Chapter 696: 7 Palace Master Breakthrough

The Taoist Emperor in the later stage of the Emperor Realm is looking forward to the Emperor Taoist Emperor.

The Lord of the Seven Palaces is the Taoist Emperor's later revision. If at this time he breaks through the realm of Guizongdan, who is refined by Jing Yan, then they can also get the Guilin Dan, which is refined by King Jingdan Does n’t it also have great hope to go further in martial arts?

Under the eyes of everyone's hopes, I saw that the Lord of the Seven Palaces went out again to take out a Soul of Guizong and swallow it.

But this time, the crowd didn't wait too long before they sensed that the spirit of the Seven Temple Master had changed.

In just a few dozen breathing times, the Master of Seven Palaces opened his eyes.

Deep in the beautiful eyes, a touch of joy flows, in which joy is mixed with excitement that cannot be concealed. She turned her mind, put the remaining vitality around her into her body, and stood up in place.

At the same time, Lord Shen Chong also put away the power of the Holy Palace, his eyes fell on the Lord of the Seven Palaces, and his eyes narrowed with obvious shock.

Lian Hongying, the master of the Seven Palaces, opened her lips and exposed the white teeth. Her eyes looked at Jing Yan.

"King Yan's Great Dan, today's affection, Hong Ying remembers it in the heart." Leng Hongying, actually in front of everyone, bowed deeply to Jing Yan and thanked him heartily.

"Seven Hall Master, you are very kind." Jing Yan said indifferently.

"Jingyan King of Great Dan, if you have n’t refined the all-spirit Guizongdan, then I do n’t know how long it will take to advance in martial arts. Maybe in my life, I can only stay in the late period of Daohuang Realm. Daen doesn't say thanks, anyway, in the future, King Yan said that if you have any orders, I will do my best. "Leng Hongying put away a smile and said solemnly.

"Seven Masters, you ... are you really at the peak of the imperial realm?" A master asked the question everyone wanted to know.

Although from the words Leng Hongying said to Jing Yan, everyone knows that the Seven Hall Master Leng Hongying really broke through the realm, but it was unbelievable.

The imperial realm of Taoism, the breakthrough of every small realm, is very difficult.

Because the Taoist emperor martial arts practice, the use of general resources is not very useful. In the ancient times, warriors in the Dao Emperor Realm had more opportunities to get Shenjing, and cultivation was faster. But nowadays, such things as Shen Jing are hardly seen, and it is difficult for ordinary martial arts warriors to see Shen Jing in their lifetime.

This leads to the ascension of the Taoist Emperor Warriors in every small realm, which is extremely difficult.

"Yes, I am already the pinnacle of Dao Emperor Realm. King Yan Dandan helped me to regenerate all souls, and the effect is very strong." Leng Hongying said.

Everyone heard the words, their complexions became complicated, and some of the temple owners looked at each other, then turned to Jing Yan.

The face of the main hall of the Three Halls of the Dragon is even more ugly. Just now he also said that Jing Yan took out fake dan to make Leng Hongying, but now Leng Hongying has used Jing Yan's elixir to break through the realm.

Those words he said just now are undoubtedly beating his face.

The shock in the hearts of the Lords of the temples was extremely strong. Now they are finally convinced that Jing Yan is not only the King of Great Dan, but also a very powerful King of Great Dan. Before Hu Donghe's ability to speak Jing Yan was much stronger than him, it was obviously the truth. With one furnace of elixir, four first-class all-spirit Guizongdans have been refined. If this is not what you have seen with your own eyes, who can believe it?

"Seven Hall Master, you have four all souls Guizongdan. When you just broke through, you used two, that is, two left. I would like to ask you to transfer the remaining two all souls Guizongdan to Me. "The main hall of the Three Palaces, Long, is indeed thick enough.

Just now he said that Jing Yan took out fake Dan, and he also made a firm tone to make the Seven Hall Master be careful. Now, he asked the Lord of the Seven Palaces to transfer the remaining two elixir to him.

This kind of thing, the average person really can not do it, not so cheeky.

Of the previous nine palace masters, five were the peak of Taoist Emperor's Realm, and four were in the late period of Taoist Emperor's Realm. Now the seven masters of the palace, from the late stage of the royal state, have been promoted to become the peak of the royal state of the kingdom, leaving only three late royal states of the palace.

These three Taoist masters in the late emperor's realm were very eager for all souls to return to Zongdan, and they all wanted to get the remaining two elixir from the master of the seven palaces.

The dragon's mouth is the fastest, and the other two haven't had time to speak before.

The two palace masters frowned and looked at the dragon, but it was not easy to compete on the bright side.

Leng Hongying heard Shao Long's words, but shook her head in embarrassment.

Jiaolong's attitude towards Jingyan was so bad just now. If he gave up the remaining two elixir to Jiaolong, what would Jingyan think?

Leng Hongying felt that she must not let Jing Yan be unhappy. As for offending the Lord of the Three Temples, then what?

Furthermore, the thing of all souls returning to Zongdan also has great effect on the martial arts peak fighters.

The road to the top of the imperial realm can still be improved. There is a difference in combat effectiveness between Taoist Emperor Peak Warrior and Taoist Emperor Peak Warrior. Some are stronger and some are weaker.

"Three Lords, I'm so sorry."

"I have just stepped into the peak of the imperial realm, so although the two remaining spirits belong to Zongdan, they also need to be consolidated and repaired, and cannot be transferred to you." Leng Hongying refused to say.

What she said was also true.

The eyes of the main hall of the Three Palaces suddenly changed, and the corners of his mouth sneered, as if Leng Hongying didn't transfer the two elixir to him, he just offended him.

"King Yan, the Great Dan King, I haven't given you alchemy rewards. Rather, the resources I have accumulated are basically in this Xu Mi ring, you can take it at will." Leng Hongying took off the ring on her finger , And said to Jing Yan.

"Remuneration ..." Jing Yan groaned for a while ~ ~ The master of the Seven Palaces, I wonder if you still plan to ask Donghe Brother to make all souls Guizongdan? "

"There are kings of great Dan you help me refining these elixir, I don't need to ask Donghe King of Great Dan to refining all spirits to return to Zongdan." Leng Hongying said.

"In this case, you will give me another copy of the all-spirit Guizongdan material, this material is even the reward for helping you to refine the alchemy." Jing Yan said with a bright eye.

"Is this ... too little?" Leng Hongying felt that there was a little material for all souls to return to Zongdan.

This is because Jingyan's refined elixir has four first-class qualities, which exceeds Leng Hongying's psychological expectations a lot. Originally, she thought that even if the two materials were successful, it would be very good to be able to make four elixir. Even if there were no four and only two, it would be a joy. Even if there is only one, it is completely acceptable.

"A lot." Jing Yan smiled. "Just let it be!"

"Then I listen to King Jing Yan of Great Dan." Leng Hongying nodded and took another copy of all the materials from Guizong Dan to Jing Yan.