Chapter 538: Question 10 Answer Sheet

The judges did not rush to respond to the eighth question, but carefully reviewed the answer sheet from beginning to end. ·Chinese website·..

Nothing wrong!

This is undoubtedly a perfect answer.

The judge raised his head and looked at the other judges. He re-emphasized, "The answer to the eighth question on the 66th Dan division is also very good!"

Although everyone had some preparations after seeing the attitude of the judges in question 8 before, when they heard this, the judges couldn't help shaking.

The first eight questions are actually full marks. Eight questions is eighty. Even if the next two questions are blank, the sixty-sixth is a blank answer sheet. Relying on the eighty-tenths obtained earlier is enough to leave most Dan divisions behind. At eighty, it can definitely be ranked in the top 50 of all Dan divisions, and it may even be in the top 30. Promoted to the third level, there is definitely no problem.

"City Lord, it seems that you are right about everything, this little guy named Jing Yan did not perform badly in the second level!" Chang Huan narrowed his eyes and said to Hu Donghe.

The conversation between the judges, Hu Donghe and Chang Huan, all heard clearly. So the two knew that on the 66th, Jing Yandan had already got 80 points.

"Yeah! If there is no accident in this second pass, Jing Yandan should be able to get more than ninety points, very well to get the second pass." Hu Dong Hetou said.

"Well, I don't know how many points he can get on the ninth question. As for the tenth question, I'm afraid that is four points at most!" Chang Huan said.

"The ninth question is also very difficult. On the entire Tianyuan continent, there are not many Danshi masters who can make this elixir." Hu Donghe smiled. "As for the tenth question, maybe many Danshi can guess The elixir is chemical alchemy, but it is really impossible to write down the materials needed to make it. On the entire Tianyuan continent, there should be no more than three people except me who can make chemical alchemy. "

The alchemy is a very special elixir. Although it is only a seventh-level elixir, it can be lost for some special reasons. For a long time, many people think that no one can refine the alchemy. If it is controlled, it will become history. But hundreds of years ago, an ancient relic on the mainland was discovered. From this remnant, Danfang, a creature of Dan, appeared again.

However, there are still very few Dan divisions who master Dan Danfang, including Hu Donghe.

"God ... very!" The judge of the ninth question suddenly exclaimed.


"Isn't this sixty-sixth even tenth?"

Although the judge of the ninth question hasn't said who has gotten ten points, but after hearing the words from people around, the first thing that came to mind was the 66th Danshi.

"Well, the answer to question 9 of the sixty-sixth is still ten, and there are no mistakes."

"So, in the first nine questions, this sixty-sixth got ninety points?"

"The second level of this alchemy ceremony, the first place is the 66th?"

"Really amazing guy!"

"After the alchemy ceremony is over, I must meet this sixty-six."

The judges marveled at each other and their faces changed.

Chang Huan and Hu Donghe looked at each other, but said nothing.

"Brother Sun, review your answer!"

"That is, Master Sun Qidan, why haven't you reviewed the answer to Question 10?"

"Come on, let's see how many points are answered on the tenth question on the sixty-sixth!" The nine judges all looked at Sun Qi and urged.

At this time, Sun Qi did not start reviewing the answer sheet in front of him.

He is not in a hurry!

Because he didn't even know the answer to this tenth question. The tenth question is the elixir of nature, and Sun Qi does not know exactly what materials are needed to make it. The first nine questions have standard answers, but the tenth question has no answer.

It is also easy for Sun Qi to review the answer sheet of the tenth question. Because in addition to the name of the elixir, the remaining ten positions of the elixir materials are basically blank.

Even if those Dan masters guessed that the tenth elixir was the chemical alchemy, they would not write the materials needed for the refining of the chemical alchemy or could not write it. If it is written in a mess, and even one kind of material is wrong, it will definitely leave a bad impression on the judges. Therefore, 403 answers, maybe 99%, are blank in the writing position of the material. After reviewing the tenth question, he will be very fast. When he sees that the name of the elixir is correct, he will give four points and then he can set it aside.

Seeing other judges urging him, Sun Qicai smiled and started reviewing.


"Four points!"


"Four points!"

"Four points!"

Guessing that there are indeed many Dan masters who make up Dan, they should account for more than half. However, these reviewed papers, without exception, were all empty in the writing position of the materials.

Soon, Sun Qi reviewed the answer sheet No. 66.


Sun Qi saw at a glance that the answer sheet actually filled in the answer in the writing position of the material.

After he was surprised, he turned his eyes to the front of the answer sheet.

"Zhanhua Dan!" Sun Qi wrote the correct name when he saw the answer above the position.

"Brother Sun, how? How many points did you get on the tenth question on the 66th?"

"Four points? Still got more points?"

"..." The judges all asked in a voice.

"You ask me? How do I know?" Sun Qi stared.

Everyone froze. Then they all laughed awkwardly. Just because they were anxious, they forgot that the tenth elixir is the chemical alchemy, and Sun Qidan did not know the materials needed to make the chemical alchemy.

"Master!" Sun Qi stood up ~ ~ and bowed to Hu Donghe.

"Oh?" Hu Donghe looked at Sun Qi.

"Master, this answer sheet contains the materials needed for the refining of Danhua, please take a look?" Sun Qi pointed to the answer sheet in front of him and said to Hu Donghe.

Originally according to the normal procedure, he should have written all the answers to the tenth question and answered the answer to the name of the elixir, and handed it to Hu Donghe for review, but now things are a bit special. The questions are full marks, plus the 66th in the first pass, so Sun Qi feels that his master Hu Donghe may also want to see the answer to the tenth question on the 66th.

"Sun Qi, are you talking about Dan Shi's answer sheet No. 66?" Hu Donghe contemplates.

"Yes, Master!" Sun Qi head.

"Well, let me see it!" Hu Donghe waved and smiled.

Even now, Hu Donghe doesn't think that the Dan Shi Jingyan on the 66th can correctly answer the materials needed for chemical refining. Therefore, his expression was casual.