Chapter 664: Confession

Seeing all the people in Jing family really express their feelings, Jing Yan also felt relieved.

Either way, the family is its root. Jing Yan also heartily, hope that his family can become a powerful family enough to overlook the mainland.

After some talk, Jing Yan looked at Gao Feng.

"Gao Feng, you've lost a lot of weight." Jing Yan stared at Gao Feng.

Compared with ten years ago, Gao Feng's martial arts practice has improved a lot, but the whole person has also lost a lot of weight.

Gao Feng choked a little, her eyes flushed, and she couldn't speak for a while.

She thought Jing Yan was dead.

Over the years, she has been working hard to make herself stronger. She has a goal to avenge Jing Yan. She also knows that her goal is too big to be achieved. However, she will not give up. She has devoted all her energy and time to martial arts practice. In more than ten years, she has reached the peak of Taoist spiritual realm, and one step further is Taoist realm.

In order to cultivate, Gao Feng even ignored the Flame Chamber of Commerce, and directly gave it to his brother, Gao Zhan and the head of the adventure group, Li Yong and others.

At this time, seeing Jing Yan alive, Gao Feng was crying with joy.

"Jing Yan, I suddenly remembered that I still had something to deal with." Jing Tianying, the city lord, patted his forehead suddenly, as if thinking of something important, and went out.

Before stepping out of the door, he gave others a wink.

Everyone came to their senses and found reasons to leave.

Soon in the room, Jing Yan and Gao Feng were left.

"Brother Jing Yan, I like you!" After a long time, Gao Feng said to Jing Yan.

This sentence, she wanted to say a long time ago.

Jing Yan breathed.

"I know, I don't deserve you. But, I really like you. From the beginning, when I entered Yuehua Forest in Heifeng Town, Duanyang City, you have always been in your mind. Later, you went to Haofeng City I know that I have fallen in love with you, and my heart is all your shadow. "

"I also know that there is a big gap between you and me. I don't deserve you, so I have never dared to say it."

"Eleven years ago, suddenly people across the continent said you were dead, and I regret that I didn't say what I wanted to say earlier. I originally planned to go with you, and this thought lingered in my mind for a long time , But I did n’t do that in the end. I worked hard, wanted to be strong, and wanted revenge for you ... "

Gao Feng is straight-headed and has a hot personality.

She didn't want to regret it again, so she said everything in her heart.

"You're so stupid." Jing Yan really didn't know how to deal with feelings.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Jing Yan was deeply moved. If Gao Feng really ...

Jing Yan actually knows that he also likes Gao Feng very much, but this feeling, Jing Yan is not too tangled. His energies were all focused on cultivation, and he never thought too deeply about the private affairs of men and women.

"How can you not be worth me?" Jing Yan grinned bitterly.

"Jing Yan brother, if ... you like me a little bit, then I hope that I can become your woman." Gao Feng and Jing Yan faced each other.

"Wait for the ancient family, let's get married," Jing Yan said.

"I just want to be Jing Yan's woman." Gao Feng said.

She meant that marriage was not important to her. She also accepted that Jing Yan had more women. Although she did not want to see Jing Yan have more women in her heart, she would not be angry with her.

In another house of the city's main mansion.


"The news that Jing Yan is alive has spread?"

"How does this work? Jing Yan killed the ancient family's Gu Xinghe. If the ancients knew that Jing Yan was alive, they would not give up. They hated Jing Yan."

"How did the news get out?" Jing Chengye and others were anxious.

They just heard that the news that Jing Yan was alive had spread.

"Patriarch, elders, don't worry." Jing Tianying said with a smile. "Now, Jing Yan is not afraid of revenge from the ancient family."

"Four elders, what do you mean by that?" Jing Chengye froze slightly.

Everyone else looked at Jing Tianying.

"Jing Yan is already a Taoist emperor, and it is an ancient family. It is also difficult to kill Jing Yan. For more than a decade, Qian Yan has not been killed, and it is even more impossible to be killed now." Jing Tianying smiled even more.


Everyone stood on the spot.

"I am indeed a Taoist emperor, and the patriarch and elders, you don't have to worry too much." Jing Yan flashed to this room.

"You know, I went out of the city to find Guyang just now. Guyang was also dead and just killed by me." Jing Yan continued, "This Guyang has an identity like Gu Xinghe, and it is also a candidate for the ancient family. There are two candidate patriarchs, and both are dead now. "

Jing Yan's face was sneer.

Jing Chengye, Jing Tianying and others, for a long time, never returned.

They knew that Gu Yang who was active near Donglin City should be the Gu family. They also knew that many killers and adventurers hunted down Jing family's children because Gu Yang was making troubles behind his back. But they didn't know that Gu Yang was the candidate patriarch of the Gu family.

Now listening to Jing Yan's announcement, they felt shocked in their hearts.

"You don't need to worry too much about the revenge of the ancient family."

"I will deal with the ancients."

"In the next period of time, I will arrange a few arrays in the east of the city. With these arrays, even the strongest in the imperial realm, it is difficult to break open in a short time." Again.

"Jing Yan, can we help?" Jing Tianying asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I really need everyone to help me. I want to arrange a matrix to protect a city. I need a lot of materials. I need you to help me prepare a lot of array materials." Jing Yan nodded.

"There are some materials that are difficult to find in Donglin City ~ ~ then you need to find them through King County King." Jing Yan subsequently said, "It may take a long time to arrange these large array Ca n’t wait for the time. "

"Jing Yan, rest assured, we will go all out." Jing Tianying said.

"Yes! Our Jing family must be mobilized. Jing Yan, tell us all the materials you need, and we will find them as quickly as possible." Jing Chengye nodded heavily.

"Okay, you remember it." Jing Yan next said all the materials needed for the formation method.

Jing Yan intends to arrange three large arrays in the east of the city, one to kill, one to sleep, and one to defend. The three advanced formations and the huge formations require extremely amazing materials. Most of the materials can be collected by the Jing family, and a few materials can be assisted by the county king Zhou Shangyun. There are very few materials that are difficult to find. Jing Yan has them, and there is no need to find them.

Later, Jing Tianying, Jing Chengye and others left and started to get busy.

King's Mansion in Lanqu County!

The general manager Mu Liantian rushed to the county king's palace again.