's face turned slightly red. She hoped that Jing Yan would look after her, but she felt that this possibility was very small. Jing Yan showed no special feelings to her. As for why Jing Yan was willing to pay 500,000 spirits to help her, she could not say for herself.

"How old is this Jingyan brother, and what is it?" Li Yong asked again for a moment of coaxing.

After hearing this sentence, the expressions of others also became serious.

"I'm not very clear, but if you are old, you should be twenty years old. Xiuwei, I am afraid that it is the innate realm! At that time two years ago, Jing Yan was still a martial art, but he was very strong, far Much stronger than the martial arts in the same realm. "Gao Feng said to everyone contemplatively.

Li Yong and others froze, their eyes were unbelievable!