Chapter 1225: Yan Jin Brother

When more than a dozen warriors in the Eastern Regions saw Jing Yan's domineering charge, they were shocked.

The speed of Jing Yan is extremely horrible. Even if he doesn't perform nihilism, he is not slower than Zhao Duan, even faster.

A distance of a few hundred miles was passed through in about three breaths.


Jing Yan came, thousands of kilometers away, like a majestic death, staring at their dozens of warriors in the eastern region with cold eyes.

"Run!" I didn't know who it was, first came to my senses, shouted, and turned away.

The other warriors also turned around desperately and fleeing at the fastest speed.


At this time, a colorful sword light had caught up with one of them.

The more than ten warriors in the Eastern Regions are two teams in total. At this point, the two teams separated and fled in two directions. Jing Yan was a sword at hand, and he didn't deliberately find someone. Anyway, he faced a figure and cut it off.

The man only felt that a terrible murderous intention behind him locked himself, and then a cold chill swept across. He didn't have any resisting mind at all, subconsciously took out his token credentials, and wanted to inspire the teleportation matrix above.

However, his movement was still a step slower.

When the black token voucher appeared in his hands, before his divine thoughts had time to be urged, the colored sword light annihilated the past from his body. The whole body is turned into nothingness. The token voucher and a Sumi ring fell from the air.

The scream of this martial artist spread far away, and the rest of the fleeing people heard the scream as if they saw a life-saving sign, and their whole body shook. `` ΩωωiLα Dedication ''

No one was lucky anymore, they took out token tokens one after another, and he did not hesitate to inspire the directional transmission method above.


After more than a dozen halos passed, all of the dozen warriors in the eastern region disappeared into this space.

Looking at this scene, Jing Yan shook his head. These people all have directional teleportation. It is really impossible to kill them all. Even the strong master **** warrior, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve, unless the master **** with special means can kill everyone in one shot.

Jing Yan stowed the leftovers from the killed warrior and turned slowly.

Zhu Chun and others flew over to this position. Jing Yan's gaze looked at the four people of Zhu Chun, his lips narrowed, his eyes narrowed, he stayed in place, waiting for several people to fly over.

"Brother Yan Jin!"

When they got close, Zhu Chun and the other four saw each other with embarrassed expressions on their faces in addition to shock.

Before they entered the secret realm of the Qing Dynasty, they were ignorant to crowd out Jing Yan and refused to let Jing Yan join their team.

After entering the secret realm of the Qing Dynasty, a team of six of them, although each person's strength is pretty good, the combined strength is also very strong. But in these two months, they were not hunted down once. Although I can escape safely every time, the taste is really uncomfortable.

If they have such invincible gods in their team, would they be afraid of others? If they don't plunder others, it is a great gift to others. Such a strong person, they actually crowded it out, their heads were almost squeezed by the door!

"Brother Zhu, you don't have to be so polite!" Jing Yan waved his hand without giving a few faces a look.

Of these people, the one who made Jing Yan unhappy was Liu Yifan. As for the others, Jing Yan didn't have any bad feelings. What's more, several people in Zhu Chun faced Zhao Renmon's chase before, and they still left bitter persuasion, which was enough of righteousness.

Of course, Jing Yan also doesn't have a good opinion of Fairy Fu Ying. This woman is too arrogant and Jing Yan doesn't want to have anything to do with such a woman. It's the red fairy, Jing Yan's impression is good.

"Brother Yan Jin, your strength, really ... really terrible!" Seeing Jing Yan as gentle as before, she was much more courageous, and said in an astonished tone.

But this title is different from before. In the past, the red magpie fairy was also called Yan Brother. Although the meaning is similar to the current Yan Jin brother, the degree of intimacy is completely different.

"It's okay!" Jing Yan smiled and said, "We still have half a month to continue to look for Shenguang Stone. Now there should be few people in the secret territory. You search for Shenguang Stone again, also No one should influence you anymore. "

After hearing Jing Yan's words, Zhu Chun and others understood the meaning.

"Brother Yan Jin, let's just stay away. After leaving, I would like to thank Brother Yan Jin for his life-saving grace." Zhu Chun said immediately.

If Jing Yan hadn't dealt with Zhao Renmo, they would have to leave the Secret Realm. Although strictly speaking, Jing Yan was not a life-saving grace, but at least allowed them to stay in the secret territory for more than half a month.

"Little thing." Jing Yan waved his hands again.

"Brother Yan Jin ..." Fairy Fu Ying's eyes turned, and she always smiled on her cold face.

This is also the first time Jing Yan saw a smile on this woman's face.

She is also the same as Red Fairy, and she calls Jing Yan the elder brother.

"Well, let's stop before there's anything, let's talk about it after leaving the secret. I'll take a step first." Jing Yan interrupted her without waiting for Fairy Fu Ying to finish, and then a flashed body, showing nothingness , Disappeared in front of Zhu Chun's four people.

Fairy Fu Ying opened her mouth, her eyes lost endlessly. Of course, she felt that Jing Yan's attitude towards her was very different from that of the red maiden fairy.


Out of Secret Realm!

"Look, there's another red dot!"

"No one transmitted from it ~ ~ This time, I don't know who was killed by Zhao Renmo!"

Whisper and talk quickly.

Haotian's entire body became more and more tense. He knew that the one who died this time must be one of Zhu Chun's four, and he was also a warrior in the northern region. I can only pray in my heart, it is better not to kill Hung Hom or Fu Ying.

At this time, more than ten red light spots suddenly disappeared at the same time on the energy light curtain.

Seeing this scene, everyone was slightly surprised. What happened when more than a dozen light spots disappeared at the same time?

At this time in the secret realm of the Qing Dynasty, there are only more than ten warriors in the Eastern Region, right? The warriors of the other three divine realms, each divine realm only has three or five people.

East domain domain master Chen Qi also frowned suddenly. Something went wrong, then Zhao Duan, wouldn't even kill the people in his own domain? However, before that, he had specifically entrusted Zhao Duan to let him show mercy to the men in the Eastern Region. (Qian Kun Sword God: / 18/18135 /)-(Qian Kun Sword God)